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*Hyunjins POV*

we made it back to the group not long after. Still interlocking hands. Felix tried to pull it away but I squeezed it.

"Relax, its not like this is unusual right?" I whisper to him, naturally seductively. I smirk as I see his face turn red.

"Oi man, where did you go in such a hurry!" Chan asked in his most Aussie dad voice. I could see Felix tense up next to me, he is so cute when he is nervous but really gives things away. I put my arm around Felix and begin the theatrics.

"I almost died you guys! I was just laying in the field with Innie and Lix and a whole wasp decided to attack me! I ran straight for the hills, my face is too precious to be around such a danger you know?" I really played into the story with my best drama llama personality.

Felix chuckled and did that sassy eye roll that just makes me weak in the knees.

"Thankfully Yongbokkie here came to my rescue and helped me escape from the great evil wasp! Sorry Innie for leaving you in the battlefield" I squeezed his cheek and mocked just a little. Everyone laughed and rolled their eyes.

"Well if you are recovered enough from your great war, can we get something to eat? Im starving" Han suggests to the group. Everyone nodded in agreement. We all searched for a place and landed on a cafe not too far from the park. While heading to the car I winked at Felix, who of course gave me sas back but smiled at me and gently punched my arm.

*Felix POV*

I felt Hyunjin pull me toward the car that he was in and tap Han on the shoulder.

"I think I need some more time with my protector, only he knows what I really went through back there." He states, very playfully and dramatic as usual.

Han just looked back and forth at both of us and raised 1 eyebrow. With a gentle smirk he responded "sure. Wouldn't want you to be traumatized further now" he said mockingly and winked at Hyunjin. I felt my face get blushed again.

"Are you going to blush everytime I say something Lix?" He smirked at me and pulled me into the car.

Ugh his charming ways drive me crazy. I really can't stop thinking about that kiss, and how much I wanted to experiment again.

We got to the restaurant not too long after and got a table. Naturally Hyunjin and I sat next to eachother and Han was on my left. I could tell that Han kept glancing over to Hyunjin and I. We all ordered our food and started eating. I felt Hyunjin put his hand on my lap and it almost made me choke on my water.

"You ok there Lix, don't be the second to almost see the light today" Lee Know said, mocking Hyunjin and sticking his tongue out at him. Hyunjin took his hand off my thigh and started gently hitting my back while I coughed. When I caught my breathe again Hyunjin scratched on my back up and down. Han noticed and immediately raised his eyebrows and smirked. I guess Hyunjin was finally done torturing me for the day and only gave me glances here and there. As much as I hated being teased I wanted him to touch me. I feel like such a simp, but looking like that how could you not simp?

We eventually made it home after dinner and decided to watch a movie, of course the group would choose a horror movie, I hate them and get scared easily.

Chan, Hyunjin and I sat on the couch, Seungmin wanted the the single chair to himself of course because he gets tired of us all, changbin, Lee Know, and Han sat on the floor with pillows. Me being such a wimp I clung onto Hyunjins arm the entire movie, half covering my face with the blanket not sure if I wanted to watch or avoid the gore. Hyunjin ended up reclaiming his arm, to my dismay, but quickly placed it around me and pulled to his chest. He smirked at me and whispered "cute, I got you don't worry" this made me blush once again as he rested his head on mine genly rubbing his fingertips up and down my shoulder.

Eventually the movie ended and everyone yawned to head up to respective rooms. I stayed behind to finish up the remaining dishes from the day.

"Want some help with that?" Hyunjin asked, surprisingly sincerely.

"Sure, you can dry while I wash, deal?" Hyunjin nodded and took the drying towel out of the cabinet.

"Do you want me to stop messing with you?" He asked after a bit of silence. His voice was deep and confident as usual but sounded much more sincere than his playful talk.

"As you notice you just make me blush and tease me. But no I don't mind it, I would miss it if you stopped..." I responded shyly. I could see a smile grow on his face as I said it. We finished up the dishes and headed out of the kitchen to get ready for bed.

"Goodnight sunshine" he whispers in my ear as he took my hand and squeezed it before heading over to his bathroom to shower. My heart was racing with those words and the knowledge that Hyunjin went to shower. Take your head out of the gutter Felix! I got myself ready for bed and replayed the events of the day over and over in my head. How much longer would I really be able to resist him and bare the tension between us? Finally I was able to doze off and fall asleep.

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