Be Fearless

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*Hyunjin POV*

I woke up to the bright sunshine coming through the curtains, although it is not the sunshine I would like to wake me up. I do my usual social media check and get ready for the day. Back to business as usual. I get my bag ready to go to dance practice. I quickly head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and a snack before heading out. I always like to get to the practice room early to stretch and go over some moves.

I sleepy Felix comes out of his room.

"You really can't do anything subtely can you?" His sassy side is showing up early this morning.

"Maybe I have just achieved my mission Yongbokkie" I say with a smirk, knowing it will make Felix blush, which it does.

"Well in that case I am going to get you back for that later, but too tired now. Can you pass me some of that coffee?" He says yawning and sitting down at the table.

"You? Coffee? Well that's a first what's gotten into you?" I say playfully while pouring him a cup. Half sugar and milk of course, baby does not like bitter coffee.

"Let's just say I am more desperate today for a pick-me up that I can handle the bitterness. Thanks" he says while I hand him the cup.

"Hmm this is actually not that bad Jinnie, thanks" he states while very cutely licking his lips and blowing on the cup.

I grab my breakfast and sit down at the table next to him, admiring his messy hair and morning voice. Somehow it is deeper than it usually is and I find it incredibly hot, so I try to keep him talking.

"So what had you needing coffee this morning? Had nightmares from the movie?" I asked half playfully half concerned.

"... maybe... but also just had a lot on my mind. Was tossing and turning."
He states looking down at his coffee cup stirring it.

"... well you gonna tell me or do I have to force it out of you? What's on your mind?" His face blushed when I asked him to elaborate.

"Nothing.... just my brain deciding to have a debate club with itself that is never ending. Nothing to worry about Jinnie." He said, giving me a soft smile and squeezing my hand.

"Fine I won't press it anymore. I'm going to head to the studio early to hash out some small details on the new choreo. I'll see you there?" I say, standing up and wrapping my arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind.

"Yeah I'll be there soon once I get myself together and functional." He says while sighing deeply.

"Ok. Miss you already" I whisper to him, feeling his ears getting warm to the touch. I give him a kiss on the head before heading out the dorms.

*Felix POV*

Han comes into the kitchen for water.

"... coffee...? And what has got you all flustered this morning?" He says while playfully pinching my cheeks.

"Oh hush, need the extra energy boost. Was tossing and turning last night" I say while trying my best to calm down and cool my face off.

"Mhmm. Someone keeping you up?" He sits down next to me with his water and quietly talks so the others don't hear.

"Don't think I didn't notice the tension between you and Hyunjin yesterday. What the hell is going on between you 2?" Hearing this instantly made my skin turn bright red again.

"Nothing, you know how he is, he just knows how to push my bottons and likes messing with me." I respond back, trying to convince myself of what I just said.

"Ehh I have seen you guys be much more touchy than that but not with tension so thick you would need a steel cutter to get through it. So what changed?" He responds, much more persistantly and aggressively as the first time.

"Ok fine, but you cannot tell a soul promise? And try to act normal please? I dont want any more attention being brought to it." He nods his head with a giant grin on his face.

I took a deep breath in "Hyunjin kissed me yesterday at the park" my face is on fire and I slap my hand on Han's mouth as he tries to surpress a scream. Such a drama queen. Once Han breathes normally again I remove my hand. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"He did what? Tell me everything right now Lee Yongbok" he could not contain his excitement like a kid on christmas morning.

"Wow the government name, ok I am really in it now huh?"

"No more stalling" he says very persistently.

"Ok we were laying on the ground with I.N when he tickles me and I lost my footing, dropping really close to his face. He just kissed me. Thats why he ran off, not a wasp." My tone got much more serious and Han's jaw was on the floor.

"And...." he says, motioning for me to hurry and get to the point.

"And nothing. We're good, I don't know what else to say. You know I have had a small crush on him since we met, but we are good as friends."
Han shook his head in dissappointment and smacked his hand against his forehead.

"So the kiss was just a caught up in the moment thing..?" Han says, looking like a lost puppy.

"No... but I don't know... it's all very confusing. I would never risk our friendship unless I knew for certain that I was not just crushing on him because of the bond we have or his looks. Hyunjin gets it and clearly does not seem bothered by it." I say, again strying to convince myself more than Han.

Han took a deep breath in and sighed. "Alright, I guess if that is what you guys want to do then who am I to judge. But personally, I see the way you 2 look at eachother. I am not you but it has always seemed to me like the relationship you guys have is different from your relationships with us. Just think about it and don't let fear hold you back." He pats my hand and makes his way back to his room to get ready.

I guess I should go get ready too, a long week of rehearsals awaits.

Ok another long one sorry guys. I know I am drawing this out but the best part of romance novels for me are the moments leading up to the final revalations. More to come soon!

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