Sweet escape

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*Hyunjin POV*

I was finally done with my shower and cooled down enough to relax. I walk into my room to see Felix sitting on my bed.

"Hey, everything ok?" I question, concerned because he lets out a deep sigh. I walk over to him, stroking my hand through his hair.

"M..mhmm" he nods his head, I can feel the warmth from his face. His eyes move from my face to my bare upper body, I didn't bring my clothes with me so just had a towel wrapped around my waist.

"Oooh I see" I back away from him with a smirk on my face.

"Want to return the favor?" I ask playfully, but definitely hoping he will take me up on it. I see him bite his lower lip, absolutely driving me crazy.

"Aww come on yongbokkie, you can't be doing that to me" I say, pouting.

A smile appears on his face and a little spark of confidence takes over him, surprisingly really driving me crazy. He gets up and walks over to the door, checking to make sure the others are still chatting away with their brownies. He places his hand on my chest and backs me up against the closet door.

He trails his hand gently down to trace my stomach, sending shivers though my entire body and causing me to sweat from the heat radiating through me.

"You going to be ok Jinnie?" He says with a smirk while feeling my heartbeat and gently rubbing the goosebumps on my arm.

I take a deep breath and just let my body soak in the touches that this beautiful human being is giving me.

"Honestly Lix, at this point I really don't know. You have no idea the things you do to me" I say, I chuckle clearly in agony from the restraint I am trying to keep right now. My eyes inspect every inch of his face and I lick my lips, wanting so bad to kiss him again.

My comment made him blush, he got on his toes and whispered "one of these days maybe you can show me exactly what I do to you". He giggles and I pretend to faint, sliding to the floor. This made Felix laugh while his flustered state intensified. He held out his tiny hand to help me up. I interlock my hand with his and pull him close for a kiss, passionate but not desperate. At least stealing that from the sinful little angel in front of me.

"What did you come in here for? Just to torture me again after I finally managed to cool off?" I say, grabbing a shirt from the closet and putting it on.

"Nooo" he said, hiding his face in the sleeves that cover his hands. "I wanted to ask if you would like to go on a walk with me? I wasn't expecting to be faced with this sight..." he responds softly and apologetically.

I give him a warm smile, how could I really be mad at what just happened? Outside feeling my heart wanting to jump out of my body when I just got it settled.

"I would love to join you on a walk, just let me finish getting dressed, ill be out soon" I respond, giving him a soft peck on the lips before he skips out of the room to go get his jacket and shoes.

I huffed while letting myself fall onto the bed, giving my body time to recover and to get strenth in my knees again. This is a dangerous amount of power for him to have over me. I have never been a simp for anybody but Felix... I mean who am I kidding? Its Felix for God's sake, why am I surprised.

I finally gained enough strength to finish putting on my clothes and meet Lix by the door.

"We are going to go on a walk, we wont be long!" Lix shouts to the other members. They were messing with Seungmin while he cleaned up the kitchen. Poor thing never gets a break.

*Felix POV*

I wanted some more alone time with Hyunjin to talk about logistics and see what exactly is going on. We have been sneaking around to avoid suspicion but I know that Han knows about the kiss, and despite his squirelly nature he is not stupid and it catching on.

I feel Hyunjin grab my hand and interlock his fingers with mine. He raises my had and gently kissed the back of it, giving me that look like he is truly taking you in.

"Hyunjin?" I ask, my voice sounds so high pitched when im nervous.

"Hm?" He resonds, fixing his eyes on me.

"What exactly is going on between us..." I respond, really trying to continue to breathe.

Hyunjin stopped and turned me to face him.

"I mean you know how I feel about you, the past couple of days, and the exploration that we have done... have only made those feelings stronger" of course he has to put his flirty spin on everything. His demeanor softens again and he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I am just worried about the other members, I don't want them knowing anything yet, and I think Han is catching onto us... I just feel so overwhelmed by everything and am struggling to control my desires around you..." I go to hide my face in the collar of my sweater, feeling the shyness and fear kick in.

Hyunjin lifts my chin to look at him. "We can take things as slowly as you want to baby, I don't want to force you into anything you are not ready for. If you want me to back off, tell me and I will" those words immediately eliviated the cloud hanging over my feelings of pure joy.

"I definitely.... don't... want you to back off" I state, my desires for him front and center in this momen. I grab his arm and hug it tightly, needing that physical touch. Hyunjin gave me a warm smile, not the seductive kind but the kind where you can tell he is relieved and at peace.

"Well then Lix, lets just continue to take this one step at a time, and when we feel like it's time to let the others know we can. Until then... I kind of like the sneaking around and stealing your affections. And for Han, don't worry I can handle him" He paints a smirk on his face like usual.

Hyunjin pulls me close and locks our lips together one last time before we have to head back in to join the others .

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