Chapter Twenty Four

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A few days later


Sapps mood had changed since her mom got back. She was quiet and depressed. She kept zoie close to her all the time. I had tried to get her to go out but she refused. I was pissed but not at sapp no I was pissed and hated her mother.

I mean what kind of mom stays away and lets their kids basically raise themselves and live alone when they are barely 18. The more I thought about it the angrier I got. "Ok so no going out but what about pizza and a movie?" I asked her.

Ok I'll take that" she chuckled and kissed my cheek. We were in the middle of closing. I smiled pulling her into a kiss "I love you" I told her. "I love you too, my geek" she smiled. The phone rang and she went to pick it up.


Hello, thank you for calling Bradley's video store. I am sorry but we are closed. You can come back or call back at 10 AM tomorrow" I said. I was about to hang up but they said something that made my blood run cold.

"Don't hang up on me sapphire or I'll kill your little geek and make you watch as I gut him and hang his insides up like Christmas decorations" that damn modulated voice that haunts my dreams told me.

W-what do you want? Why won't you leave me alone" I said, scared. I looked around outside but saw no one. "I just want to let you know your bitch slutty mother is next" he said and hung up. I knew I should care but I didn't. Mom didn't care about us. Why should I care about her?


I was beyond pissed. YN was right Casey was cheating on me with Steve Orth. I wanted her and that stupid football jock dead. I had seen them making out in the alley by the ice cream shop. I walked over to them and punched Steve hard in the face busting his lip. "We are through bitch" I had told Casey

I went to billy's house knowing he was alone. I knocked on the door waiting for him to answer and he soon did with a beer in his hand, probably one of his dads. "Woah man you look pissed." He said letting me in and getting me a beer.

I opened it taking a long drink. "I am, that bitch was cheating on me. I was a complete douche to YN when she tried to tell me and it turns out she was right." I sighed "I want Casey and Steve dead, they can be our next targets" I told him. What he said next shocked me and I at first disagreed.


"I want Casey and Steve dead, they can be our next targets."

When Stu said that, I felt a flash of irritation. Hell no. I already had a next target and he wasn't going to fuck that up for me just because he found out that his girlfriend was a whore.

"I already have a target in mind," I said as I took a long pull from my beer bottle. Yes, I stole it from my dad, who the fuck cares? He was barely home and even when he was he would hardly pay attention to anything that I did.

Stu's brows furrowed. "Who?" He asked.

I took my time answering, wanting to prolong the moment a bit because I knew that he wouldn't be as receptive to the idea. Yn and Sapp's mother was a slut just like Maureen, but she was still their mother and Stu was so obsessed with Yn it was honestly a bit pathetic. I suppose I couldn't blame him, though; I found myself thinking about Sidney a lot and it would cause me to get a bit possessive over her, especially since everyone at school tended to try to take advantage of her because of how sweet she is. Yes, she bore a strong physical resemblance to her slut mother, but that was where the similarities ended between them; she was a good good girl.

"Ms. Huxley," I finally replied, setting my now empty beer bottle down onto the kitchen counter.

"What?" Stu stared at me with wide eyes full of shock.

I crossed my arms over my chest, returning his surprised stare with a leveled gaze of my own. "You heard me," I said.

"What the fuck—no, I'm not killing Yn's mom!"

"And why the fuck not? You helped me kill Sidney's and she's been your friend for a long time."

Stu spluttered, his face red from embarrassment. "That's different!"

I rose an eyebrow. "How?" I challenged him.

"Because Maureen was a slut and sleeping around with everyone she set her eyes on! She deserved it!"

My jaw clenched and I felt that familiar fury grip me. My nails dug into my arms as I tried to center myself so I didn't go off on him. "You don't think their mom deserves it?" I said, pushing away from the kitchen counter and moving towards him. "Stu, their mom is a whore, too. She may not be as upfront about it because she's got her own reputation to keep, but trust me, that bitch spreads her legs for every man in town just like Maureen did."

Stu looked even more confused now. "How do you know that?" He asked.

I couldn't tell him about Ms. Huxley being one of my dad's side pieces because then I'd have to tell him about Maureen and there was no way I'd do that. I felt sick enough as it is that my dad cheated on my mother with two other women, I wasn't going to make it common knowledge. Besides, if I told him about my motives, he might think I was biased and have more of an issue. But if I could provide him with his own...

Internally I smirked, knowing just what to say to get him to agree.

" love your parents, right?"

He blinked. "Yes."

"And they love each other, right?"


"And you would never want anything to come between them that would ruin their marriage and your home life?"


I took another slow, sure step forward. "If we left Ms. Huxley alive, she would ruin that, Stu," I began. "Think about night your parents would fight and she'd hear about it. She'd offer her shoulder for your dad to cry on and pretend to be his friend. Then, when she has him right where she wants him, she fucks him and that causes him to leave your mom. Your parents divorce, you're pulled between two people who hate each other, and your life is broken beyond repair...tell me...does that sound fair to you?"

As I spoke, I could see his face slowly turning from confused to speculative and then—finally—to angry. He was finally beginning to see the bigger picture. He was finally beginning to feel the way I did when I found out about my dad's affairs. I could see the pieces falling into place and it satisfied me.

"No," Stu answered coldly, his eyes hard. "That doesn't sound fair to me."

This time I smirked on the outside as well as on the inside. "So...any problems now with Ms. Huxley being our next victim?"

"No. Let's gut that bitch."

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