The Date *continued*

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*Felix POV"

Hyunjin takes my hand in the car and holds it, gently stroking the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Thank you" I hear him say softly, causing me to smile.

"For what?" I ask back, curious about what he means.

"For saying what you did in the 2 kids room episode. I never told you this but I have also always had a deep love for you. You may not see it but you make me feel so safe to be myself. I had always been just a pretty face to most of the people in my life and it caused me to not want to bother opening up to people. Firstly, all people cared about was my so called "perfect image" so I felt like any other aspects of myself didn't matter. Secondly, despite my confident exterior, I doubt myself a lot" I squeezed his hand, my heart hurting hearing him talk about insecurities.

"But you... you have always been able to make me feel so safe, make me feel so at home that you can break through my walls. And honestly, it scared me. It scared me to the point that I put a boundary up when it came to you. If I convinced myself that the deep feelings I had for you were on a friendship level, then there was no nightmare of losing it. When you confessed to me how you felt during that episode, I was not speechless because I didn't know how to respond. It was me realizing that it was all I had wanted to hear, because I feel it too. After that, pretending like my feelings were platonic was impossible."

I couldn't help but let a tear roll down my cheek by the words. And being blindfolded by hearing this overwhelmed me. I did not have any other thing to focus on except for his words.

"So you have no idea how grateful I am that I was placed in that room with you and to even have you in my life, especially like this" his voice trembled a little and he firmly squeezed my hand. I knew that he was shedding a tear and moved my hand gently to touch his face and wipe it away.

The car came to a stop and I could feel Hyunjin face toward me.

"Thank you for always loving me the way you have and giving me a home to come back to. Wait right here." He opens the door and comes to my side of the car to help me out. I am hit with a pleasant fragrance and he leads me on a short walk.

"You ready?" He asks me softly, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Mhmm" I nod as I feel the bandana loosen from my head. I could not hold back the tears running down my face.

Before me was the big tree. The one that Hyunjin went to and confessed at. Underneith it laid a blanket with all of my favorite foods and drinks. The tree above it was covered with lights that looked magical even in the daylight. And around the tree were drawings, tons of drawings of me. Each with a note next to them describing the moment that the drawing was based off, from Hyunjins point of view and his thoughts.

I feel his soft hand wipe off the tears as he turned to face me, gently cupping my cheek and just looking at me. Looking with those eyes that are so soft and tender, full of love.

"You like it?" He asks, somewhat vulnerable in his tone.

"It is absolutely breathtaking" I say, still taking in the view and looking at all of the drawings.

Hyunjin's cheeks were blushed and he embraced me from behind again. Snuggling into my shoulder while I walked around reading his thoughts with the drawings. The dates ranging back to when we first met, before debut.

"I couldn't admit to myself that I loved you deeper than I loved anybody. But art doesn't lie. These drawings, don't lie. I wanted to show you the history of my feelings, something that word's just could not express." He says softly.

"I just have 1 more important thing to ask you..?" He lets me go and stands to face me.

"Lee Felix Yongbok, will you officially be mine?"

*Hyunjin's POV*

My heart is 100% beating out of my chest as I try to read his face for any clues on his thoughts. When I see a gorgeous sparkle appear in his eyes.

"This better not be a dream... of course I will" he jumps into me and squeezes me tightly, letting go just to lovingly kiss me. As soon as our lips touched the butterflies that have eating away at me all day, dissapate and I can fall into the moment fully.

I grab Felix's hand and lead him to the blanket with the food.

"Wait this is still cold, how did you set this up?" He asks me, a quizzing look on his face.

"Let's just say I will be doing Han's turn on the dishes for the next month" I smile at him, he places his warm hand on my face and just looks at me. What a sight.

We eat our food and just talk about some of our favorite memories of the past that really should have given us clues on our true feelings for eachother, each of them making us break out in laughter that only the 2 of us could be stubborn enough to not think something suspicious was going on.

We packed up our area and headed back to the car to go back to the dorms.

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