Chapter Thirty Four

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When sapp stumbled in covered in blood I quickly sobered up. Especially when she said the killer was here. I looked up and saw that bitch emerald who was obsessed with me standing in the doorway to the kitchen holding a bloody knife.

I heard sapp threaten to kill her but knew she was in no condition. "Yn get Sidney and sapp out of here" I said eerily calm but I was beyond furious. I watched Christina attack sidney and stab her. My focus was on emerald. Billy and stu could handle Christina.

"You know I thought I could hurt you when I killed casey but it wasn't enough. Then I went after tatum tried to frame you to make dewey hate you but you still stayed with Randy." Emerald said

Yeah well he dumped me isn't that enough bitch" sapp spat. "No, because he still denied me because he still loved you!" She said. I had enough.

I pulled out my knife and attacked emerald once again telling yn to get the girls out. This time she did and used Dewey's walkie talkie to call for help. I managed to stab emerald a couple of times. I heard Billy and stu fighting Christina then a gunshot. I looked over to see stu holding his side.

I ran over to him helping him tie it up.


I wanted revenge now more than ever even after all I did for him he still chose her!  When he stopped to help stu and used that chance to escape I only had a couple stab wounds. I would be fine. But sapphire you better watch your back... I headed into the forest and disappeared.


I was staring up at Christina in shock and horror as she stood above me in that costume that plagued my nightmares for the last few weeks, her usually beautiful face twisted into something ugly as hatred filled her eyes. I could feel blood on my face after she'd kicked it when I tried to help Billy.

"You stupid bitch!" She shouted. "It was supposed to be you who got hurt, not him!" She motioned to my boyfriend, who was glaring at her while Stu helped put pressure on his chest wound. It wasn't deep, thank God, but I could still see blood seeping through the towel that Stu retrieved from the kitchen.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, tears staining my cheeks.

Christina laughed hysterically. "Why? Why??" She shrieked, making me wince. "It's because you're always fucking everything up for me!! Billy's supposed to be mine and you always ruin everything! Every time we'd be together, he'd be thinking of you, saying your name, refusing to be loving towards me because he wanted you!"

"What?" I whispered.

An evil smirk crossed her lips and she looked absolutely deranged now. "Yeah, we fucked a few times," she said, the dangerous glint in her eyes becoming flames. "But that was it. He never kissed me, never told me that I meant anything to him because he still wanted you!!!" She stormed over to me and before I could do anything, she grabbed me by my hair and harshly yanked me up to stand in front of her.

"The only way for Billy to ever love me is if you're gone," she growled. My heart pounded furiously in my chest.

"Christina, please..." I pleaded with her. "I love him and he loves me. Why can't you just be happy that he's happy?"

She snapped and I screamed when I felt cold steel enter my stomach, reopening the wound I already received from her.

"Because he's supposed to be happy with me!" She twisted the knife inside of me and it forced another cry of agony from my lips. "I'm the one who deserves his love, I'm the only one he should make love to, I'm the one who should get to have all of him!"

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