Chapter Fifteen

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September 27th 1995
Wednesday 3:30 PM


As soon as school let out Sapp went to work, getting a ride with Randy.  I decided to stay after school with Sidney and Tatum. Tatum had cheer practice so Sid and I were going to watch then the three of us were going to the mall. While the squad was on the football field practicing for the game Friday night, me and Sidney sat in the bleachers.

"I could never be as peppy as they are," I said. Sidney chuckled, nodding her head in  agreement, "I know! Tatum only joined because she likes some guy on the football team." My eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Who?" I asked. It didn't surprise me that that's the reason for Tate being a cheerleader. "Nate Parks. He's the running back," she said.

I looked down to see Tatum looking over at the football team as she waved at Nate. I also didn't miss Casey looking over at the Quarterback, Steve Orth. "You know Stu used to be part of the football team until he quit last year." I looked at Sidney and raised a brow, "You're telling me this, why?" I asked. She shrugged, "it just came to my mind."

After practice was over Tatum went to get changed so we could go. "Hold up. I'm going to hit the bathroom before we leave. I'll meet you at my car," I told them. They nodded and headed towards the student parking. I walked towards the bathroom and as I rounded the corner I stopped at the sight in front of me. I was quick to move back around the corner so I wasn't seen.

Casey and Steve were near the bathrooms making out. Hee back pressed against the wall, his left hand in her hip while the right cupped her cheek. They were practically eating each other's faces. I didn't know what to do. Interrupt them and use that against Casey if she didn't tell Stu I would. Or should I tell Sapp and have her talk to Casey? Would Sapp even believe me? We weren't really on the best of terms as of late.

I didn't stick around too long. I just turned around and rushed out of the school and to my car where Tatum and Sidney waited. And I didn't miss Stu pulling in and Casey running up to him just after I got in my car. I could feel anger building inside of me when she pressed her lips to his. The same lips that were just sucking off Steve Orth's face like two seconds ago.


Randy and I soon got to work. I hoped it would be an easy day. We were talking and flirting. That evening about an hour before we closed, someone came in. “What’s that movie with E.T's mom in it?” She asked. She was twirling her hair looking at Randy.

Howling, horror, straight ahead,” he told her, obliviously. I however was pissed off. “Make it fast, we close soon!” I said and continued putting movies away. She soon left.

Randy and I closed down the store. I was still pissed. “Want me to come over tonight?” He asked. “Not tonight, I’m exhausted,” I said. Truthfully I did not want him around Sidney. I got home slamming the door and going to my room.  Yn came to me. “What is going on? Are you really that pissed about Sidney being here?” she snapped. “No! I just had a bad day at work. This trampy bitch was flirting with Randy and he was clueless,” I snapped

"Why the fuck are you always so jealous?” she snapped.  “Oh like you are not the same!” I said. “fuck this I'm going for a walk, ” I said and left. I walked down the road for a bit. Hearing a car speeding up behind me so I moved to the side. I let out a scream then my world went black.


Sapphire lay on the road, alone in the dark. The person behind the wheel of the car that hit her was long gone. She wasn't that far from home but nobody would know she was currently unconscious and bleeding. A broken arm, cuts and scrapes all over her arms and face, and a cut near her hairline that was bleeding so much that it made it look worse than it was. The person that hit her wanted to injure her but not kill her.

There was a small breeze, the air had a slight chill to it. The road was completely deserted with it being almost eleven at night. Yn sat in her room with Sidney trying to apologize for the way her sister was acting. She was still fuming from the attitude Sapphire gave her. Ever since they moved to Woodsboro they have been doing a lot more fighting than normal.

Of course they fought like any other siblings did but it was never to this extent. Back in their old town they had friends and boyfriends. When yn finally broke up with Jason Sapp was there for her. They were always there for each other. Maybe it was easier because they went to a private school, had separate friend groups, and had no problems fitting in.

Of course, they would listen to their parents fight. Their dad was always hooking up with his secretary or some other young woman and their mom always found out about it. He would bring up her drinking problem like she was an alcoholic when she just liked to have a few glasses of wine after coming home from a stressful day.

But then their mom left him. Moving them all the way to her small hometown of Woodsboro. And when they met Stu and Randy then the rest of their friends that's when things started to get bad. Yn found out about Noah and how he treated Sapphire. She got close to Stu while Sapp got close to Randy. And while Sapphire was willing to let Randy in, yn wasn't willing to let Stu in.

She didn't want to get too close and refused to admit her feelings for him. Sapphire was happy with Randy. He made her feel alive and happy. Then school started and Stu moved on to Casey Becker, Sapphire's new best friend. Sapphire was right…yn was jealous of Casey.

But what pissed her off was that ever since Sapp found out about Randy's old crush on Sidney, yn new best friend, she got jealous and insecure and maybe even a little possessive. Sidney didn't want Randy; not when she already had a boyfriend, Billy Loomis. They have been together for almost two years now. So yn couldn't understand why Sapphire gave a shit.

At least she has the boy she likes. The boy yn likes was with someone else. And yeah, okay, maybe if she would have just said something or opened up to Stu and let him in and admitted her feelings…maybe she would be with him instead of Casey. And now because shit just got out of hand and they couldn't just be civil and understand each other, Sapphire was laying on the side of the road unconscious and bleeding while yn was in her room bitching to her best friend about her sister.

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