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*Hyunjin POV*

I hesitantly sit down across from Chan "is he ok?!" It came out more aggressively than intended but I meant it.

Chan looked taken aback "yah mate, he's fine, I wanted to talk about his birthday" I could finally release the breath I had been holding in and punched Chan in the shoulder. He grabbed it "ow! What was that for" he raises his voice.

"Don't scare me like that dude, over here telling me to have a seat with the lowest tone of voice and saying you need to talk to me about Felix. What was I supposed to think" I was actually angry at him.

"Oh sorry mate, I didn't mean to scare you. I am concerned though, he seems more guarded lately and with what happened this morning I don't want him carrying the world on his shoulders. You know how much pressure he puts on himself." Chan responded, his chuckle turning more sad.

"I know, I'll keep an eye on it. If anything happens of course I'll let you know" I say, trying to reassure him while not digging further into it. He does have a point about Felix putting the weight of the world on his shoulders and hiding behind that cute smile.

"I know you will, hell I trust that you will over everyone else in the group, including me. I know are very serious when it comes to Felix" he responded with the smile returning to his face and a grateful look on his face as he taps me on the shoulder.

"So what about Felix's birthday?" I ask, changing the subject.

"We are all planning a surprise party for him to celebrate and I have a very important task for you..." he answers, planting a smile on my face knowing how excited he will be to see it.

"Of course, ill do anything!" I say excited to hear how I can help.

"We need you to take Felix out for the day so that we can get everything set up and ready at the dorms." He replies.

"Yeah, sure man, but why me?" I ask in response.

"Because I know that he would never pass up the chance to hang out with you! Plus ,he would be suspicious if we pushed him to go with any of the other guys" he smiled "you could even call it a date" he jokes with a wide grin on his face. Little does he know that's exactly what I will be calling it, they just won't know.

"Alright good point." I say, trying to stop myself from smiling at the comment. "So what time do I need to have him back? And when is the party?" I ask since his birthday falls in the middle of the week so we wont be able to celebrate.

"Next weekend. We need a good amount of time to set up so we would need you to take him out from 11-7."

I nod my head in understanding. "And make sure that you both wear something nice!" He adds.

"Ok dad, anything else?" I respond like a grumpy teenager, secretly jumping up and down inside with the perfect cover for a real date.

"Just 1 thing, for his gift I wanted to make him a song and I would really like your help on it. That way we will both have a gift that can't be beat" he says with a wink.

"I'll absolutely help, but I have a gift in mind already so no need to share too much of the credit" I tell him.

"So what are you thinking with the song?" I ask to avoid him prying into the gift im planning.

"I want to make him a song that shows him how important he is to all of us and how much we all appreciate the light he brings into our lives. I have the music down I am just not great with words, thats where ill need help from you. You can always talk effortlessly with him." The comment made me blush a little so I clear my throat to distract myself.

"Can I hear the music?" I ask, further focusing on something else so Chan won't see my nerves. He nods and plays the most gentle melody, which is unusual for him since his songs are usually more heavily produced. It sounds just like Felix though. Being soft yet whimsical and warm. Reminding me of a sunrise. Very fitting for a human sunshine

I grab a notepad and write some things down. I want Chan to take the lead on this, knowing that if I write it it will be much too romantic for a brotherly love song.

"What are the feelings you want to show through the song. When you think of Felix what comes to mind" he thinks for a second and looks at me. "Sunshine, happiness, family, a piece of home, nurturing and a need to protect." He responds, being very accurate on every word, although I would have some others to add, again making my skin burn up at the thought.

Chan looks at me and notices the red tint that has come across my face. "Why are you-" what about this?" I cut him off to avoid the topic, he snickered and went along with it.

"You. You make all of our days so much brighter. And you, can make rainbows on our cloudy days" I start, Chan is nodding his head to the simple melody.

"Whenever I miss home, my compass it points to you. Because wherever I go, a piece of my home lies with you" Chan smiles at the words nodding in agreement.

"You. As precious as a delicate flower. A desire to keep you safe and whole. Because a heart like yours deserves to be protected, I'll guard it from the theives of the world." I finish as Chan cuts the music.

"Is there something wrong with it?" I ask him.

"You really love him don't you?" He turns to me, saying it in a serious way.

"Of course I do, everyone loves Felix" I respond back, know what he meant but not wanting to admit it.

"No, not like that they don't.  And don't try to deny it, there is pure deep love in what you sang. It even gave me the chills." His comment caused my face to turn red. I can't even deny it or try to argue.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask in response.

"Maybe not to strangers, but I know you. I have always known that you guys have a connection and a bond that is unique and rare. And that you treat Felix differently from anybody else around you. Especially when it comes to protecting him." I didn't know how to respond to his words. "What you just had sealed that for me, because the best performer, the best actor, the most charismatic human on the planet, could not have faked raw emotion like that." He finishes. Placing his hand on my shoulder. I don't know why but I felt myself holding back tears.

"I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was calling you out on it." He said defensively, realizing the effect his words had on me.

"No, you're right. Just dont share it with anybody. Felix is not ready to share it yet." I plead. Chan's eyes widened. Oh crap. I forgot that he didn't know it was mutual.

"You're joking?! You guys are togetha?!" He said, his Aussie accent thick as it becomes whenever he gets flustered or excited.

I press my lips together, realizing that I just did what Felix wanted to avoid for right now.

"Shhh!" I look at him with daggers in my eyes.

"Sorry.... but since when?!" He said, his voice initially soft getting louder again. I smack my forehead.

"That's not important, not long. I'm sure that Lix will tell you eventually but he is not ready yet. Just keep it to yourself please, and for the love of all that is holy, please do not be obvious about the fact that you know. Han already is keeping us on our toes about that one. But Felix doesn't know you know so I don't need you giving it away got it?" I tell him sternly, poking his chest with my finger.

"Wait, Han knows about this? How did he find out?" I started blushing at the question, remembering exactly how Han found out about it.

"Long story and that's not important. Can we get back to work now?" I ask, getting more annoyed by the second.

"Ok Romeo, cool your jets" he says smirking at me and roughing up my hair with the biggest smile on his face. I can't help but smile at the excitement in his face. It makes me happy to know that the members so far have been so supportive of this.

We go back to working on the song, finishing up the lyrics and planning a session for me to record the vocals.

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