Chapter Twenty Nine

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When I got the call that a murder occurred at Woodsboro High, I rushed there as soon as I could, my anxiety heightened by the knowledge that my sister and her best friend—another little sister in my eyes—were there. Grim thoughts began filling my head about who the new victim was, what exactly happened, who found them...I had to be professional about this.

I entered Principal Himbry's office with Sheriff Burke, my superior, and instantly my eyes landed on Sidney.

She was sitting in the chair in front of Principal Himbry's desk, her eyes red and sunken. She wasn't moving or saying anything, just staring ahead blankly at the wall. Billy was sitting beside her, staring at her in concern and rubbing her back with one hand while the other held hers.

Stu, the ever cheerful jokester of the group, was somber. His face was troubled and he was frozen in his seat. YN was standing beside Sidney's chair, a disturbed expression etched into her face. She had her hand on Sidney's shoulder as if trying to offer some comfort.

Randy looked shocked and kept glancing sympathetically at Sidney. I already knew that Sapp was home after being released from the hospital; I knew that he would be with her right now if he weren't at school.

But as I observed all of the faces in the room, listening halfheartedly to the discussion between Sheriff Burke and Principal Himbry, I noticed that one person was sister.

My heart dropped and instantly I felt sick. "Where..." I cleared my throat. "Where's Tatum?"

At that, Sidney let out a strangled cry and curled in on herself. Billy instantly wrapped her into his arms and began rocking her while she clutched at him as if he were her lifeline.

The sick feeling in my stomach worsened and, unable to revert to my professional persona, I demanded, "What's wrong? Where's my sister??" I could feel Sheriff Burke laying a hand on my shoulder, but all I could focus on was that my sister was missing.

"Deputy Riley..." I looked at Principal Himbry. He was staring at me with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry, but the new victim is your sister, Tatum Riley. Sidney found her in the bathroom."


My heart ached for dewey seeing the look on his face go from shock to disbelief to pain. He sprinted out and ran. I knew where he was going and quickly followed.

When I got there he was sitting outside the bathroom knees to his chest sobbing. I got on my knees and hugged him. I just held him as he cried. I couldn't imagine what he was going through if I lost sapp I'd probably kill myself.

It broke my heart more hearing him blame himself. "I should have been here knowing a killer is out there. I should have been here at the school" he sobbed.

Dewey you couldn't have known tatum was a target to get to sapp you can't blame yourself" I told him rubbing his back. He didn't say anything and just continued to cry. I watched letting tears fall as they wheeled tatum out in a bag.

That evening Stu's house

Yn was with Sidney who were both at tatum's house to help the family. Sapp was at work with Randy so Billy and I were at my house. "Who the fuck is this fucker!" I said out of nowhere surprisingly making Billy jump and nearly drop his beer.

I don't know man but they are stepping on our turf and I don't like it. I know they are after sapp but they are probably after sidney too if she gets hurts I'll personally gut them and enjoy it" Billy said.

Agreed if they are after sapp they will target yn too if anyone touches her they will beg for death" I said venomously and finished my beer. "Do you think whoever did this was the same one at the girls house the night we killed mrs. Huxley?" I asked him

Probably but they didn't know her as well as we did so they thought it would hurt sapp" he said "but when it didn't work they went after tatum... wait a minute that fucker is trying to turn us all against sapp. Remember on the wall it said "this is all your fault sapp" he added.

That slick fucker they want to hurt sapp but why she hasn't done a thing!" I said I was pissed because this was YNs sister and if anything happened to her I knew it would break yn.

"And going after Dewey's sister, blaming sapp is the first step. Getting the police off her side make them angry at her. Maybe even suspect her..." I frowned, whoever this was was smart and it made us both even angrier.

There was a knock on my door. I frowned , not expecting anyone. I grabbed my knife and nodded at Billy to grab his knife and hide behind the door. I slowly opened it and relaxed when I saw it was Randy "what do you want geek?" I said but was surprised by the serious look on his face. "We need to talk" he told me.

I looked over at Billy who nodded and we let him in "want a beer?" I asked "yes please" he said


Life without Tatum was more than awful. It was Hell.

I didn't hear her music anymore practically all hours of the day or hear her voice complaining to Mom about something before I even saw her face. I didn't see her leaving for Sidney's house for sleepovers. Instead, everything was quiet, empty, punctuated by the heartbreaking sounds of our mother's sobs as she grieved for her youngest child, her only daughter.

Sidney and YN were here, talking with my mother while they tried to help her. While they were speaking with her, I heard the doorbell ring and I got up from the couch to answer it. When I opened the door, I froze at who I saw. It was Sapp, and instantly flashes of my baby sister's mutilated body and the taunting message written in her blood on the mirror assaulted my mind.

"Sapp..." I said.

"Hi, Dewey," she replied, looking uncertain. "I heard about Tatum. I'm...I'm sorry..."

"Thank you..."

It was awkward then. I didn't know what to think. Not even 24 hours since my sister was brutally murdered and Sapp was standing before me, staring at me with sympathy.

I didn't want her sympathy, though. I wanted answers.

I felt nervous as I invited her into my home, still remembering the grisly note of accusation towards her. I knew that this girl was good, but I couldn't help but feel as if she was a stranger. Maybe it was the grief and the guilt plaguing me, but at this point....I couldn't help but wonder....

Watching Sapp as she entered the kitchen, giving comforting hugs to Sidney and then her sister before sitting down and joining the conversation between them and my mother, the words came back to me:

This is all your fault, let's see how long you keep your friends now.

Was Tatum's death really Sapp's fault?

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