Chapter Ten

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I didn’t know why, but halfway through the movie I started to get really horny. I moved around trying to get comfortable. “You ok?” Randy asked me quietly. I blushed and nodded, “y-yeah I’m fine,” I said. Randy's hand had moved down to my upper thigh. I let out a soft gasp. It felt nice.

“You sure you’re ok,” he said, his voice suddenly deep and sexy. “Yes, I’ll be right back,” I said and left for my room to help myself get over this. I slowly rubbed my clit and I couldn’t help but think of Randy.

I moaned softly, feeling myself already close. I didn’t even hear the door open. I, however, did hear him say, “oh, helping yourself? Naughty girl.” I froze blushing “I um… didn’t want to bother you,” I said.

He suddenly pinned me to the bed face inches from mine. “Oh, it’s no bother at all.” he kissed my cheek and down my neck, I moaned softly it felt good. He removed my shirt and slowly sucked on each nipple. I moaned I was in heaven. My shorts and his pants were removed and I froze. “No ” I said firmly and he quickly backed off.


As soon as she said no I backed off. As much as I wanted to ruin her right there I respected her wanting me to stop. “I’m sorry. I assumed you and Noah had gone all the way,” I said.

I was still hard so I proposed an idea. “You help yourself, let me watch and jack off to it?” I said. She nodded, “That's fine.” She slowly started rubbing herself. It was fucking hot.

I groaned, palming myself through my underwear, before taking them off fully jacking off. Her moans just helped me get closer. We finished at the same time. Mine was in my sock. Hers was on a towel on her bed. “Join me in the shower to clean up?” She asked, grabbing her robe. “I’d love to. I got some pjs in my car,” I smiled. I put my pants back on then went to my car.

I came back inside and went to her bathroom. She had the water running and took off her robe. I removed my clothes and got in with her. To my surprise she kissed me. I kissed back passionately pinning her to the wall.


I kissed him and he pinned me to the shower wall but I didn't mind it. He started kissing me on my cheek and down my neck again. I moaned softly, running my fingers through his hair. This was ok as long as he didn’t touch me down there.

His mouth went down to my nipples again and I moaned more. “Such a good girl moaning for me,” he said.  I blushed at that, it turned me on. I realized I liked being called that by him. We made out in the shower then helped each other wash up.

He got dressed before me. “Can you grab some sodas while I change?” I asked and he nodded. I went to my room and changed into silk black shorts with a blue short sleeve shirt. I realized he was definitely a horror nerd. Considering his shirt was Halloween with blue plaid pants.

He came back with the sodas and we sat on my bed. “So, I guess I should explain why I stopped you,” I said. “If you want. You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he said gently. I smiled, grateful for his understanding. “You didn’t drug this one did you?” I joked. He laughed “no, not this time.” He promised


She took a deep breath, “it’s a long story. Back when we lived a few miles outside of Los Angeles I was with Noah before he turned abusive. We were making out it was me, him, and yn in the house, and he wanted to go all the way. I told him no.” She took a breath. I could tell this was upsetting her. I reached over and gently squeezed her hand.

She squeezed back and continued. “I told him no but he tried to force himself onto me,” She said, a few tears in her eyes. “I struggled repeatedly saying no I guess yn heard because she ran in and kicked his ass and gave him a concussion,” She said, “Since then I haven’t been ready to go all the way.” I nodded, hiding my anger so it wouldn’t scare her.

I wanted to go to his house now and kill him. How fucking dare he do that to her. I know I’ve thought about it but if she said no I would stop like I did tonight. “I know I should have broken up with him then but I was scared of what he would do if I did,” she said. “I feel like it’s my fault he turned abusive because he was angry at me for not giving it up to him.”

That pissed me off even more; this was not her fault at all. “No, don't ever think that. His actions are not your fault he is just a douche and will one day pay for it,” I told her firmly but gently and hugged her. She hugged back and we laid down cuddling. I smiled and it calmed me down.


It was really hard to talk about what Noah had done. But I felt really comfortable about Randy. I knew hearing that pissed him off I could see it in his eyes. I knew the anger wasn’t toward me. He pulled me into a hug and held me. I relaxed for once, actually feeling safe in a guy's arms. I knew Randy would never hurt me.

“Wanna watch a movie while we cuddle?” I asked. “Sure you pick this time,” he smiled. “Oh big mistake I will always choose Star Wars.” I grinned and put in my favorite ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. I ended up falling asleep halfway through it.


I woke up to being harshly yanked out of bed. I cried out in pain and realized it was Noah. Before I could say anything he slapped me. “What the fuck are you doing you fucking slut!” I was crying and trying to get out of his grip. “Let me go please, you're hurting me,” I said. “Shut the fuck up I’m going to show you what happens when you go around messing with other guys!”

The next thing I knew I was up against the wall unable to breathe. I gasped struggling but I couldn’t push him off. I started to see black spots. Then suddenly the pressure disappeared. I fell to my knees gasping. Through the tears in my eyes I saw Randy punching him over and over again. I was shocked not realizing he was that strong.

My door opened again and I felt someone who I realized was yn help me up and help me out of the room I was having a panic attack. I barely heard Zoie's paw steps following us or her whining. Yn sat me on her bed and Zoie nuzzled me. I slowly calmed down. “Get him out please,” I said my voice was hoarse. I was sure I had bruises. “Stu will” she said and held me trying to calm me down.


I woke up to yelling and saw something that made my blood boil and I saw red. With strength I didn’t know I had I pulled Noah off sapphire and just started punching him. “You mother fucker! How fucking dare you touch her!” I kept punching him until Stu pulled me off.

I watched, calming down, for sapps sake as Stu grabbed Noah by the collar and literally threw him out. This was it this mother fucking douche was dying tonight. I would make sure of it. That way he could never touch my beautiful gem again.

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