Chapter Thirteen

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I stood there in shock after yn left. What the hell was up with her. I felt myself tearing up. She never snapped at me like that and the fact she blamed me for Noah hitting me hurt. I called Randy, “please come over, I don't want to be alone,” I said.

“Ok, I’ll be over soon, I'll bring some pizza,” he said. I smiled, maybe I was over thinking about yesterday. “Ok, I’ll get the drinks and we can watch a movie.” I hung up and got the drinks ready. I unlocked the door and got some pjs on.

The phone rang. “Hello?” I said. “Hello Sapphire,” a creepy voice said. “Who is this?” I asked, scared. “Oh, don’t worry you’ll find out soon enough. Just know I’m always watching. And such a shame about your abusive boyfriend,” he said.

I frowned, “What do you mean?” He chuckled darkly, “he’s dead. Douchebag was stabbed at least 20 times,” he told me. “Let me guess I’m n-next,” I said and Randy walked in. I hugged him scared. “Oh not next but you are on my list.” he said and hung up.

“Who was that?” Randy asked as he gently grabbed my hand to calm me. I felt Zoie nuzzle my leg. “Whoever killed Noah just called me and said they are watching me and I’m on their list,” I said. I was scared. He hugged me, “I’ll stay here tonight and won’t let anyone hurt you,” he said. I nodded hugging back, “thanks. Oh no, yn. What if this person is after her too?” I asked. “Call Stu, she is probably with him,” he says. 

I called Stu’s house but no one answered. I sighed hoping she was ok. I hugged Randy tightly for comfort. He hugged back “I’m sure she is fine,” he told me. “I hope so alright we got 2 movies to get through,” I said. “A new hope and the empire strikes back.” I smiled and walked into the theater.


I was silently freaking out. The news of Noah’s death wasn’t in the public yet. But, whoever this person was they knew about it which meant they had seen me. I hoped it wouldn’t come out. I sat by Sapp putting an arm around her as the movie started.

I couldn’t focus. I was nervous and a bit angry. Yn left Sapp alone after yelling at her. Then this creepy stalker called. If I hadn’t been here Sapp would have been freaking out alone.

We both fell asleep halfway through the second movie. The next morning I had work at 12, so I helped Sapp make some breakfast then left. Sapphire went in at 3.

I saw Stu and yn and I walked over. “What the fuck!” I snapped at yn. I saw her look startled, “what do you mean what the fuck?” she snapped.

You left sapp alone last night after yelling at her for no reason! She was really upset when she called me. Then some creepy stalker called her about Noah!” I said. Stu pushed me up against the wall. “Upset or not, back the fuck off,” he threatened. It lowkey scared the shit out of me so I did. I glared at yn then went to clock in.


"Is he always like that to people?" I asked Stu. "Nah. I don't know what's gotten into him. Let's just get the movies and get back to my place." I nodded, "yeah, I'm going to use the bathroom before we go," I said. "I'll be in the car waiting." I headed in the direction Randy went and saw him clocking in. I shut the door to the office, making him jump. "Sorry, did I startle you?" I asked.

"What do you want? I have to get to work." I walked closer to him, grabbing the front of his shirt, and pushing him against the wall. "You need to learn to mind your own fucking business. You've known my sister for what…not even a month and you're already becoming obsessed with her. That's a little suspicious to me. My parents are pretty powerful people, one word to our mom and you might just end up being a suspect in Noah's murder."

I smiled at his expression; the look of disbelief and fear. "The jealous, obsessed guy can't handle the new girl having a boyfriend. I don't think they'd like it if they found out you watched her either." His eyes widened. To be honest that was just something to say to scare him more. "Holy shit! Do you fucking watch my sister?! Oooh…you better be careful buddy. I like using blackmail." I smacked his cheek not enough to hurt but enough to almost make him piss himself. Then I walked out of the store and got in the car.


After Randy left I was extremely paranoid. My anxiety medication didn’t help. I took a quick shower and put on my uniform. I decided to go to work early because I didn't want to be alone. I got Zoie in the car and headed down the road. I saw Stu’s car and YNs in his driveway, so I pulled in knocking on the door.

Stu opened it. “oh hey, Sapp.” He smiled. “Hey, um… can I talk to yn?” He nodded and let me in. “Hey, sis, can we talk please?” I said. She sighed and nodded. Stu went to the kitchen.

“Look, I’m sorry about whatever I did to piss you off yesterday, yes I should have left Noah long ago but I was scared. But please come home tonight. I got a creepy call last night. I'd feel better if you and Stu were there,” I said. “I’ll buy pizza and drinks and y’all can pick the movie,” I told her.

"I’ll think about it. I'll have Stu call you with what we decide to do,” she said. I nodded and hugged her. “Love you, sis. Be careful. Whoever killed Noah says I’m on their list. You might be too,” I told her and left. I knew Stu would keep her safe. Right?

I got to work around two and clocked in early. I surprised Randy and I snuck up behind him, “boo!” I said. He jumped, dropping the movies, “not funny,” he said but was smiling. I chuckled and helped him pick them up. Our hands touched, I pulled away blushing.

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