Chapter Twelve

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I was in my room listening to music when the phone rang. I groaned and reached over to my bedside table. "Hello," I answered. "Yn, honey, it's mom." I rolled my eyes and stretched the cord out. "Yeah, I know what your voice sounds like mom. Why're you calling?" I heard her sigh, "I talked to Jason's mother today." I rolled my eyes, "I'm not getting back with Jason, mom," I said. "I wasn't going to say that. Now, will you please listen to me? This is serious, yn."

"Fine. I'm sorry. Go ahead."

"I talked to Patricia today and she told me… she told me your sister's boyfriend, Noah, was found dead. His parents found him late last night when they got home. It wasn't a pretty scene. Patricia said the place was covered in blood. He was stabbed multiple times."

I was silent for a minute. "How many is multiple?" I asked. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "How many times was he stabbed?" I asked. "Jesus, yn, I tell you that your sister's boyfriend was found dead and you want to know how many times he was stabbed?!" She said, raising her voice. "Yes. So, how many times was he stabbed?" I asked again. "She said at least twenty." I let out a small laugh but cleared my throat. "Did you just laugh? This isn't funny, yn! That poor boy was murdered. Brutally murdered. You should be ashamed of yourself. I raised you better than that."

This time I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You didn't do shit! You and dad are both shifty parents. You do nothing but drink when you're home. Which you fucking never are anymore. Dad can't keep his dick in his pants. Oh! And…Noah did deserve it, mother! You know if you were actually home and paid attention you would know that he abused Sapphire! Mentally, emotionally, and physically! So fuck you and fuck him. I hope he fucking suffered!" I slammed the phone back down and then ripped it out of the wall. 

"Fucking bitch!" I stood up, grabbed my keys and stormed out of my room. I needed to get the fuck out of here. Just as I got out to the foyer, Sapphire walked in. "Hey, can I talk to you? I think Randy is mad at me or doesn't like me now because I turned him down… like…you know on sex. Because I'm not ready… or maybe it's because of Noah…"

"Oh, my god! Shut the fuck up!" She clamped her mouth closed and looked at me in shock. "Who fucking cares?! The whole thing with Noah is your fault! You should have left him months ago but you fucking stuck around! And fucking Randy…Jesus Christ, Sapphire, he fucking slipped shit into your drink! You really know how to pick them, huh?!" I pushed past her and walked out of the house, slamming the door shut. I didn't even tell her Noah was murdered. I was too pissed off from the conversation with our mother.

When I got in my car I let out a frustrating scream, hitting the steering wheel with my hands. When I was fished I backed up and pulled out of the driveway. I had no idea where I was going but I ended up turning down a long driveway and pulled up in front of a house. Then I was getting out of the car, walking up the steps, and knocking on the door. When the door opened and Stu came into view I pulled him down so I could smash my lips onto his.

He didn't even hesitate. He just wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me inside, closing the door behind us. I pull away when someone clears their throat, scaring me. I looked around Stu to see his friend, Billy. "Think you two can wait until I fucking leave?" Stu chuckled and we watched as he walked out the door. Stu looked down at me and smiled. "So, what brings you by? Change your mind?" He asked.

"Noah's dead. He was murdered and I just blew up on not just my mother but also on my sister. My mother…fuck! My mother is a fucking bitch. Never home and when she is she drinks. She kept forgiving my father every time he cheated…which was a lot because he can't keep his dick in his fucking pants. Then fucking Sapp starred on about Randy as soon as she walked on the door and I just fucking lost it. I don't even know why I'm here right now. Fuck, I'm sorry. I'm just going to leave."

I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. "It's fine. Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I'll get you something to drink." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter as he got drinks from the fridge. When he turned around he handed me one and then led me into the living room. "So, Noah was murdered?" I slipped my shoes off and then curled my legs beside me. "Yeah. Apparently he was stabbed like twenty times."

"Fucker deserved it!" Stu said. "That's what I said! I haven't even told Sapphire that he's dead. She makes me so fucking mad with her stupid choices.  She kept saying she couldn't leave him because she was scared but fucking christ. You would think she would dump him the first time! Sorry, I'm ranting." He shook his head and pulled my feet up so they were across his lap. "It's fine. How about we watch a movie? You can even stay over if you want. My parents aren't home." I was probably making a mistake, but I nodded my head. "Yeah sure. 

"What made you come here?" Stu asked. I looked over at him and shrugged. "I don't know. I kind of just got in my car and drove down the road. Next thing I knew I was sitting in front of your house. Maybe it's because you're the only person in this small shitty town that I know. Why?" He shook his head, "just wondering. I honestly didn't think you'd want to see me again." I raised my eyebrow, "why wouldn't I want to see you again?"

"I don't know. You said it was a one time thing and you're not ready for all that related shit. I thought maybe you would try and distance yourself a little to help not catch feelings," he said. I laughed, "catch feelings? Who? You or me?" I asked. He smiled over at me, "oh, baby, I've already caught feelings the moment saw you. I just wouldn't want you to fall in love with me before you're ready. I have that effect on girls." I laughed even louder and shoved him with my foot. "You're so full of shit!"

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