Chapter Twenty-Three

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The theater door opened, catching my attention as well as everyone else's. When I turned my head to see who it was, my heart skipped a beat before it began pounding with rage.

It was Yn and Sapp's mom, Ms. or Mrs. Huxley (I didn't know what her first name was or even if she went by Ms. or Mrs. nowadays, but I didn't give a fuck either way).

I couldn't focus on whatever Yn was saying to her mom; all I could focus on was the hatred coursing through my veins. This bitch was yet another one of my dad's affairs, yet another woman that he betrayed my mom with.

The urge to kill rose in me again, pulsing in my blood like a second heartbeat as I imagined staining this house red with her blood and watching the life leave her blue eyes as I cut through her flesh, sliding the knife in and out over and over again while she screamed and begged me for mercy, mercy that I wouldn't give.

I hated her. I hated her just like I hated Maureen. I wanted her dead just like I wanted Maureen dead. I wouldn't be satisfied until I took her life just like I took Maureen's.

"Are you okay, Billy?" Sidney whispered as she lifted her head to stare into my eyes, her own innocent and unassuming.

I bit back my fury and nodded, forcing a smile to reassure her. "I'm okay, baby," I lied, gently pulling her head back down onto my shoulder. "Just relax and watch the movie."

She listened and I felt her curl tighter into my side, clutching me with the same needy desperation she'd clutched me with on the night she found her mom.

I wasn't fine and I wouldn't be until I was gazing down at the mangled and mutilated body of Yn and Sapp's mother, a knife in my hand and wearing the Father Death costume.

I was going to satiate my killing urge again with this whore and just like the first time, Stu was going to help me. I couldn't give a fuck if he was more unwilling because of his obsession with Yn; I have a new target and nothing was going to stop me from putting my dad's second tramp into her early grave.


I could not believe my eyes. How. fucking. dare. she. It was our mother. “Why are you here?” I asked, my teeth were clenched. “I heard about the murder I wanted to check on y’all,” she said. “Oh, no phone call this time?” I asked. “Yn, don’t be like that,” she told me. 

I let out a forced laugh, “You didn’t come when Sapp's ex was murdered, you didn’t come when she was in the fucking hospital!” I was getting angrier by the minute. “But yet when someone, you haven’t talked to in years, is murdered you show up?!” I yelled. “Great fucking job, mother of the year!” I stormed past her up to my room. 

I let out a frustrated and angered scream. I know she and Sid’s mom were friends back in highschool. We found that out shortly after Sapp and I got in their friend group. I’m sure she wanted to check on Sidney. Yes, Sidney is my best friend but the fact that mom was here to check on her when she didn’t come for her own daughter infuriated me. 

I heard the door open, “Go away!” I snapped, not looking to see who it was. “Well, that’s not very nice,” I heard Stu’s seductive voice say behind me. I turned around and asked, “What do you want?” I asked. He moved forward and hugged me. “I can’t stay here, take me to your house,” I told him.

He did just that. We walked inside, his parents of course, weren’t home. As soon as we were inside I kissed him. He didn’t pull away but instead kissed back. “Jump,” he told me. I did that and wrapped my legs around him. 

He laid me on his bed, climbing on top of me and continued to kiss me. He undresses me, leaving me completely bare in front of him. His hand moved down my body and between my legs, fingers slid up my slit, his thumb came in contact with my clit and started rubbing in circles. "So wet for me." He brought his mouth down to take my left nipple into his mouth while he slid two fingers into me. "Gotta stretch you out first so I don't hurt you," he said, after releasing the small bud. He continued to kiss down my body until he reached my pussy. "Mm. I've been wanting to taste you for so long." 

I gasped when he sucked my clit into his mouth. With his mouth and fingers working me, an orgasm was very close. The coil in my lower stomach was getting tighter and tighter. His fingers curled up and hit just the right spot. My back arched off the bed, my walls cleaning down around his fingers. When I came back down he pulled away. Stu got off the bed and pulled his shirt and pants off. "I'd have you choke on my cock but I just want to be inside of you." 

He got back on the bed and hovered over me. "I'll be gentle and if you need to stop just say so, okay?" I nodded before he connected our lips. Stu reached over to the bedside table, pulling the drawer open and grabbing a condom. 'Of course he has condoms in his drawer.'  I thought to myself. It really isn't any sort of surprise. I don't what the fuck I was doing. He has a girlfriend!  After rolling on the condom he dragged the tip of his cock through my folds, brushing over my clit before going to line himself up with my entrance. That made me forget all about the fact that he was taken by someone else. 

"You ready, baby?" I nodded my head. "Words. I need you to use your words," he said. He pushed slightly but not enough to enter me. "Yes." As soon as the word left my mouth he was pushing into me. "Shit. That's it, baby, just relax and open up for me." 

When Stu was completely settled inside of me he stayed still to let me adjust. His lips were attached to my neck, one hand cupped my right breast, fingers pinch the hardened bud. "You feel so good wrapped around me, baby." He took my left leg and hiked it up over his hip. "You ready for me to move?" He asked. I nodded, "please." He smiled and kissed me, pulling out of me and pushing back in. "Fuck. You're so fucking tight." 

My nails dug into his biceps, pain fading into pleasure. Stu’s pace sped up, wrapping both my legs around his waist. He groped my breast, twisting my nippled between his fingers. “You’re taking my cock so well, baby.” He hit my g-spot, pulling a loud moan from me. “Stu, harder.” He groaned and fucked into me hatred and faster. Hand gripped my hips pulling me onto him as he slamed himself into me, wrapping his hand around my throat and fucking me hard. 

Then he flipped me over, pulling my hips up and slamming back into me from behind. I yelped when his hand came down onto the flesh of my ass. His fingers dug so hard into my skin there was no doubt I’d have bruises. I was a fucking mess, head foggy from pleasure, loud moans filled the room. Stu wrapped my hair around his hand and pulled me up so my back was against his chest. “Taking me so fuck well. Being such a good slut for me.” 

“Come for me, baby. Come around my cock like a good girl.” His other hand came around to press over my clit. “Stu! Fuck please,” I cried. “Tell me who you belong to. Tell me who this pussy belongs to,” he said into my ear. “Fuck, please.” His thumb sped up, rubbing harsher circles. His cock slammed into my g-spot over and over. “Who. Do. You. Belong. To?!” He said, slamming into me with each word. “You!” He groaned as I clenched around him and came undone. “Fuck. Fuck! That’s it, baby, come for me.” A few more hard thrust and he was releasing into the condom and pulling out of me. 


I went up to my room with Randy upset. I hugged him tightly crying, “She just came back for Maureen not us. She doesn’t care about us,” I cried. 

He held me close, “I’m sorry, my gem, just remember you have us.” That made me feel a bit better. “Thank you, can you stay here tonight?” I asked him. “Of course,” he smiled. We cuddled in bed and eventually fell asleep. I knew Billy took Sid home. 

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