Stolen Moments

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Another long week of rehearsals has come to an end, Hyunjin and Felix having not had much contact out of the small breaks, and if they do have some time, are much too focused and tired to sneak around. The members are shooting a promotional Vlive.

*Felix POV*

We are utterly exhausted from our busy week and last thing on the agenda is the Vlive. We ended practice early today so that we could go back to the dorms and freshen up. Theme for today is white/black/red. I pick out an outfit to wear, a slightly oversized white and red graphic tee, white chunky necklace, and black jeans. The other members know that I tend to take a year and half to get ready to go anywhere so I am always the first to shower so I have extra time to get ready. I head into the kitchen to get a snack ready for the boys, after a long week of rehearsals I think we need a pick-me up.

I start making a fruit platter with the most delicious fruits Hyunjin picked up at the grocery store last night. He really has a knack for finding the best quality fruits. I also decide to make some rice cakes, my absolute favorite (totally not selfishly picked).

One by one, other members start trickling in, everyone looking pretty dressed up for this live, with many wearing a dress shirt of various shades of red and black.

"Aah Felix, I love what you did with your makeup today, your eyes look just like a doll" Han says, cutely looking at me with his chin resting on the palms of his hand on the table.

"Thanks!" I respond, placing the food on the table so the guys can snack.

"Hmmmmm watermelon!" Chan moans in Aussie, stuffing his face with the little cubes of watery goodness.

I take a handful of grapes and start popping them in my mouth.

"Oooh food!" I hear an oh so familiar voice call out.

I bit into a grape and choke on the juice when I see Hyunjin come out of the room. He is wearing a darker red dress shirt that is slighly puffy and on the bigger side which absolutely contoured his body so well. He was wearing a choker length necklace that brough attention to his chest, which was slightly exposed due to his opened top button. He looked so elegant and impossibly handsome.

"You ok baby?" Hunjin says rushing over to me.

I nod my head while trying to normalize my breathing. "Yeah just went down the wrong hole" I say, with a voice barely there.

Han and Lee Know giggle and smirk at eachother at my comment. I press my lips together and roll my eyes at them, dirty minds.

Hyunjin passes me a glass of water. "Drink" he says very dominantly. I gulp the water down and clear my throat. Hyunjin leans on my back with his head on my shoulder.

"You look amazing, I wish I could kiss you right now" he whispers in my ear making me turn red. Thankfully I just choked so itll be assumed that my face is flushed from the grape. Except Han, of course he is sitting across from me with his eyebrows raised as if he caught us red handed, making me press my lips together and look around the room.

"Alright team, lets do this!" Chan claps his hands and ushers the group out the door.

"You look incredible Mr. Model" I give him a smile and poke his side playfully, causing him to grab me from behind and squeeze me into a hug. "Oh how I have missed your touch and that intoxicating scent of yours" he says, squeezing me tighter causing me to giggle and try to squirm away.

While doing the Vlive I sit in front of Hyunjin, he keeps pulling at my shirt my and collar, trying to sneak his hand in my shirt. Way to be subtle Hyunjin, I pull his hand from my collar and fix the shirt. He finally gave us and just rested his arm on my shoulder. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me with his face over my shoulder "I'm sorry I can't help myself" he whispers to me. I guess it is up to me to stay focused on the live and not play into it. As much as it hurts me to ignore his touches. His hands cupping my neck give me absolute chills. I deserve an oscar for this performance in keeping my cool.

Finally returning home from the live we all plop down on the couches, not even bothering to change into something more comfortable.

"Hyunjin man what the heck were you doing" Changbin laughs "I don't think there was a single moment you were not touching or tugging on Lix's shirt"

"What can I say, it's been a long week and he is just so soft and fluffy" Hyunjin responds, mimicking the song I made up for Seungmin in the car. The group all laughed and thankfully dropped it. Not even an hour later half the members were passed out on the couch, Hyunjin falling asleep on my lap as I gently caress his hair, just taking in the sight of this gorgeous human being with a scent of warm spices. I didnt want to disturb him so I get comfortable and fall asleep as not long after.

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