Chapter Twenty Five

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Two days later


It was time, the night that bitch died. Yn was at Sidney's sapphire, was at work and was going to Casey's house. Billy and I snuck into the girls house. We snuck up to Ms. Huxleys room and heard her scream. We looked at each other confused and ran in. We had a black robe on with a white ghost face.

Someone else was in there with a mask like the one Micheal Meyers wore and stabbed her about three times then ran out. "Who the fuck was that?" I asked Billy "I have no idea but let's finish this bitch off" he said. I nodded and stabbed her in the shoulder and in the leg blood splattered everywhere I had to admit feeling the knife enter her flesh and hearing her scream was an amazing feeling. I backed off to let Billy finish her off.

Unknown POV

I hate to say it but I really enjoyed getting a few stabs in on her. That bitch deserved it. I had a strange feeling on who those other two were I knew they definitely killed Maureen, considering cotton was in jail and another murder was happening. I snuck home and cleaned up. Hid my costume and took a shower. I laid in bed and turned on a movie.


I had to admit I was really scared closing by myself tonight. I knew there was a killer somewhere out there waiting for me. I quickly closed, grabbed Zoie and headed out to the car. Thankfully no one called tonight. I got in my car, picked up the pizza and left. We were watching Home Alone tonight. It was a hilarious movie.

I soon pulled up at her house. But when I saw Steve was there I sighed it was supposed to be a girls night. I went inside "hey since Steve is here mind if I invite Randy over?" I asked.

You want to invite that geek?" Steve said. I rolled my eyes. I never liked Steve. "Yes I do because he is my boyfriend and I love him." I said "that's fine" Casey smiled. I smiled and called him. "Hello?" He said. "Hey babe, I want you to come over to Casey's. Steve is here so you're invited" I told him. "Sure I'll be there in 15" he smiled.

I hung up and sat on the couch. "You're lucky I bought two pizzas" I told him. "Well, thanks , each couple can share one," he said smugly. Zoie growled at him. I chuckled and pet her, calming her down. Soon Randy got there and we cuddled on the couch watching the movie.

As he held me close my head on his chest, I looked over to see Casey and Steve asleep. "Please don't leave me ti close by myself again" I told him. "I was low key freaking out" I added. I felt his arms tighten around me in reassurance "I'm sorry gem I promise it won't happen again" he told me. "Good" I yawned and gave him a kiss. "I love you geek" I smiled. He chuckled "I love you too"


I didn't know which was better: hearing Ms. Huxley scream in pain or hearing Maureen scream in pain. Both were satisfying.

Whoever came in before Stu and I must have hated this bitch, too, because the stabs they inflicted were pretty deep. It kind of annoyed me because I wanted the privilege of getting the first stab in, of watching her skin rip open and blood pool out.

Stu picked up on how I was feeling because he only stabbed her twice before letting me finish her off.

I stabbed her over and over again, enjoying the sound of her screams and feeling the blood splash against my mask and costume. The same exhilaration that I felt when Stu and I killed Maureen overtook me again and I entered the same damn frenzy I was in that night, stabbing wildly into Ms. Huxley's body until her screams lowered into gurgles before finally being silenced.

I finally stopped when my arm became too tired to continue, dropping the bloodied knife to the floor and panting from behind my mask, sweat beading down my face. I laughed as I stared down at the mangled, mutilated mess that used to be Yn and Sapp's mom.

"Damn, dude," Stu said in awe. "You must have really hated her."

"Whatever," I replied breathlessly, standing up from my kneeling position—I must have really gotten into the zone again because I didn't even realize that I was on the floor—and picked up my knife before heading towards the door. "Let's go. We're done here."

As we exited the house, Stu asked me, "Hey, who do you think that was? The kid wearing the Michael Myers mask who beat us to Ms. Huxley?"

"I don't fucking know and I don't care," I said calmly as we removed our costumes and threw them into the back of Stu's car before getting in. It was late at night, so we had the advantage of the darkness covering us.

"He must have hated her, too."

I gave a noncommittal hum, too high on the feeling of murdering yet another whore to care that there was another psychopathic killer skulking around our neighborhood.

The car started and we left, returning to Stu's house so we could have an alibi.

Despite my earlier words, I was a bit interested in who else shared our penchant for murder and my hatred of Ms. Huxley, but that thought quickly left my mind as I basked in the knowledge that she was dead and that she suffered before her miserable life finally ended.

Not only did I get justice for my mom again, but I did the world a favor by eliminating another slut and preventing another woman from enduring the same heartbreak that my mother had.

I liked killing, but ultimately, that was what mattered to me.

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