Chapter Four

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When I woke up this morning I had decided I'd go back over to yn's. I watched her until almost three in the morning. She's so beautiful. She just sat there and read but I didn't care. I was making a bunch of scenarios up in my head. My favorite was me just going in there, pinning her tithe bed, ripping her panties off, and shoving my cock deep inside of her.

After I showered and dressed, I got in my BMW M3 and drove the five minutes to her house, pulling behind a new 1995 Nissan 300ZX Turbo. This girl couldn't get any hotter. And the fucking house! God damn, man! I mean I grew up rich but this – this is fucking rich rich. I wonder what their parent's do to be this fucking wealthy. I walked up to the door and was even more in awe. "Jesus." I rang the doorbell and smiled when I saw yn inside.

I saw her hesitate for a second before she walked to the door and opened it. And once she was in full view I had to will myself not to get hard seeing her in those little shorts with the knee high socks. Still no bra under her Metallica shirt. She's making it really fucking hard no to take her right here.

"What do you want and how did you know where I lived?" She asked. That fucking sassiness was going to get her i trouble and by trouble i mean my cock shoved down hwr throat. "I live right down the road about a mile or so. Thought I would come to greet the new neighbors." She gave me a deadpanned look like she could care less. "Well, you did so bye," she said and went to close the door. I shot my hand out and stopped her. "Whoa, whoa aren't you going to invite me in?"

While we were in the kitchen her sister and some guy came in and walked down one of the halls. Then we heard yelling from the guy, a door slamming shut, and him walking out towards the front door. When he saw yn he came into the kitchen. She didn't look all too thrilled to see him. He introduced himself to me and I couldn't help the thought of what he would look like with his guts hanging on the outside of his body. Randy would be pissed if he knew he was the cause of those bruises he told me yn sister has.

After he left I turned to yn and asked who he was. She told me who he was. I figured it was her sisters boyfriend but I also wanted to know who the fuck Jason was. "Who's Jason?" I asked. She looked up at me and cleared her throat. "My ex-boyfriend. Noah's best friend," she said. "Is he still not over you or something? Or are you not over him?" I asked. "I should go check on my sister. So get the fuck out my house," she said and started to shoo me towards the door. "I'll see you later, gorgeous." She rolled her eyes and closed the door on me.


I looked up when the door opened. "Oh, Gem," she hugged me. I cried into her from fear and pain. "He is coming to Woodsboro," I cried. "You will get through this " she told me gently stroking my hair to calm me down.

"I don't know if I can, yn. You know I really liked Randy and was considering breaking it off with Noah. Now I'm scared even more of what he will do. You saw what he has done because I wasn't home and I got a job there, at the video store," I told her, shaking. She helped me stand up, "ok, let's go downstairs, we will eat some ice cream and watch Star Wars and forget about that piece of shit for now," she told me. I couldn't help but smile a little at the thought. "Thanks, sis." I followed her downstairs. 


I was putting up the movies the girls rented since it was slow. I was extremely happy to be working with that beautiful gem. I would just have to control myself to not bend her over one of these counters and rail her till she couldn't walk. 

The bell rang and I looked up to see Stu walking in. He did not look happy, "I got some bad news, man," he said. "Nothing you say could ruin my mood, Sapphire is starting here tomorrow." I smiled. "I would back off for her sake, you remember the bruises you told me about?" I nodded. "Well, I went over to their house and met her boyfriend, I think he gave them to her. I can tell he is one of those abusive douchebags," he said. "Oh, and he will be attending Woodsboro."

I was pissed, I wanted to leave right now, find him and kill him for hurting her. "Is she ok?" I asked. "I don't know yn kicked me out," he said. "I got her number I'll call her," I said and did that. But yn answered, "Noah, if this is you fuck off you touch my sister again I'll rip off you're fucking dick and shove it down your throat!"

I flinched, that even hurt me thinking about it. "No it's Randy I heard what happened I wanted to check on her," I said. "We are about to watch Star Wars and have ice cream. So hopefully that helps. I'll have her call you later," she said "but please, for her sake... just stay away. I don't know what he will do if he sees you with her," she told me. I sighed, "I understand, just tell her I called." I hung up, upset.

Later when my shift was over I went to the flower shop. I couldn't stay away from her, I would just make sure that douche bag didn't see me. I got some blue roses and wrote on the card. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl." I went to their house and snuck in through Sapps window, leaving them on her dresser. I looked around and chuckled quietly realizing she was a huge huge nerd. Star Wars and Marvel posters and action figures were everywhere.

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