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(2014-15 season) it's been a few weeks and i've settled in really well. the girls are nice and they've welcomed me as part of their family.
me and my mum found a nice house and moved in recently.

i've played in 3 games and i started 2 of them. i got 1 goal and 4 assists so far.
our next game is against arsenal at home so i'm really excited as i get to see leah again.

we have spoken every day since i left and our friendship is back as it used to be.

i was laying in bed and on facetime to leah.

"hiya babe" she said.
"hi le" i said.

"excited for the match on saturday?" she asked.
"always" i said.
"swap shirts after the game?" she offered.
"looks like you got first dips" i joked.
"lucky me" she said.

jack joined the call.

me: "hiya dickhead"
jack: "you alright mate?"
me: "i'm great. just thinking about how were going to smash arsenal in 3 days"
leah: "in your dreams love"

we spoke for a while and then we ended the call.

3 days later.
we made our way into the stadium. the arsenal girls were already here looking around. i walked around looking for leah. i spotted her and ran towards her.

"leah" i shouted and jumped onto her. she caught me but she was off balance so we both fell to the ground laughing.

"hiya babe" she said.

"woah there, we don't need you injuring our star girl an hour before the match" someone said.

"that's alex" leah said.

"is this the famous izzy i've heard so much about" she said.
"famous" i laughed.

"yeah leah won't shut up about you" she said helping me off the floor.

"is that so" i looked at leah who was still on the floor. i bent down and helped her up.

"maybe" she said.

"izzy" viv miedema called me.

"got to go. see you later then" i said. they both said bye and i followed viv into the tunnel.

viv has been like my big sister at bayern. even though she's only a year older than me. be both joined together and instantly bonded.

we went into the changing room and got dressed. we went out to do a warm up and then came back into the changing rooms to put on our kit.

we lined up in the tunnel. i stood by leah and we shared a quick look and smile, then we walked out.

we took our team photos and got into our positions.

we took the knee and then arsenal kicked off.

i was immediately in action, making a great tackle in midfield and sending a long ball to viv who had made the run. she shot it and it hit off the keepers fingertips going off the post and back to the defender who cleared it from danger.

around the 34th minute, i sent another ball to viv and this time she beat the keeper, slotting it in the bottom left corner.

late into the first half, arsenal got a corner. leah came up and scored from it.

the whistle blew for half time and we were 1-1.

we came back out, hungry for another goal. we put lots of pressure on their back line and forced a mistake pass from the keeper. it came straight to me and i shot. the keeper saved it but viv scored from the rebound.

in the 60th minute i stole the ball from leah's feet and ran forward. i saw the keeper off her line and shot. it went over her head and into the back of the net.

in the 65th minute i had the ball again and ran towards the net. i played a pass to viv and leah came crashing into me, i fell to the floor and she fell on top of me. the ref blew for a free kick and reached inside her pocket.

"calm down you little shit" i teased, wrapping my arms around her. she laughed and got up, helping me up with her. i tapped her shoulder and ran towards the goal laughing waiting for the free kick to be taken. the referee didn't book leah for the tackle but she probably should have.

i got taken off in the 70th minute. i clapped the fans and got a standing ovation. i went and sat on the bench and sipped at my water bottle.

the game ended 3-1 to us.

i went and shook hands with the arsenal players and then found leah.

"guess you'll be dying for this" leah teased and pulled off her shirt.

"cheeky bastard" i said spraying her with my water.

"oi" she said wiping herself with her shirt.

"i think your forgetting that i got you out of a booking" i said reminding her.

"thanks for that babe" she said giving me her shirt.

"think your forgetting something" she said pointing at my shirt.

"too many people" i said looking around.

"come on then" she said, grabbing my hand and leading me into the tunnel. i took off my shirt and gave it to leah while putting hers on myself.

"love you" she said and we went back out.
we walked around and signed things for fans and took pictures.

"are you in germany for long?" i asked.

"we're meant to be flying back tonight but i asked if i could stay a couple more days and they said yeah. so i'm here until tuesday evening" she said.

"that's good" i said.

after signing things for fans, i took leah to my mum. they hugged and had a little chat before we had to go and get dressed so we could go back home.

i went to the changing rooms and only viv was there.

i got dressed. viv is the only one here that knows about my eating habits. she noticed it on my first day and since then we became close. she always asks me to eat but never forced it upon me as leah does.

the door knocked and i said come in. leah walked in and gave a smile to viv and sat beside me.

"you alright" she asked. i nodded.
"have you eaten anything? don't lie i know you haven't"

she pulled out a cereal bar from her pocket. it was the same one from the start of high school when she gave it to me in the canteen and after one of the arsenal games.

"not this shitty cereal bar again. it's come back to haunt me" i joked.

"silly this is for me" she said. she pulled out another packet. it was some mini biscuits and she gave it me.

"le i don't want it" i said. "not hungry"

"you need to eat it iz" she said.

"leah please" i said.

"izzy" she said.

"she said she doesn't want it" viv spoke up. leah looked at her and then back at me.

"she knows i told her about it" i said to leah.

"please babe. for me eat it" she said.

every single fucking time with the 'for me'
she knows it's my weakness and she always uses it against me. i sighed and snatched the packet from her ripping it open and popping one in my mouth.

"no need to get all aggressive about it" she teased with a smirk.

"piss off you" i joked and got up.

"i'll see you later viv" i said.

"see you later izzy" she said.
"bye" leah said.
"bye" viv said to leah.

me and leah walked out together and found my mums car in the car park.

we got in and my mum drove us home.

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