Chapter Seventeen

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My parents were in bed by the time I came back from the hospital. After waving goodbye to Yn, I let myself in and closed the door behind me. I got myself something to eat and then settled in on the couch to watch something. I didn't really care what it was.

I thought about Yn and Sapp. Yn became one of my best friends since she and her sister moved here; at this point she was even as close to me as Tatum. Sapp was a bit more distant with me and I didn't know why. I don't think I did or said anything to offend her…either way, I liked her and I was worried about her. I hoped she'd be okay and that whoever ran her over got caught and punished. I was going to go with Yn again tomorrow to visit her.

After eating and finishing the show that I was watching, I got up from the couch and turned off the TV. Carrying my dirty dishes to the kitchen, I put them in the sink before returning to the living room. I was just about to lock the door for the night when I heard a knock. I looked into the peephole to see Billy.

I smiled at my boyfriend as I opened the door. "Hey, Billy," I greeted.

"Hey," he leaned over and kissed me before he walked in. I closed the door behind him. "Sorry if I'm keeping you from sleeping."

"You're fine, really," I said. "I actually just got home."

He gave me a confused stare. "You just got home? Why?" He asked.

I sighed and brought him over to the couch so we could sit together, the kitchen light the only thing keeping us from being bathed in the darkness. "You know Sapphire, right? Yn's sister and Randy's girlfriend?" I asked and he nodded. "She's in the hospital right now. Someone hit her with their car and just drove off without stopping to see if she was okay."

"Oh my God…is she okay? What did the doctors say?"

"She's fine. There are a few cuts and scrapes, including one on her forehead, and a broken arm, but nothing life threatening."

"That's good. Do they know who could have done it?"

I shook my head. "No. I hope they find out soon, though." I curled up next to him, feeling content as I rested my head on his chest. Everything has been a bit tense with Billy because of his mom leaving him and his dad, but I loved him and I wanted to support him. It was nice to spend some alone time with him.

I sighed in content and closed my eyes when he started gently running his fingers through my hair. I loved it whenever he played with my hair, it was such a soothing gesture and it made me feel special, like I really mattered to him.

"Are you going to be okay tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah," I murmured, cuddling closer to him and wrapping my arms tighter around him. I didn't want him to leave me yet.

"What about tomorrow?"

"I'm going with Yn again to see Sapp tomorrow. I'm worried about both of them. Dad's going on a business trip, so it's just going to be Mom and I. To be honest, though, I'm going to spend all day with Yn after Dad leaves."

Billy's fingers paused for a second. "All day?" He echoed.

I nodded against his chest. "Yeah…Yn needs the support. She's been a good friend to me, Billy, one of my best friends other than Tatum. I'm not letting her go through this alone."

My boyfriend continued to run his fingers through my hair. "You're truly a sweetheart, Sid…" it was strange the way he said that. It was a compliment, but something about his voice felt…off. I couldn't place it.

Billy and I stayed cuddled up on the couch for a while longer before he decided to leave. I kissed him softly and watched him go for a minute before I shut the door and locked it. Turning out the lights, I made my way upstairs, thinking about how I could help my best friend and her sister the whole time.


After getting home from dropping Sidney off at her house and double checking she was sure she would be okay, I went and left Zoie out. What Casey had said to me kept repeating in my head. I have noticed that a few of my underwear have gone missing. I assumed Zoie was coming into my room and getting into my laundry or that the dry was eating them like it does with the fucking socks.

But why would Stu steal my underwear? More importantly, when did he take them? Was he breaking into the house? There was no way he would do that. Right? Then there the fucking audacity Casry had to even say that I was fucking him. Especially when she's cheating on Stu on fucking Steve Orth! I told Sapp but I doubt she really registered what I was saying.

Do I say something to Stu? Would he even believe me? Why do I fucking care? Oh, duh, that's right, it's because I fucking like him. Like, I really like him. Even though I keep trying to convince myself that I don't and that I'm not jealous he's with her and not me. Jesus, I sound like a jealous bitch.

"Come on, Zoie!" I looked out into the darkness of the yard where she ran off to, expecting to see her fluffy little gray face running towards me. I waited a few seconds before calling her again. When she still didn't come, panic started to slowly set in. "Zoie! Come on, don't do this Sapp will fucking kill me if something happens to you!" I stepped from the stone flooring of the patio onto grass.

Just as my right foot hit the grass Zoie came running up to me. "Took you long enough." I mumbled. "Inside, come on." She turned around and ran back into the dark. "Dammit, Zoie! What has gotten into that damn dog?!" I started walking after here when a figure started to step out of the dark. I stopped in my tracks, my heart rate picking up, "who–who's there?"

That was fucking stupid! Who the fuck says that?! Just Run you dumb bitch!

"I would think you'd know better than to ask that." Stu stepped into the light, Zoie in his arms, licking his face. "Jesus Christ!" I put my hand on my chest and bent at the waist a little. "What hell? Put my sister's dog down. Why Are you here, Stu? And why are you in my backyard?!"

"I knocked on the front door and you didn't answer. Heard you calling for Zoie so I walked around." He shrugged. "Why are you here, Stu?" I asked. He let Zoie down and she ran back inside. "I wanted to talk about what you and Casey were talking about. She was pretty upset when we left. Did you say something to her?"

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "She's the one that came up to me and started to accuse me of shit," I said, turning around and walking back to the house. "Well, what did she say?" He asked, following behind me. "She accused me of fucking you. Said she found a bunch of my underwear in your closet." He scoffed a laugh and I stopped and looked at him.

"Those are my exes not yours. We already had that discussion. What did you say to her that made her so upset? She wouldn't even let me kiss her because she was so upset." I rolled my eyes, "I told her that she shouldn't be accusing you of cheating when she's the one that's cheating on you with fucking Steve Orth."

He stumbled back like I had slapped him or something. Hurt flashed in his eyes but only for a second before anger took over. "You're lying!" He said, pointing a finger at me. "I saw them with my own eyes, Stu! She's cheating on you!" I said. He shook his head and looked at me with hurt and a small amount of disgust. "I get it. You're just jealous because I got with Casey after you rejected me…multiple times might I add. You hate her, right? That's why you're lying, because you hate her and you're jealous that I've moved on from you?"

I stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds before I started to laugh. "Ha! You think I'm fucking jealous?! That is the funniest thing I've fucking heard all day. Jealous of a cheating and lying bitch. Get the fuck out of my house." He glared at me before turning and walking back out the patio door and disappearing into the night. I tilted my head back trying to keep the tears at bay and took a deep breath. I wasn't lying to him but he also wasn't lying when he said I was jealous.

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