Chapter Twenty-One

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I felt a lot better so I called the nurse in. “Can I please go home tonight? I feel like if I’m in here any longer I will go insane,” I told her. She checked me over and nodded. “Yes, call someone to come get you,” she said.

I called Sidney first to talk to yn, but she didn’t answer. I sighed and called Randy. “Hello?” He answered, sounding upset. “Hey, is everything ok? You sound upset.  Also, I know it’s late but they are releasing me. Can you come pick me up?”  I asked. “Yes, and I’ll explain on the way.” he hung up.

As I got dressed I was worried. Had something happened to yn. I knew there was some stalker after us, I was pretty sure they were the one that hit me. I paced and soon he walked in. I hugged him, “is Yn ok?” I asked. “Yes, she is fine. Come on.” He led me to the car. Opening the door like a gentleman for me because of my broken arm.

He started heading toward Sidney’s. I realized something must have happened to her. Ambulance and police cars zoomed past us. My stomach turned. What the hell happened? “Ok, what’s going on?” I asked. He sighed, “Sidney and Yn came home to find Sid's mom dead. It's pretty bad. Apparently she saw Cotton Weary leaving,” he told me.

I gasped, horrified. Sure I didn’t like Sidney all that much, but to walk in and find your mom dead? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. We soon got there. Billy and Stu were there too. I walked over and hugged Sid, “I’m so sorry,” I said. She was hysterical, just sobbing loudly. Billy pulled her into his arms.

I went inside to see the scene. I gasped and gagged some. Completely horrified it was like something out of a horror movie. Blood was everywhere in her moms room. Whoever did this clearly hated her mom. I backed out and went back outside.

I was horrified. Was this the same person stalking us? Was this what the future of my sister and I would be? The thought terrified me to my core. I didn’t say anything though. This was about comforting Sid. She was a part of the  group and secretly my dislike stemmed from jealousy. She was really beautiful, no wonder Randy liked her. “Sid, just know we are all here for you,” I told her.


As soon as Stu and Billy showed up Billy ran towards Sid, engulfing her in his arms. I watched her cling to him like he was her life line. I would never get the picture of what happened in the room out of my head. Sidney's screams would forever haunt me. "Are you okay?" My head whipped to the side to see Stu standing there with concern written on his face. I slowly shook my head, tears welled up in my eyes as a sob threatened to escape my throat.

Stu was quick to pull me into his chest, one hand cradling my head and the other wrapped around my shoulder. I fisted his shirt and sobbed. "I've got you, baby. I'm here now." I couldn't bring myself to care that he had a girlfriend or that we just had a fight the other night when he kissed the top of my head. I hadn't to admit that I felt safest when I was with him. I felt like nothing and no one could touch me while his arms were wrapped around me.

After what felt like hours Stu pulled me away from him and wiped the tears off my face. I looked to my right to see Tatum come flying up the road and get out of her car after coming to a screeching halt. She ran towards Sidney hugging her from behind and comforting her. Not long after that Randy's car drove up and he and Sapp got out. I didn't even move to stop Sapp when she went inside or when she talked to Sidney. I stayed right beside Stu not wanting to leave the warmth he provided.


The first thing I did after Stu and I returned to Sidney's house was rush over to her and take her into my arms, pulling her close to me. At first it was only to keep up appearances so no one would wonder why I wasn't trying to comfort my girlfriend after such a tragedy, but as I held her shaking form against mine and felt the way she clung to me as if I was the only thing keeping her alive, I found myself truly comforting her.

Her sobs cut through me to the rational part of my brain that still felt nauseated upon having just butchered her mother. Of course I didn't regret killing the slut, not after what she did to my family, but I do regret hurting Sid in doing so. I hated her mom, but I love her.

I wasn't happy when Randy pulled up with Sapp in his car. Both of them pissed me off, Randy with his former crush on my girlfriend and Sapp because her mom fucked my dad, too. Yeah, Maureen was the only one of his affairs who had video proof on her, but I wasn't stupid. I knew that my dad couldn't keep his dick in his pants and Sapp and Yn's mom was yet another whore he betrayed my mom with. That was why I hit Sapp with my car and left her there. Their slut mom was never home, Yn was with Sidney at the time, and Sapp was walking all alone in the dark like an idiot. She was an easy target and I had to take the opportunity. I didn't like the way she treated Sidney, either, always suspicious and acting as if she'd take Randy or something.

I tightened my grip around Sidney as Sapp approached us. "I'm so sorry," she told her. I had to restrain the scoff building up in my throat.

'I bet you are,' I thought and watched her make her way into the house, staying there for a few minutes before returning, her face ashen and horrified upon viewing mine and Stu's handiwork.

I was even more annoyed when Tatum came running towards Sidney, hugging her from behind and disturbing my moment with her. For fuck's sake, why can't everyone just leave my girlfriend alone???

I watched Yn cling to Stu. It was almost funny…Yn taking comfort in him now when he has a girlfriend. Yeah, she just saw the same thing that Sidney did and yeah, Casey Becker's a slut who's already cheating on Stu with Steve Orth, but this wasn't doing her any favors. Maybe Yn will end up being just like her mom.

I rested my head on top of Sidney's and refused to let her go, closing my eyes and focusing on her sweet scent. I really did love her, but I couldn't deny the rush that murder gave me. It satisfied the anger that had been building since the day that guy showed me the video of Maureen leading my dad into a hotel room and him willingly going in with her.

Even as I stood there with my girlfriend, comforting her in her time of need and enjoying the feel of her warm body against mine, I found myself wanting to also feel the warmth of someone else's blood coating my skin and hear their screams of pain and pleas for mercy as I took their life.

I wanted to kill again.

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