Chapter Twenty-seven

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Two weeks later after the funeral

Unknown POV

Sapphire was going to pay and I knew exactly how to make her do it. Tonight she will lose her best friend. I had overheard her talking to Casey about going to her house after work. I also heard Casey promise that it would be just them two. This was perfect.

That evening around seven I was in my costume. It was a white mask like Halloween. I went around to the back porch and grabbed one of the patio chairs, throwing it through the glass door. Casey saw me and screamed. She took off running but I found her. I stabbed her multiple times till her intestines hung out. I then hung her up in the tree in the front. I couldn't wait to see how sapphire reacted.


I was heading outside to sit with the group at lunch. I would sit with Casey's group one day then mine the next. I got outside and sat in Randy's lap stealing one of his grapes. "Y'all wanna have a movie night tomorrow?" I asked the group. They all agreed.

"Hey sapp yn if I brought someone do y'all promise not to tell dewey?" Tatum asked. Sidney yn and I looked at each other knowing what that meant. "You know what happens there stays there but you better spill the beans later" I said. She chuckled and nodded.

Later Randy and I went to work. It was a pretty easy day. We started closing up. "I'm going to Casey's tonight. She promised no Steve this time" I said. Randy nodded "well if she breaks that promise you know I'll come over gem" he smiled. I kissed his cheek "I know that's one of the many reasons I love you geek" I chuckled.

We finished up closing and I headed to Casey's. It was quiet her parents weren't home. I frowned and I could smell burnt popcorn. I walked in and gasped. There was broken glass from the back door all in the living room.

I went to the back porch to see if I could find her. And when I found her I wish I hadn't. She had about ten stab wounds. I screamed till my throat was raw, the world spun and I passed out.


I was in Stu's house, hanging out with him and Yn. Dad was going on a business trip tonight and I decided that it would be a good idea to hang out with my friends after I finished my homework. Billy was supposed to be joining us later; he just had something he needed to do first.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Stu suggested.

Yn and I nodded. "Sure," I said. "That sounds like fun. Which movie?"

"How about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"

I winced. I never liked horror movies, but I always dealt with it because my friends and boyfriend did. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though, was disturbing to me on so many wasn't just about murder. There was cannibalism and the detail that the villain wore a mask made out of human flesh. I shuddered and Yn noticed.

"A little tact, Stu," she scolded, hitting him hard on the arm.

Stu jumped a bit and rubbed the spot, staring at her in confusion. That confusion turned to realization when he noticed my reaction. "Fuck. Sorry, Sid," he said apologetically.

I shook my head. "Don't apologize,'' I replied. "I don't want any of you to change your likes just because I'm traumatized."

Yn gave me a sympathetic glance and took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I returned it; both of our mothers were murdered a year ago and even though she understandably didn't care as much for hers, I knew that it had still been a blow.

"Do you want to watch it?" I asked her.

Yn shrugged. "Sure," she answered. "I don't mind if you don't."

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