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*Hyunjin POV*

Did that really just happen..? Those words.. I keep replaying them over in my head. He is so poetic when he talks. My english is not great but those words.. that intention in saying them.. all of it true. I have butterflies in my stomach and cannot stop thinking about it. Why can't I stop thinking about it.

"Jinnie... you ok?" I heard Felix say.

"Oh what..? Sorry" I felt my cheeks getting flushed.

"Is everything ok? You look like you are having an existential crisis" he responds with a goofy chuckle, making me feel more at ease.

"I'm sorry if I got a little too serious again" he added, hiding his face, I could tell his goofy smile faded.

"No it's ok. It was beautiful what you said, you always had a way with words Yongbok" I responded. Now I really have to hide my face because my cheeks are hot.

"I'm glad" Felix responded as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I always hated hugs, they felt weird to me but with Felix it is something that makes me feel at peace. I pulled away from the hug and Felix gave me a look that I had never seen from him before. A look that made me feel a way I had never felt with him before. I could not help but get flushed again.

"You look so handsome today baby" I told him, I often tell him that but this time it felt different. What is going on.... I felt my cheeks getting flushed again. He just gives me that smile....

*Felix POV*

Oh man oh man what I have I done. Hyunjin looks so distant and quiet. Did I ruin everything? I got shaky and asked if he was ok. He said he was fine but I feel like I need to make sure that he is not halfway running for the hills right now.

"I'm sorry if I got a little too serious again.." I had to hide my face away. I could not stand to see a look of disappointment from him.

He reassured me that everything was ok but I just needed to hug him. What I told him was so completely true. And I couldn't help but say it. I wanted to feel connected to him, like I did not just make everything weird with that love confession back there. I pulled him into a tight hug... why am I smiling like an idiot and have butterflies in my stomach. I always did with Hyunjin, I mean look at him. How could you not feel a certain type of way when you see him. But not like this....

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