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*Felix POV*

Oh my god.... am I really doing this. Did I just ask the Hwang Hyunjin to kiss me. I feel his soft hand cup my cheek and lead me toward him. This is it. The moment of no return, I surpress down the fear and let Hyunjin kiss me.

As soon as our lips met it my heart skipped a beat and I had to breathe in, feeling like I was gasping for air after being underwater. I felt all of my tension dissipate. Hyunjin pulled away, looking at me with a reaction I rarely ever see from him -complete vulnerability- I look between his eyes and his lips and lean back in. Yearning to feel that comfort and relief I felt again. Hyunjin gently placed his hands on my neck, melting me into the kiss. I placed my hands on his waist and just let the moment sweep me off my feet. Our lips continuously interlocking as we both cut the tension and connected. Hyunjin pulled me onto his lap, not releasing from the kiss and pressed me closer to him.

Eventually we parted to breathe and I rested my head against his. Recovering from the intense emotional rollercoaster that just happened. Hyunjin locked his eyes with mine, giving me that look that just makes me feel so special.

"Feel better..?" He asks, still trying to catch his breath and wearing that signature smirk of his.

"Yup... that about did it..." I responded, not caring that my face lit up like a lantern. Hyunjin kissed me on the forehead and just held me close.

"You are such an angel you know that? Come on lets get you back to bed so you can sleep." Says, picking me up and carrying me to my room. He placed me in the bed and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek before turning to head out.

"Hey Hyunjin?" I asked softly, trying not to wake the others.

"Hmm?" He turns around, the light coming from the living room making him look like the gates of heaven.

"Can we do that again sometime?" I ask sheepishly, hiding my smile under the covers.

"Anytime you want to baby, goodnight" he says confidently and closes the door behind him.

*Hyunjin's POV*

I slide down the door once I close it and just sit on the ground for a moment. I pinch my skin making sure I am not just in a torturous dream that will leave me heartbroken the next day. I regain my composure and head to sleep. Not wanting the night to end.

I woke up the next morning to the birds chirping by the window and the sunlight illuminating my sunshine. Felix sits at the edge of the bed.

"Watching me sleep Yongbokkie?" I say playfully, reading for any signs that I was not just dreaming of finally being with my Felix.

"What can I say you enchant me?" He responds, smiling at me. "Can I join you?" He shyly asks.

"For you, anything" I respond, opening up the covers and sliding over to make room for him.

Felix curls up next to me, perfectly fitting into my side and placing one leg over me to prevent me from moving.

I let out a soft chuckle "what is this for? What did I do to deserve this?" I say, stroking his hair gently. He squeezes me so tight that I lose my breath.

He looks around to make sure the other members in the room are still sleeping before looking up at me. "I wanted to feel you... like I did yesterday..." he looks at me with dazed eyes.

"Now Yongbokkie, do not start a game you can't finish" I respond smirking at him and gently kissing him, causing him to sigh and circle his fingers on my chest.

"So it was not just a dream?" I continued.

"Hmhmm" he said, shaking his head not breaking eye contact with me. I breathe a sigh of relief, causing Felix to squeeze me again. We ended up falling asleep again, waking to the sight of Han smirking at us.

"Well good morning to you too Han" I say playfully. "Do you need something?"

Han just stood there, his smirk turning into a suggestive smile. Attempting not to wake Felix I shoo him away. He turns around heading to the door. He stops, looks back at us, and gives us the *I'm watching you* gesture.

Felix looks so cute nestled by me. I gently stroke his hair while taking in the sight of this beautiful creature looking etherial, wanting to stay in this moment forever. Alas this is reality and there are things to do. I very gently get up, making sure not to disturb the sleeping angel and head to the bathroom for my usual routine.

"Where is Felix?" I hear Chan say in a concerned tone of voice. I head to the living room to find him pacing around the dorms frantically looking.

"Relax dad, he is fast asleep in my bed" I say sarcastically. At first the members looked at me in shock, their faces quickly returning to normal and indifferent.

"I don't know why that would surprise me" I.N chuckled as he took a big bite of his eggs.

"Ok.. phew... is everything ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah he's fine, just sleeping, didn't want to wake him up" I say, not exposing any more details and heading back toward the bathroom to finish getting ready for the day, hoping that Chan would let it go and not dig further. As I was rinsing off my face I felt a very familiar person hugging my waist.

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