Case 143 *Part 4*

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*Hyunjin's POV*

Felix was playing a brutal game of ping pong with his childhood friend. In between rounds I was able to steal a glance from him.

Olivia come up to me and passes me another drink.

"It's amazing what you did up there. You have no idea how much that meant to Lixie." She says softly.

"He deserves it all, it really is the least we can do that precious angel." I respond. Not breaking my gaze at Felix, he looks so happy.

"He really is special. But so are you, my brother is crazy about you. He might kill me for telling you this but he loves you. It used to drive me crazy when he wouldn't shut up about you guys, especially you. But I can see why. You all are his family. And what you just did, I can see why my brother fell for you." She continued. I listened intently but still not looking over to her until he placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You guys hold onto eachother. The love you 2 have is special, in whatever form it may come." She gave me kind eyes of approval "but... if you break his heart, I swear to God I will fly right back here and kill you" she said sternly, changing her face immediately back to a smile.

"I won't, it would break mine if I ever hurt him in any way. I would have already taken myself out before you were able to land." She gives me a bigger smile and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you for taking care of him for us." She says. Pulling away from the hug and excusing herself when Felix walks up.

"Hey sunshine, did you win?"

"No..  but he cheated!" He says, snuggling himself on me and grabbing my waist. I felt it again, the 3 words wanted to come out so bad.

"Come with me, its time to give you my actual present." I smile and grab his hand to lead him to my room.

As we walked in Felix giggled, pressing his lips on mine as soon as I closed the door.

"I don't think right now is a good time if your gift is something only you can give me" he says seductively. I grabbed his hands and sit him down on the bed.

"Oh that's coming, but later." I wink. "Right now I have something else I want to give you. I just wanted to be away from all the people when I give it to you."

*Felix POV*

"Close your eyes" He says as I hear rummaging the room.

"Ok hold out your hands" I follow the directions and peel him place something in my hands.

"Ok you can open them"

As soon as I open my eyes I can feel the tears coming down again. It was beautiful.

The gift was a painting that Hyunjin made. A recreation of a picture we both took on that fateful day in the park where everything changed. We were both holding a pair of small white flowers with our hands interlocked. It looked better than the picture did. The colors so vibrant and the feeling actually oozing out of the artwork.

"Hyunjin... this is beautiful" I say, struggling to say it without sobbing. I can feel his hands gently wiping away the tears and tilting my head to lock eyes with his.

"I have never given anyone one of my paintings before. But this memory, of this day, where I feel like my life truly began in a new way, is something that I wanted both of us to be able to remember."

I hugged the painting and couldn't help but sob, Hyunjin grabbed me and held me in his arms, my cries muffled in his chest.

"There's one more thing..." he says shyfully.

"Are you trying to kill me? My heart is ready to explode right now" I say back, joking but serious. I have so many butterflies in my stomach and in my heard that I feel like it will short circut at any minute.

Hyunjin grabbed my hands and locked his eyes with mine. It was very intense but also very comfortable.

"Lee Yongbok Felix. I love you." He developed a tear in his eyes as well. We had said this before many times, but this one was different, this was a different type of love. And I felt it too.

"Whang Hyunjin. I love you too" I said. Before I could take a breath his hands cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss. A passionate one. Not in a sexual or horny way, but a kiss of pure love.

Now my heart was really ready to explode, the emotions becoming overwhelming and pouring out of my eyes once again.

"Awww come here" Hyunjin laid on the bed and held me close, letting me cry on his chest and gently rubbing my back. I never wanted to leave this moment. My sobs gradually subsided and I was able to be calm again, Hyunjin's arms and warmth comforting and relaxing me.

"We should get you back to your party." He says, helping me up. And starting to walk me to the door when I  stop in my tracks.

*Hyunjin's POV*

"What's wrong my love" the words still making my heart skip a beat but covered by worry.

"I'm ready" he says

"Ready for what?"I ask, not sure what he means

"I'm ready for people to know. I love you and I don't want to hide it anymore" a gentle smile appeared on his face as he said it.

"You sure?" I ask him, not wanting him to regret it later but really hoping he will go through with it.

"Mhmm" he says softly, nodding his head and taking my hand. He gives me a small peck on the lips and then takes the lead. I think my heart is going to beat out of my chest.

He opens the door and still holding onto my hand walks out to join the group.

I can tell that he is nervous because his hand is shaking and his breathing is heavier.

"Hey its ok, just focus on me. If you change your mind just let me know" I give him a hug and place my hand on his chest, feeling his heart pound. I grab ahold of his hand again, when he stops me from moving once again.

"Kiss me." He says, a smile appearing on his face and his eyes glistening.

I nod my head in understanding and gently place my hand on his cheek before pulling him in slowly and lockig his lips with mine. He puts his arms around my neck and reaches up on his toes to lean further into it. When we pull apart our foreheads are still touching and we just look at eachother, interlocking both our hands and focusing soley on eachother.

The whole party room got quiet and they all looked at us.

"Finally!" Han yells from across the room and cheers. It was like straight out of a sappy movie but I didn't mind one bit.

The other guests soon joined in and cheered as well. We both giggle and keep pur focus solely on each other. Felix pulls me into a hug and whispers "I love you Jinnie" in my ear before melting into my shoulder.
"I love you too Lix... more than you know"

"You ready to face the music?" I ask. Felix gives me a nod into my shoulder and pulls away, grabbing my hand and facing the crowd of people who had returned back to their party activities. All of the members of our group came up to us. Chan and Changbin jumped on me and patted me roughly on the back and shoulder. Minho messed with my hair. Han and Seungmin both squished Felix in a hug. Both of us embracing the new normal and kissing eachother again just to mess with the rest of the boys.
"Ewwwwwww" they say as they dramatically dissapear back into the crowd.

Olivia runs up and tackles Felix, he would have falled to the ground if it wasn't for my grip on him. "Aaahh I'm so happy for you guys!!" She said as she squeezed us both until we couldn't breathe. She let go of me to hug Felix, whispering something in his ear to which he nodded at her and they pressed their foreheads together.

"Welcome to the family" she grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug as well. "Don't think I wont kill family if you hurt him" she whispered to me. I also nodded too.

A couple more people came up to us to congratulate us.

"Now... there is nothing stopping me from doing this.. and I have a lot of time to make up for." I grabbed Felix by the waist and kissed him again. He put his arms around my neck and we gently swayed to the music, our lips not parting for a long time.

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