Case 143

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*Hyunjin POV*

The day before the party is finally here. I need to get Felix out of the house so the guys can get the party set up. I think about my schedule, knowing that we have rehearsals today and I need to meet with Chan to finish Felix's song and add the final touches to my present. Because of the birthday prep I haven't been able to see Felix much so I miss him. It will be so worth it though when I see his smile at the party.

Our last recording session for the day just ended. I have about 15 minutes before I have to meet Chan. I walk over to the dance room and sneak in, watching Felix practice some dance moves for Charmer. There is not much choreo but it is added to the set list for some of our upcoming concerts so we have been refining it.

The music stops and I whistle, scaring Felix. He turns around and pouts when he sees me.

"Sorry no other way to pull myself out of the transe, what can I say?" Sass in my tone "I can't resist it" I smirk at him. By far his prechorus is the hottest part of that song.

"Oh really?" He responds, purposefully deepening his voice when he says it. I stumble backwards dramatically, meant as a joke but I actually lose my balance and start to fall but Felix catches me. He pulls me up and kisses me.

"So I was thinking" I start "seeing as your birthday falls in the middle of the week, why don't we celebrate it tomorrow?"

A huge smile appears on Felix's face as he excitedly shakes his head yes. I smile at his cuteness.

"Great! Ok I will plan things, all you need to do is show up and be pretty, although that shouldn't be a problem for you" I smirk, causing Felix to blush and me to chuckle.

"I have to go meet Chan in a bit, can I sit with you for a couple minutes and get my Lixie fix?" I ask him, grabbing his hand and showing my best puppy dog face.

Felix nods and walks me over to the wall where we sit. I lean on his shoulder as he plays some music, one of them being a song that I have never heard before and it is mesmerizing. I know that our music is super energetic and produced but away from that I like piano music. Something that is more mellow, especially young and beautiful by Lana del Ray. It gets me in the feels a lot.

After hanging out with Lix for a bit I head up to the studio to meet Chan. We are almost done with the song, today are the last tweaks and final run-through.

"Hey Chan" I say as I walk in and take my seat next to him. I can tell that he is working on the vocals, the harmonies sound amazing.

"Hey Hyun, were you able to secure plans with Felix tomorrow to get him out of the dorms?" He asks.

"Mhmm. I have it all planned out, a more lowkey day. I don't want him to lose energy before the party." I respond. Stealing a grape from Chan and popping it in my mouth.

"Hey, you never ended up telling me how the date went!" His eyes widened "I mean I'm assuming it went well with the sunset and everything but..."

"It was good, I officially asked him to be my boyfriend" I tried to keep my cool but I couldn't stop the smile from forming.

"That's great bro!" He says with his thick Aussie accent. "Have you guys talked more about letting all the members know? You know that we would all be happy for you guys, or with Minho and Seungmin at least not care"

"We haven't, but ill discuss it Monday. May be hard to believe but I hate not being able to be an open couple around you guys" my cheeks flush

"So... the song?" Chan is still gleaming at me but snaps out of it.

"Right, ok so I was thinking..."

~the next day~

*Felix POV*

I woke up way before the crack of dawn and it was a cold morning. After not seeing Hyunjin for more than an hour all week I snuk into his room and gently nudged him awake.

"Hey Jinnie..." I nudged again.

He opened his eyes slowly and reached over to pull me into bed, wrapping his arms and legs around me and snuggling me close. It made me giggle and he kissed my head before falling back asleep. I nodded off too to wake up next to Hyunjin, still in the same position but awake.

"Good morning" he smiles at me.

"Good morning" I nudge his face with my nose.

"You ready to celebrate today?" His voice was still deep from having just woken up, that attractive morning voice.

I nodded my head with a big smile and he hugged me closer. After laying there, softly running his hand through my hair he looked up to make sure the others were still asleep, kissed my cheek, and tucked me back into the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked pouting.

"I'm going to get you some breakfast. Stay here and relax" he said, walking out of the door quietly. I snuggled into the warm part where his body was and slowly dozed off again.

By this point the other roomates were no longer surprised by me being in Hyunjin's bed and mostly ignored it. Except Han of course who shook me awake.

"Hey Felix, wake up!" My eyes flew open and I sat up.

"WHAT?!" I asked him.

"Happy birthday date day" he told me, a smirk plastered on his face. Normally I wouldn't have cared or even thought it was funny but being woken up was ruining the joke. I rolled my eyes at him and laid back down.

"No but seriously, Hyunjin asked me to come get you up, he is finishing up your breakfast." Now that was motivation I did need to get me up.

I, along with the remaining members trickled out of the rooms toward the kitchen. Changbin zooming past me following the smell.

Everyone gathered around the table, there was an array of breakfast food spread out including pastries, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, a piece of steak with a note saying Lix literally attached to it and a bowl of fruits.

"Wow this looks amazing!" Changbin says, already eyeing all of the food.

"Thanks Hyunjin! Its incredible" Chan chimed in.

Hyunjin carried a cup of tea out for me and took his place at the table.

"What's the occasion?" Minho asked suspiciously, backing away from the food.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Minho and Han smacked his hand.

"Since we have Felix's birthday during the week I thought we could have a nice meal today to celebrate." He said, mainly pointed at Minho for thinking he would poison him.

(A/N: yes I know that Han's birthday is the day before Felix's but in this universe it is not)

"You don't have to tell me twice" I.N and Changbin said in unison.

"Thank you for doing all of this for me" I leaned over and whispered in Hyunjins ear. He winked at me in response and picked up my steak for me. It has kind of become a tradition for us.

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