Restful Days

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*Felix POV*

I wake up to a comforting warmth and Hyunjin's eyes looking at me lovingly.

"Hi" I smile at the reality of waking up in Hyunjin's arms and his handsome smile above me. "What time is it?" I grab his hand and massage it.

"It's about 2 now" he says.

I notice that the dorms are suspiciously empty "where is everybody?" I ask.

"Hmm Chan took Han and Lee Know to the studio to work on some of their vocals, bangchin went to the gym and I.N and Seungmin are in their room plying video games." He strokes my hair gently. "I was meant to go with Chan too but he said you were just too adorable to disturb and finally looked peaceful." Chan was not wrong, I have been so tense lately except when I am in Hyunjins protective arms. I feel him squeeze me and gently rock side to side. I look up to him and pucker my lips, which Hyunjin does not let go unnoticed and kisses me softly.

I sit up on the couch, leaving the warm burrito of my nap bed. "Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked me.

"You are needed with Chan, I know he has been working on these tracks for a long time and unfortunatley I can't keep you all to myself" he sticks out his hand to help me up.

"Besides, now that I am well rested I really need to hit the dance studio to work on my details for next rehearsal." I add before Hyunjin can be stubborn.

"Ohkay.." he sighs dramatically with a pouty look. Come on Felix don't give in...

"Let me grab my stuff, walk me there?" I ask smiling.

"But of course!" He responds. Heading to the bathroom to fix up his hair and putting on his shoes. I go to put on my dance clothes and we head to the studios.

Hyunjin heads to the music studios to meet Chan and I head to the dance rooms. After running through the choreo a couple of times slowely to catch any details I may be leaving out I stop the music and sit down to catch my breath. Wiping my sweat with the small towel I brought. I take off my jacket roll my eyes at the still present and noticeable hickies that show around my tank. Thankfully there is nobody around so I don't have to worry about it right now.

After a couple more repetitions I hear the door to the room open and charge toward my jacket before anybody sees the marks.

"Relax Yongbokkie it's just me" Hyunjin walks is, confident and handsome as ever with his hands in his sweats pocket.

*Hyunjin POV*

I can see the sweat sparkling on Felix as he drops his jacket to the floor again. I smirk through the mirror, realizing why he was so intent on getting his jacket when he catches me and gives me dagger eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't do it again" my words making Felix pout sightly but nod his head. "At least not anywhere visible to others" I whisper in his ear as I pull away and pick up his water bottle to take a drink.

"Are you done practicing?" I ask.

"Almost, just a couple small tweaks to make at the end" he responds, I take his bottle to go fill it back up and take off my hoodie.

"Well show me, teach me the small details" I say, joining him in front of the mirror as we both practice the steps. I have always admired Felix's dancing style, it is so clean and powerful, and his presence on stage always demands to be known which pulls your eyes to him. I stopped for a second and just admired him in the mirror.

"Pay attention Hyunjin come on." He says demandingly, almost like a teacher.

"Oh I'm paying attention alright, just at the body making the moves" I respond back with sass. Felix rolls his eyes once again but added a grin, not so secretly loving the compliments.

"Fine let's take a break" he sits down on the floor chugging his water and wiping his sweat. He tosses the bottle to me and leans his head back on the bench, really exposing the art I made on him at his collarbone. I lick my lips  at the sight and memory of it. And take in the scent of his cologne which is made stronger by his sweaty nature.

The door opens once again and I quickly toss Felix his jacket while getting up to distract Lee Know who entered the room.

"Hey Hyunjin, I figured you would be in" he spots Felix and adds "Oh Felix! I didn't know you were here. Are you feeling better?"

"Much better thanks, as he smiles at us, eyes directed at me."

"I gotta say you guy's relationship is so cute at times" we both look at eachother confused.

"Who are you and what have you done with Lee Know?" I joke, gently shoving his shoulder.

"I mean it is still gross but you guys always take care of eachother and it's heartwarming to see." He walks over to Felix giving a very tight hug and roughly smacking his back. I dart my eyes at him, both out of jealousy and because he needs to be careful with my baby.

"See there it is." Lee Know laughs, noticing my glares. I return to Felix and put my arm around him, claiming him again. Lee Know laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"Chan needs you to come back and do a retake for him" he says while walking toward the door. He stops as he opens it and without turning around adds, "oh and Felix, you better get out of here before Chan notices that you came here to practice. He and Hyunjin gave us all a lecture on not bothering or messing with you and just letting you rest. I am not about to get lectured again by him because I didn't send you back to rest." With that he closed the door behind him.

I turn to see Felix looking at me annoyed and with his eyebrow raised.

"You lectured the others? You? Mr. Rebel who can't take anything seriously?" Felix says.

I walk back over to him and grab his hands. "I take you seriously" I say planting a kiss on his cheek. "With that said, Lee Know is right, you have practiced long enough it's time to rest." I walk over to his bag and pick it up, leading him out of the dance room. "I'll walk you out" I gently take his hand and interlock our fingers as we make our way to the front of the building.

"Ill see you at home" he says. I nod in agreement and make my way back upstairs to see Chan.

"Hey I want to talk to you real quick" I hear Chan say I walk into the room.

"Am I trouble? Whatever it is I didn't mean to" I hold my hands up as I walk over.

"No..... its about Felix" His voice sounding sad with a tinge of concern, making my silly nature turn serious.

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