Chapter 66

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Namhyuk sat alone in the dim, cold room, his back pressed against the rough wall as his thoughts spiraled out of control. Dae Jung's harsh words replayed in his mind, stabbing at his heart with every reminder of being called a traitor. He hugged his knees, his fingers trembling as he tried to hold back the tears that now flowed uncontrollably down his face. His breath hitched as he whispered to himself, trying to make sense of the mess his life had become.

*What did I do wrong?* Namhyuk thought. *What was my mistake? I just wanted to help everyone... I just wanted to be loved, to be accepted...* The pain of unwanted pierced his heart deeper than any physical wound could.

He remembered Dae Jung’s accusations—calling him unworthy, claiming he was a traitor. It made no sense to him. He had tried to care for everyone, even for those who misunderstood him. He didn’t want to take sides; he only wanted peace. But the more he tried to do good, the more he was condemned. *How did wanting to help make me a traitor?*

He cried through the night, the darkness wrapping around him like a heavy blanket. The room was suffocating, as if every corner was closing in on him. Namhyuk's mind raced with every possible scenario, every single moment when he could have done something differently. But no matter how hard he thought, no matter how many times he asked himself where he went wrong, there was no answer.

The hours blurred, and before he realized it, dawn had broken. The faint light from the window began to creep in, casting a pale glow across the room, but Namhyuk hadn’t slept a wink. His eyes were red and puffy, his throat sore from crying. He felt numb.

But even in his despair, Namhyuk was different from Namjoon. Unlike Namjoon, who drowned himself in self-pity, Namhyuk wasn’t the type to sit still and accept defeat. The more they told him not to do something, the more he was determined to go against it. He had his own will, his own fire.

Sitting on that cold floor, Namhyuk made a decision. If everyone wanted Namjoon back, if Namjoon was the one who was needed, then he would make it happen. Namhyuk clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. He didn’t care if it meant going against every order, every boundary set before him. He would bring Namjoon back, even if it meant destroying himself in the process.

*At least Namjoon was wanted,* Namhyuk thought bitterly. *At least he had people who cared about him. Unlike me. I just wanted love and care... but no one needs me. No one cares.* The thought fueled his determination even more. If bringing Namjoon back would make others happy, then he would do it. He had nothing left to lose.

Namhyuk slowly stood up, wiping the last of his tears from his cheeks. His mind was set. He would find a way to bring Namjoon back, no matter the cost. He had the power of the hybrids flowing through him, and he would use it, even if it destroyed him in the end.

In the soft light of the new day, Namhyuk took a deep breath. He wasn’t Namjoon, and he never would be. But if Namjoon was the one they wanted, then Namhyuk would become the one who brought him back. Even if it meant walking down a path of no return.

*I’m not needed, but Namjoon is...* he thought as he stepped out of his room, the weight of his decision heavy on his shoulders. He would do whatever it took. No one, not even Dae Jung, would stand in his way.
As Namhyuk walked down the dimly lit hallway, his mind swirled with unanswered questions. How could he have Namjoon’s memories? What was wrong with him or his body? He needed answers—about himself, about Namjoon, and about everythinDa that was happening around him. His steps quickened, his heart racing with a mixture of confusion and frustration. The answers had to be somewhere, and he knew the storage room held the books he needed.

But just as he turned the corner, a masked figure stepped into his path.

“Going somewhere, Namhyuk?” Sang Ook’s voice slithered through the air, cold and mocking. Namhyuk paused, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Sang Ook, who leaned casually against the wall, a smirk playing on his lips.

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