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*Hyunjin POV*

Felix stumbled when he tried to walk much so I gently sat him back down to get him some water.

"I'm so sorry! I don't want you hurt!" I tell him, heading to get the glass, feeling a block of guilt in my throat.

When I return with the water felix pulls me into a hug, which I return. He pulls away and looks at me, knowing how guilty I feel that he is in pain.

"Hey, it's ok. It will get better in a bit." Pulls me in and kisses me gently.

"Besides, it was so worth it" His cute smile turned to a smirk. He winks at me.

"Since the others are on their way it's best if we clean up separately this time. Don't need any repeats of last time" he laughs, thinking back to when Han caught us.

"I'll go first" I say, grabbing a shirt for him to out on and kissing his cheek. "You focus on recovering, my love, and drink your water!" I yell as I head into the bathroom. I lean against the door after closing it and just take a deep breath, absorbing the events that just occurred and the fact that Felix is now my boyfriend.

I try to be quick with my shower to go back to Felix to spend the last of our free time together. Once I am clean I defog the mirror and look at the marks that are on my body. "Touche Felix" I smirk at myself. I head back to the room to get changed and Felix is on the bed giggling at me with the water in his hand.

"Oh you think its funny?" I say, grinning "now we are even" Felix responds he sits on the edge of the bed signaling for me to come to him.

"Don't worry" he says, pushing the wet hair out of my face. "I'll give you some tricks on how to hide them" he giggles, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Ok come on, let's get you in the shower to clean off." I grab his arm around my shoulder and help him take a few steps.

"I'm ok now" he says, kissing me on the cheek. He slightly limps but makes his way to the bathroom. "Hurry back! I miss you already" I call out to him.

"Such a drama queen!" I hear Felix yell through the door, causing me to smile. I fix up the bed again and hear the door open in the living room, followed by the sound of Han and Minho bickering like an old married couple about the colors and napkins for the party.

"Hey, were you able to get everything?" I walk out to ask them.

"Barely... but yes" Minho rolls his eyes. "Mr. Perfectionist over here" he says while pinching Han's cheek "took a year and half to find the exact color napkinds to match the balloons" looking annoyed over at Han.

"Hey! You guys will be thanking me when the party turns out fabulous" he sassily responds back.

"Where's Felix? We need to go hide stuff!" Han says, in a louder voice than really necessary, causing Minho to gently smack his arm.

"He's taking a shower so he won't see you guys. I'll stall if needed" Han smirks at my comment but Minho quickly pulls him to the room to get the stuff put away.

Now just to find a distraction for when Binnie and Seungmin get back.

The water stops and I knock on the door to the bathroom.

Felix opens the door and is drying his wet hair. The hickies I left still visible but healing quickly.

"Han and Minho just got back, they went to put their things from the mall up. You feeling any better?" I ask, still feeling guilty.

"Much, thanks. I'll try to avoid walking as much as possible for the rest of the day" he laughs, giving me a quick kiss and continuing to dry his hair.

I pull him into a deeper kiss and head back out to the kitchen to get a snack prepared for all of us.

I knock in the door to the room. "Just a minute!" I hear Han say and I can notice rustling noises inside of the room. He cracks open the door and sticks his head out.

"What do you want?" He asks, urgency in his voice. Causing me to chuckle.

"I wanted to know if you guys wanted a snack. Felix and I were thinking of watching a movie if you wanted to join."

His head dissapears into the room and I can hear whispering. Shortly after he pops his head back out "Minho and I are in". I nod and he closes the door again.

I head to the kitchen and prepare some pretzels, assorted fruits, and a handfull of small chocolates and place them on the coffee table. I put some water to boil to get Felix some tea and place a couple of drink choices on the table. I pick out a comedy and wait for the others to join.

I take out my phone to text Chan and Changbin
-hey guys, I am about to watch a movie with Felix, Han, and Minho. Can you give me a heads up when you get to the parking lot? I will distract Felix so you guys can sneak in. -

Both agreed to my request and Felix, Minho and Han soon joined. Felix got comfortable on the couch and I brough him his tea.

"Thanks Jinnie! Just what I needed" he said with a big smile on his face.

"I wish we would get special tea made for us" Han mumbled under his breath, causing Felix to giggle cutely.

"Of course sunshine" I responded. Putting my arm around him and grabbing a hand full of snacks.

My phone buzzes letting me know the others have arrived home.

"Felix could you help me take this stuff back to the kitchen please" he nods his head. Once the bowls are in the sink to get washed I grab Felix and bring him to the balcony, shutting the door behind me and wrapping my jacket around his shoulders since the temperature dropped a bit.

"Whats wrong Jinnie?" He says concerned, placing his warm hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to see the sunset with you." I respond, taking his hand and facing both of us to look out on the view and the gradually disappearing sun. I kiss Felix on the cheek and wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his head.

I can smell his sweet and musky cologne, hugging him tightly.

"Today was amazing" he says, his voice higher and cute.

"It really was" I say back, watching the sun dissapear below the horizon and cherishing this moment.

The door to the patio opens, "are you guys ever going to come and join us?" Chan asked winking at me before I walk past him. I roll my eyes but am happy that we were able to get all the supplies unnoticed.

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