Chapter Twenty Eight

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I woke up in the hospital with a horrible headache. Everything came back to me seeing the broken glass then Casey dead on the back porch. I started to have a panic attack. "Hey hey sapp it's ok I'm here" Yn said and hugged me. I cried into her "she's dead" I sobbed.

She held me close. "I know I know I'm here so are Randy and the others" she told me. "Can we all go to the house and hang out please" I said. There then was a knock on the door. "C-come in" I said. Then the Beckers walked in. "Hey sapp how are you feeling?" Mrs. Becker asked me.

Heartbroken and I think I have a concussion." I said. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help her" I added. They shook their heads "no don't be because you might have been dead too" Mr. Becker said. I nodded "if yall need anything let me know" I told them and hugged them. They hugged back and left. 

We soon left and went home. Billy was picking up the pizza. I held Zoie close, quiet and heart broken. We were all just gonna hang out and play pool. I was terrified knowing this killer was still after me and my friends.


Billy returned to Yn and Sapp's house with pizza and I helped him carry in the boxes. As we set them down on the kitchen counter, I couldn't help but let my mind wander into dark places...

My mother was murdered a year ago, raped and brutalized by Cotton Weary. He took her away from me, from my family, but he's been in prison since he was arrested for her murder just a few days later. He couldn't have killed Ms. Huxley or Casey Becker, which meant....

There was someone else, someone who was either copying him or who was just as psychotic as to kill them in the same manner that my mother was killed. The thought terrified me.

"You okay?"

I jumped a bit, so deep in my thoughts that I only just now remembered that I wasn't alone in the kitchen. Looking up I met the concerned dark gaze of my boyfriend.

"Not really," I sighed. "I can't stop thinking about all of this tragedy...first my mom, then Ms. Huxley, and now Casey Becker...I know that Cotton was arrested for my mom, but Ms. Huxley and Casey..." I sniffled a little and felt Billy's warm hands gently massaging my shoulders. Leaning into his comforting touch, I continued: "If he's not doing this, then who is? Who's the maniac who's going on a murder spree? Who will be next? Sapp, Yn, Tatum, Stu, Randy,"

I felt Billy press a gentle kiss to the back of my neck, his hands tightening slightly on my shoulders. It wasn't painful, but it was clear that the possibility of something happening to me upset him and I instantly felt guilty. I was about to apologize when he told me in a determined voice, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Sidney. I'll always protect you."

I smiled. "I believe you," I said, lifting my arms to grip the hands that were still clutching my shoulders.

"Good," he murmured, tilting his head to press a kiss to the side of my neck this time and I shivered a bit at the direct contact to my sensitive skin. I found myself wanting Billy so much lately. I didn't know if I was ready to have sex just yet, but I couldn't deny the rush of desire I'd get when he'd look at me with those smoldering, loving eyes.

I turned around and smiled at him. "I love you," I whispered, leaning forward to kiss him.

He instantly reciprocated and our mouths moved seamlessly. For a few minutes we stood there in our friends' kitchen, making out. I laughed breathlessly when he tried to recapture my lips. "Down, boy," I joked.

"Is that an offer?"

I slapped his chest and we opened the pizza boxes, calling everyone in so we could enjoy our dinner.


I backed away from the window before I could be noticed, rage boiling in my veins as I witnessed their exchange.

God, I fucking hated this bitch!!!!

Storming back to my car, I whipped out my phone and called my friend, snarling into the phone when my call was answered, "I'm going to rip her apart."

"Save that crazy for later. We'll tear them open soon."

"How soon?"

"Sooner than you think..."


Casey was just the start. I wanted sapp to hurt. The next best thing was her stupid ass dog but I'm not that psycho. But I knew one death that would hopefully get her group to push her away. At the very least cause a rift between her and her sister. Oh this was gonna be fun.

The next day


I was hiding in the bathroom. I knew tatum was there. I also heard some cheerleaders bad mouthing sapphire. I had to hold back a laugh as I heard tatum storm out the stall and cuss them out. When I heard them leave I made my move. I covered Tatums mouth stabbing her multiple times till I was sure she was dead.

Then I used her blood and painted on the mirror. "Another one down sapphire, it's only just beginning" I smirked looking at tatums bloody green shirt, her guts hanging out. I decided to slit her throat and wrote "this is all your fault let's see how long you keep your friends now" I finished and snuck out of the bathroom and the school.


"Have you seen Tatum?" I asked, coming up to my locker where my friends and boyfriend were congregated.

"Yeah, she went to the bathroom," Yn answered. "But she's been gone for about ten minutes."

"That's not like her," I said. I didn't know why, but anxiety churned in my gut at the thought of my best friend being alone at this time. I was probably being paranoid, but I couldn't help but think....

"I'm going to check on her," I announced.

"I'm sure she's fine, Sid," Yn said, trying to reassure me.

"Yeah, she's probably just having a little time to herself...If you know what I mean," Stu laughed before letting out an ow when Yn scoffed and delivered a firm slap to his arm, calling him perverted as she did.

I bit my lip and Billy ran a comforting hand up and down my arm. "I just need to check," I murmured, turning to give Billy a short but sweet kiss to his lips before walking away to the girls' bathroom, the nervous feeling in my belly growing with every step I took.

Opening the door, I froze at the horrific sight before me.

My best friend was on the ground, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Blood was covering every inch of her front and leaking down to form a growing pool beneath her still body. She had multiple deep stab wounds puncturing her body. There was a slash in her throat and...oh, God...her intestines were spilling out onto the floor....

Trembling, I lifted a hand to cover my mouth, tears blinding my vision. Finally, I screamed loudly, the sound echoing throughout the otherwise empty bathroom. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't stop shaking, tears pouring down my cheeks. I knew that I was having a panic attack.

Black spots littered my vision and I collapsed to the hard floor, sounds of running and shouts of my name the last things I heard before darkness overtook me

AN: hello everyone. I one of thr writers am going through a lot so we may be taking a break from the story for mental health reasons. We will let you know.

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