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*Hyunjin POV*

"Well goodmorning sunshine" I say with a big smile as I turn around to face him.

Felix wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I give him a small kiss on his head.

"Did you sleep well?" I followed up. He looked at me with that adorable smile, nodding his head yes.

"Hey Felix, sleepyhead, you up yet?" He groaned cutely and slowly let go of my hand to drag himself out of the bathroom and into the kitchen area with the others.

*Felix POV*

I walk into the kitchen, facing an annoyed Chan.

"What...?" I asked, with a confused look.

"We were worried sick about you mate, I thought you had left by yourself, you know that isn't safe" Chan said, always using that dad voice. I hate it when he has a point.

"Well clearly I'm here. But sorry Chan, if I sleep away from my bed again I'll make sure to leave a note letting you know I'm safe." I respond, feeling kind of guilty for worrying him.

"What were you doing in Hyunjin's bed anyway?" Han asked, not able to hide his suspecting smile.

"I uh... had a nightmare because of the scary movie we watched and Hyunjin said I could sleep there. I kept seeing shadows and got paranoid" which was not a complete lie but what they don't know won't hurt them.

"Awww poor baby" I.N says, pinching my cheek playfully.

"And here comes the knight in shining armor himself... Hwang Hyunjin!" Says Seungmin, sounding like a presenter on the price is right.

I look over at Hyunjin walking toward the group, a confused look on his face.

"I mean not that I disagree or object the grand entrance but huh?" He says wittingly, bowing to the group while taking a seat at the table next to me.

"Felix told us how you let him sleep with you because of a nightmare. Protecting our little angel." I look over at felix who gives me the "just play along" look.

"Oooh right. Yeah, I wouldn't leave our little chickie defenseless" I cup his chin with my hand and chuckle. Oh so smoothly changing it to put my arm around Felix. He grabs my hand from his shoulder and starts messing with my fingers. I could not contain my smile, his touches are so endearing and cute.

"Ok, today I am going to go to the studio with Seungmin and Changbin to work on some tracks. What are you guys up to?" Says Chan looking at the rest of us.

"Lee Know and I were going to go to the mall to look around for some event outfits if anybody would like to join" Han says, smiling at Lee Know.

"Sure I would like to come" Felix says, as happy as can be. He loves shopping.

"Hyunjin...?" Han says leaning my direction with puppy dog eyes.

"Ughhh I guess I'll come along" making Felix smile and Han do a victory pose.

"Just let me get ready, ill come out soon." Felix skips away to the bathroom, such a ray of sunshine and joy.

I grab my sketch book from the nightstand and sit on the couch, the events of the previous night giving me inspiration to work on a piece of art I am thinking of gifting to Felix if I can get it worthy of being a gift.

Eventually Felix came out of the bathroom and we left to go to the mall.

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