Case 143 *part 2*

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*Hyunjin POV*

"Go and get ready to leave, date wear"  I whispered to Felix who nodded in understanding. I always needed to tell him what kind of clothing to wear, he overthinks it a lot. I grab his arm and pulled him back to whisper "oh, and bring a blanket!" He looked back at me, smiled and got his things to take a shower.

"What's with the secrecy?" Changbin spoke up, Han kicked his leg under the table and sternly whispered "the surprise party you idiot. Hyunjin is going to take Felix out the house" he winked at me and I smiled at him for just helping me out.

"Alright Changbin, ill be helping you with the dishes today" I say to him as I start gathering plates. "It's Han's turn to do the dishes" he says, slightly snarky.

"Well I owed him a favor so I'll be doing it"

"What did he d-"

"Really not important, now I have to go soon, do you want me help you or not?" I say frustrated at the third degree im getting from him today.

"Ok ok fine, yes" Changbin grabbed the drying towel and dried while I washed. Not long after I see Felix emerge in a well put together but casual outfit. His hair slicked back and his eyes bright.

"Hey guys, I'm going to catch a movie with Felix and probably some food after. We'll be back around 5."

"Ok see ya" Minho and Han said as we walked toward the door.

"Oh a movie huh? Is that why I needed a blanket?" He asks, a cute smile on his face.

"I know you get cold easily, and as much as I would love to give you all of my warmth" I say with a smirk "I can only provide so much at the movies"

Felix blushed at my comment and squeezed my hand. I open the car door for him and get into the driver's seat.

The movie we went to see was a sappy one which Felix loved. I never cared so much for them but I couldn't keep my eyes off the angel and how invested he was in the story, holding my hand with one and popping popcorn into his mouth with the other. Not breaking his eyes away from the screen once.

"You keep looking at me..." I hear a cute whisper, so focused on his eyes that I was daydreaming for a bit.

"I need to take the opportunity when I can" I respond, taking his hand and kissing it. Felix broke his attention away from the screen and gently placed his warm hand on my face. Pulling me in gently and kissing me. Not a peck or a desperate one, a connected one, giving me chills that ran down my spine. When he pulled away he looked at me lovingly for a little white, my heart beating out of my chest with the view in front of me.

"You're missing the movie" I say gently with a smile.

"That's ok, your gorgeous face is worth every second I miss." He responds, smirking at me.

"I'm supposed to be the romantic one" I pout teasingly, causing Felix to giggle softly and pull me into another kiss, this one more passionate. He gently runs his fingers through my hair making me melt further into his lips.

I pulled back gently and just looked him for a little longer.

"Lix, I L.... like that you are here with me and the beautiful freckles on your face" I said, chickening out of the actual phrase I wanted to say. This isn't the place. We had said it before, often, but not in the way I mean it now.

Felix smiled gently, wrapping his arms around my bicep and cuddling into me. I laid my head on his and just  cherished the time I got to spend with him, smellig the shampoo from his hair bringing meso much comfort.

As the movie ended and the lights turned back on I can see Felix's cheeks with tears on them. I cup his face with both hands, knowing that the movie made him emotional, and kissed his tears, causing more tears to show in his eyes.

"Hey Yonbokkie, whats wrong" I say with a smile and concerned look.

"Nothing... I just never imagined that I would end up on a date with my best friend, a freaking model, who tells me that my features are beautiful. I just feel so lucky that I couldn't sleep that night and talked to you. That I was brave enough to ask for you to kiss me again" the tears slowly ran down his face. I looked at his beautiful features a little longer before pulling him into a hug and kissing him.

"I am the lucky one here. I landed myself the person with the purest heart, honestly too good for this world and too good for me. I would be stupid not to consider myself blessed for having you in my life, let alone to be able to kiss you." Saying this made me blush. I am always amazed at Felix's ability to pull my thoughts and feelings out, to make me feel so comfortable that I can be vulnerable.

Felix blushed too and kissed me again.

"Come on let's go, that popcorn made me hungry" he giggled and grabbed my arm to pull me to get food. After some food from his favorite cafe it was time to head back.

- to: Chan
    Hey we are leaving the cafe now, we will be there in about 15 minutes. Is everything ready?

From: Chan
    Yeah Mate, all good to go. Hope you enjoyed yourselves ;) -

I rolled my eyes but truth was we did.  The closer we get to the dorms the more I get butterflies in my stomach. This is it, this is when I say those 3 words that have been itching to escape my tongue. This is when I give Felix the most vulnerable present I have given to anybody in my life. My heart be still.

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