Chapter Seven

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Holy shit! Can this girl get any sexier?! She just beat some guy down in seconds. It was hot as fuck but I couldn't dwell too long because I had to go over and pull Randy off the guy before he killed him. Maybe I'll go to their house later tonight. After Randy walked off to cool down me and Billy hauled Noah up and escorted him out.

I went back in and straight up to yn. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. She nodded her head slightly. "Yeah. Head hurts a little now but I'm good. We should probably get home though," she said. "Yeah, okay. I'll walk you two out." I watched them as they drove off. I would definitely be going over there later tonight.

That night after Noah showed up to the party I went home. my arm was really sore he grabbed where I was bruised at. I couldn’t handle this shit. I needed my escape. I went to my room opening the window. I sat on the balcony and lit up a blunt. I took a deep breath inhaling it before I slowly let it out. I could feel myself relaxing immediately. I was lost in my own world. I didn't even hear my door open. “SAPP, WHAT THE FUCK?!” I jumped, dropping my blunt.

"Shit, yn, I didn’t hear you come in,” I said. “Sapp, why are you doing this don’t you know how bad the smoke is for your lungs?” She asked. “I know but it helps me escape, especially after dealing with him,” I said. She hugged me and I broke down crying a lot and the whole time she just held me. “It will get better but you have to stop this.”


I went by to check on Sapp and saw her in the shower. I watched her, already turned on by how beautiful she looked with the water running down her body. I quickly started jerking off. I finished quickly and then snuck into her room planning to leave a note.

Zoie walked over to me wagging her small tail. I smiled and kneeled down petting her, “hey, sweetie, how’s your momma doing?” I scratched behind her ears. I didn’t even hear the door open. “Randy, what the fuck?!” Sapp whispered.

I jumped, startled. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I thought trying to think of an excuse. “I just wanted to check on you after the party,” I said. I noticed she was in a silk blue tank top with black lace lining the top and bottom and blue and black silk shorts. She had no bra on and it turned me on again. I wanted to bend her over the bed and ruin her.

"That’s really sweet and I appreciate it but I need you to leave. If Noah comes back and sees you it’s gonna be bad,” she told me kindly. “And don’t worry I won’t tell yn I don’t want her thinking you're some creepy stalker,” she joked. I chuckled quietly, “ok, thanks, Sapp. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said and left out the window. Before I left I said, “by the way you look hot in that,” I winked and left.

It was pretty late, maybe around Ten or when I finally got to yn's house. I went to the patio outside of yn's room but the lights were off. The only light was from the soft glow of a night light in the bathroom. I climbed over the railing and slowly opened one of the doors and slipped inside. The room smelled like her. Citrus and floral mixed with a woody scent. It was fucking nice. Really fucking nice.

I saw something black on the floor at the end of her bed and bent down to pick it up. A pair of black panties with lace trim. "I bet her ass looked amazing in these." I stuffed them into the pocket of my pants and continued looking at her stuff. I may or may not have gone through her laundry and grabbed another pair or two. Then I heard the sound of a piano and singing while I went through her dresser drawers. I closed the drawer I was going through and opened the bedroom door.

I quietly walked out into the hall and followed the sound until I came to the room where the music was coming from. A pair of French doors were cracked open and inside was yn, sitting at a grand piano, singing something I've never heard before. She was fucking amazing. I could see a few other instruments along with other music stuff like recording equipment. When she stopped playing and singing I made my way back to her room quickly as possible and out the door I came through. Those panties would come in handy tonight.

I was blushing when he left. I really liked him and wanted to be with him, but I was scared of what Noah would do. I picked Zoie up and cuddled with her before I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and quietly ate breakfast. I had work in an hour. I went to my room to change and saw some more flowers. I smiled. I had a suspicion on who they were from. I put on a long sleeve Star Wars shirt and leggings. I went outside and saw Noah. “Why can’t you leave me alone,” I said.

He grabbed me roughly and Zoie growled. “I told you, you're mine,” he said. “Now we are going to that job and you’re going to quit,” he said. “Like hell I am, I love my job!” I said. I could tell he was ready to hit me when I heard police sirens. A guy stepped out, he looked maybe 24, his name tag said Riley.

"Let her go young man,” he said. “Officer, this is just a misunderstanding, this is my girlfriend,” Noah said. I really hoped the cop wouldn’t believe him. “We got an anonymous tip that someone here was being hurt. Now let her go or I’ll make you,” he said. Noah gave me a dark look and left. “Are you okay ma’am?” He asked. I nodded and a few tears fell. “Thanks, I’m sapphire.”

"Deputy Dewey Riley it’s nice to meet you. If he keeps bothering you, don't be afraid to ask for help,” he told me kindly. I nodded, “I will thank you,” I said then noticed the time on his watch. “Shit imma be late!” I said. “I’ll follow you and let your boss know what happened,” he told me. I gave him a grateful smile, “thank you.”

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