Case 143 *part 3*

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*Felix POV*

When we got back to the dorms in the parking lot Hyunjin turned to me and pulled me close into a warm hug.

"I'm not ready to let go yet" he said, burrying his face in my neck. "We can stay like this as long as long as you want to" I respond, squeezing him tighter. We stayed like that for a couple more minutes. Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey playing softly in the background. I softly caressed Hyunjin's back and let myself soak in the scent of his cologne.

When we were heading back in, Hyunjin held my hand and gave it a small squeeze before letting go to open the door.

"Is everything ok?" I ask concerned, noticing that he is struggling with the lock of the door and has been rattling it for a while. (A/N Hyunjin was trying to warn the people inside that they were coming in).

"Yeah I'm ok, just one of those days I guess." He gets the door unlocked and walks inside first, the dorms are completely dark. Are the other members not home??

Hyunjin turns on a switch. "Surprise!" There is a room full of people. The dorms are dressed in fairy lights with aqua blue shining streamers perfectly placed to make it look like we are underwater. There is a table of all of my favorite foods displayed and a projector set up, pointing at a wall that has been stripped bare. Hyunjin comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "Surprise Lix" he says softly in my ear. The thoughtfulness and effort put into making it look like a perfect ocean scene made me cover my mouth and caused tears to form.

I look into the crowd and start bawling, seeing my sister and childhood best friend from Australia amongst the people. Hyunjin gives me a gentle pat on the side and lets me go, I run into my sister's arms, bawling at this point.

"How are you here?!" I ask her. "Your band mates all pitched in to get us flights out here to see you." She squeezes me tightly and I grunt. She wipes my tears away and I make my way around the room, greeting everyone and thanking them for everything.

Eventually I got through everyone and ended up by Hyunjin and Changbin, who were talking in the corner, away from the crowd because of the introverts they are. Changbin hands me a drink and Hyunjin places his arm around me. Instictively I grab the hand around my shoulders and hold it.

"It looks absolutely incredible you guys" I can feel tears forming again and Hyunjin gaves me a huh, Changbin joining in.

"I know right!" Han exclaims, nudging Minho in the side and mumbling "see, I told you so!" We all laugh.

Chan walks over and whispers something in Hyunjin's ear who immediately follows him out to the balcony.

*Hyunjin POV*

"I don't think I can do this man, what if people are like you and figure out what's going on. I don't want Felix to hate me if people find out." I lower my head.

"You need to relax bro, everyone already knows you love Felix more than anything, unless you guys announce it I doubt anyone would say anything about it being romantic. Also, if you think Lix could ever hate you, you are out of your mind." He pats his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me some.

"Ok..." I say hesitantly. I'm an idol for God's sake, why am I nervous to perform now when I have performed in front of millions.

"You got this mate, just think of Lix when you sing it. I have the slideshow all ready to go, it should be in about 10 minutes." I nod my head in understanding. Chan squeezes me into his chest, painting a look of disgust on my face.

"Ew" I say in my famous way, "it doesn't feel right with anyone but Felix"

"Mhmm, come on Romeo." He pulls me back inside and I join the group.

"Everything ok?" Lix says while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Hey do you want to introduce me to your sister?" I ask him, wanting to change the subject before an interrogation.

"Yes!" His face gleams and he grabs my arm, dragging me through the crowd and coming to a sudden stop, causing me to stumble a bit.

"Olivia, this is Hyunjin, Hyunjin meet Olivia." Felix introduces us.

"Oh... so you're the famous Hyunjin" she says with a grin and pulls me into a tight hug. Man he must get his cuddly ways from his family.

"Famous huh?" I smirk at Lix, who has started blushing.

"Aww I didn't mean to expose you little bro" she says, noticing his face and pinching his cheeks. Felix rolled his eyes at her and they both laughed.

The music stopped, causing my stomach to tie in knots with was is coming next.

Chan had started the projector, beaming on the wall and has a piano set up in the corner. He taps on the mic to signal the crowd.

"As everyone knows, we are here to celebrate Felix's birthday. He is our ray of sunshine and is such a blessing to us all. With his warm spirit and sometimes way too kind heart. I didn't know what to get you for a gift so I asked a dear friend for help getting this together" I squeezed Felix's hand before my way up to Chan, he hands me a microphone.

"Felix, this one is for you little brother." Chan says. He starts the slide show and plays the gentle melody we have been working on. I take a deep breath before focusing my attention on Felix, removing everybody from the room.

Baby pictures of Felix pop up on the screen and his sister grabs his hand.

"You. You make all of our days so much brighter. And you, can make rainbows on our cloudy days."

A perfectly timed video of Felix running away from his dad outside in a diaper while he chases him with the water hose plays. I can see Felix's eyes water as he leans his head on his sister's shoulder. More pictured show on the wall as the lyrics start up again.

"Whenever I miss home, my compass it points to you. Because wherever I go, a piece of my home lies with you"

Another video of Felix on the plane to Korea to start his trainee days plays, he is pointing out the window as the plane flies over Korea, his face bright and his eyes full of excitement and hope.

"You. As precious as a delicate flower. A desire to keep you safe and whole."

A video of Felix running around in a field from a year or 2 shows. The rest of the members all tackle him into the ground and laugh.

"Because a heart like yours deserves to be protected, I'll guard it from the theives of the world."

A video of Felix sword fighting with his childhood best friends, dressed up as pirates for halloween plays. Felix turns and hugs the boy tightly, seeming like the boy can't breathe from the pressure. It makes me chuckle softly.

"Every day we thank the stars, that you decided to fly so far. Our lives would never be the same, if we never knew your name"

Videos of us all messing around before concerts and during rehearsals pop on the screen.

"And if the days ever get rough, you can always count on us. Because no matter what, you'll always know. That Felix oh we love you so."

A couple more pictures of group outings and funny moments pop on the screen. The music starts to fade as the wall shows a picture of Felix at our first concert, absolutely beaming with joy and looking like he is on top of the world. The crowd of people cheers but all I can focus on is the man I love, and his face so precious. Red and puffy from his tears that he can't seem to stop from flowing down his face.

He runs over to us and jumps into our arms, sobbing as he squeezes us tighter. We didn't mind though, and all 3 of us hug, Felix sandwiched in the middle. Before we know it the other members jump on top of us and we all make a pile on the floor. A pile of brotherly love. The mess of the group on the floor causes the rest of the guests to break out in laughter.

Once we finally were able to get back up and compose ourselves. The party continued.

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