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*Hyunjin POV*

I am utterly exhausted. It has been a long week of rehearsals and practice and I have had so much on my mind I need to concentrate twice as hard just to make it through rehearsals without messing up. Thankfully today is saturday. If I can just make it through today, I have my day off to unwind.

As much as I am trying to give Felix space I am exhausted by the feelings I have for him. Now that I have felt his lips all I want to do when I am near him is feel it again. But the thought of our relationship changing hurts more than not being able to do what I want to do with him. I miss him, all I have been able to get is stolen glances through the mirrors and the occasional interaction during breaks, for which we are both too tired to be witty or think about anything other than rest.

Finally the day of rehearsals comes to an end and I have a glorious 24 hours of relief and recovery.

*Felix POV*

My limbs feel like actual noodles after the week we had. The new choreography is something else that is not for the faint for heart. As usual it is a race to the dorms to see who can make it to the showers first. I didn't even have the energy to fight for it today and went into the room to at least get my stuff ready to shower and finally wash the sweat off me. Once the first 2 members finished their showers I went to go and claim my turn, heading to the bathroom I am rushed past by Lee Know, who quickly dissapeared to the bathroom and took my turn. I had a face of disbelief but was honestly too tired to fight it.

Chan noticed what happened and chuckled to himself. "Go ahead and take my turn I can wait until you are done" as he walked away shaking his head to himself.

Just wanting to clean up I head to the other dorm bathroom to take my shower and open the door.

"Hey Lixie, just had to come say hi huh?" Of course it was Hyunjin with his seductive eyes and smirk.

"I.... uhh.... Lee Know stole my shower so.... Chan said I could use this one... D-do you mind?" I flustered, red in the face and really fighting myself from admiring his physique still somewhat wet and glimmering, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Hyunjin picked up on my flustered nature and of course did not leave behind an opportunity to tease me.

"Did Lee Know steal your tongue too?" He says while smirking, leaning on the counter in the bathroom and pulling his hands through his wet hair. "I'm almost done here but you can go ahead and shower, I don't mind. I'll be out of your hair in a minute." He continues, turning around to face the mirror and continuing with his skin care and fixing his hair.

"O-oh okay.... do you mind?" I say, singnaling him to cover his eyes so I can get undressed.

"So cute when you're shy Yongbokkie, fine." He sighs while doing as I asked.

As quickly as possible I get undressed and dissapear behind the shower curtain. "Ok you can open them now" I state as I turn on the water waiting for it to heat up.

"I know" he said playfully back with a slight chuckle. "You know you have nothing to be shy about right?" He said sing-songily in a much too playful tone.

I peek my head out from behind the curtain, "did you peek?" I said raising my eyebrows at him in the mirror.

I could see him laugh from the mirror and look straight at me "noooo.... whatever could you mean...?" He said playfully innocent while packing up his things to go back to the room. He gave me a wink before leaving the bathroom "enjoy your shower Felix" I hear the door close behind him and try to wash off the burning in my face. Ugh why does he do this to me!

*Hyunjin POV*

I take a deep breath when I get back to the room to find I.N looking at me.

"You ok man..?" He said while chuckling to himself. "You look like you went through a whole other round of rehearsals" immitating my deep breaths and pretending to flick sweat off his head.

"You look like you went through a whole other round of rehearsals" I mocked back it him before going to change and heading out of the room to chill on the couch. I was half asleep when I felt pressure on my stomach. Felix had come and sat down on the ground in front of my, resting his head on my stomach and gently looking up at me.

"Man those eyes." I think to myself, not realizing that I said it out loud. Felix blushed and gave me a very cute smile.

I bring my hand to his face and squish his cheeks, making him giggle. He took my hand and played with the matching couple rings we have and then massaged my hand. It was so comforting that I dont remember falling asleep.

"Wakey wakey, you can't sleep out here. Last thing you need is messing up your back or your neck" I opened my eyes to see Felix looking down and me and stroking my hair. His eyes actually twinkling under the dim light of the living room.

"What time is it?" I ask groggely, rubbing my eyes.

"It's midnight, you looked so peaceful so I didn't want to disturb you but I don't want you getting hurt." He says softly, that deep voice always sends shivers down my spine, especially in a whisper.

"The others have already fallen asleep, I just couldn't sleep well and noticed you were still here." He said while handing me a glass of water and sitting me up. He knows that I get groggy when I get woken up and always feel dehydrated.

"What's going on Yongbok?" I say, my playful tone replaced by concern. "This is the second night you have told me you couldn't sleep." I look at him seriously and stoke my hand through his hair, I know it always comforts him.

"I just feel tense that's all, a lot going on..." he trailed off, feeling like he was holding something back.

"Are you going to make me ask again? I know you better than that, what's really going on. Missing home?" I ask, remembering that he would get really homesick when he first got here and it caused him to distance himself.

Felix looked at me with a long pause.

"Are you trying to play games with me..?" He finally asks, his voice getting much higher and fragile.

"Of course not Yongbokkie... I just didn't want to change how I was around you. I know that you don't want to take anything further and I'm trying to keep us how we were." I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"But it isn't the same... the teasing is driving me crazy and it's all I think about..." he says, still looking down avoiding my reaction.

"Do you want me to stop?" I say, gently pushing his chin to face me.

"Yes... no... I don't know..." he placed his head in his hands, slumped over.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I say softly, rubbing his back.

"Will you... kiss me... again?" My eyes widened hearing the words come out of his mouth.

My heart is beating out of my chest and I cup my hand on his cheek, gently leading his face closer to mine. I pause quickly to give him time to stop me if he wants to and very gently press my lips on his again.

I can feel Felix inhale deeply and stay frozen for a second. I pull away inspecting his face for any clue to what is going through his mind. His eyes lock with mine and he does the unexpected.

He leans back in and locks his lips with mine, kissing me back and allowing me to melt into the embrace. I return the favor and grab his neck gently, deepening the kiss as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I am in actual heaven and he is a true angel.

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