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*Felix POV*

Did he just say what I think he said... Hyunjin... THE HYUNJIN... visual of the group. The dancer, artist, amazing performer Hyunjin likes me? I was blushing like crazy at his confession to me. I have always had a little crush on him, ever since we met, but I am absolutely terrified of getting hurt.

But I know Hyunjin wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I have never seen him look this vulnerable, he is usually the confident and extremely flirty one. But that kiss.

That kiss... it was short but it made my heart want to explode. I see his lips now and even when he is sad presses them together do they look so inviting. I really want to but I am just so scared of potentially messing up this friendship that we have.

I get up and sit next to him. I don't know the best thing in this situation, but what I do know is that I want to have my arms around him and be close to him.

"I was just surprised when you kissed me, I didn't think that you liked me like that, and I didn't say I didn't.... like it.... I am just confused..." saying this I bury my head in his chest and squeeze him tightly. My heart racing a thousand miles a minute, and hearing Hyunjin's do the same.

"What I do know though, is that I do not want to lose you. You are so special to me, I love you, you know that. But I am so scared of messing it up" A tear escaped my eyes and I hugged him tighter.

He picked up his hand and started stroking my hair. I felt so comfortable in his embrace.

"Yongbokkie, you are an angel, why do you think you would mess anything up?" He said softly and compassionately while holding me.

"Because I can be too much. The amount of love I have felt for you as a friend up until now has sometimes been too much to bare you know I get really serious. I just dont want to fall even harder and chase you away..." with this I could no longer contain myself and started sobbing. I could feel Hyunjin relax his body and sit me up, wiping the tears away with his sleeve and looking at me sternly but lovingly.

"You could never chase me away with your love. I have never met anyone else who makes me feel the way you do, and I have felt it for a while I was just scared of rejection. I know it is not like me to be scared but with you it's different. I feel so blessed every time I'm with you that I get to have you in my life at all, in whatever shape or form you would have me. I don't need you to make a decision now, but I meant what I said. I would never want you to leave my life, period" he wiped the tears off my cheeks and pulled me into a hug.

Hyunjin stood up and reached his hand out, bowing like he was asking for a dance.

"Care to join me for a walk my prince?" he said playfully with a smile on his face.

There is the Hyunjin I know. His request made me smile and I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"You really are such a ray of sunshine, brightening even the darkest of my days." His words made blush. Giving my hand a squeeze he interlocked his hand with mine and we headed back to the others.

Thanks to anybody who has made it this far! I hope you enjoy it if you have. I felt like it was premature to get them together just yet, more to come soon!

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