Start of Something New

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*Hyunnin POV*

As soon as wel got back to the dorms Lix skips to his room, holding all of my drawings to his chest and places them in the memory box that he keeps when he is down. Its mainly things that remind him of home in Australia and a nacklace that he got from his grandma right before she passed. Only a few people have ever seen the box.

When Felix hurt his back I found him in the room on his floor with the box in front of him. He showed me the items were in it and told me the story behind them. We ended up staying up and talking until 4 in the morning that night.

I put the rest of the leftover food away and sit down on the couch. I get a notification on my phone.

CHAN (DAD) - hey I hope everything is working out, we ended up having a later start to the day so we will all be out for a little longer. I'll message you when I hear from the others that they are on their way. Have fun! -

The message makes me smile. Knowing that I can have Felix all to myself just a little longer.

"What on your phone has got you all smily? Not trying to replace me already are you?" Felix comes into room and jokingly states.

I get up and pull Felix close to me.

"That was daddy Chan" I say teasily, knowing it makes him jealous.
"We - have the dorms all to ourselves a little while longer. They are running late of course" I roll my eyes playfully but gently rub his back.

He squeezes me tightly, burrying his head in my chest again. I looks up to face me and giggles.

"What?" I say laughing back.

"Oh nothing... just realizing I have more time to spend with my BOYFRIEND before the party poopers come back." He says, his smile turning into a mischievous grin.

"What are you up to....?" I ask, truly concerned what this black haired angel has in store for me.

He leans up and very slowly gets closer to my face, going in for a kiss but plants it on my cheek instead.

"Oh come on, you can't just call me boyfriend with that beautiful face and not give a kiss" I pout, honestly wanting to just hold him tight and never let go.

Felix takes a hold of my hand and leads me to the room "I'll make it up to you don't worry" he winks at me, making my face turn bright red and my heart flutter.

~~~~ Smut Warning, no storyline included so skip if you don't feel comfortable ~~~~~~

*Felix POV*

As soon as we get into the room I close the door behind me. Hyunjin places his phone on the nightstand to make sure he can know when the others are heading back.

I sit Hyunjin down on the bed and start to kiss him slowly, softly stroking his hair with my hand and stroking his cheek with my other hand. Hyunjin places his hands on my waist, holding back on pulling me closer until I give him the signal.

Gradually I make the kisses more passionate and ask for my tongue to enter, he happy submits to the request and I play with his tongue, smiling in the process and causing him to smirk.

I move to place myself on his lap, legs wrapped around him, this causes him to take a deep breath in and lean closer into the kisses, his tongue now fighting with mine.

I tug on his shirt and pull away, taking the opportunity to catch our breath while we remove the shirts. I start kissing him on the neck sensually, taking in the smell of his spiced cologne and tugging on his hair with my hand, causing him to groan softly.

Smiling I make my way down further to his collarbone and suck on it, leaving behind an identical mark to the one that is still present on me. This makes Hyunjin dig his fingers into my back and causes me to moan.

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