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*Felix POV*

"What the f do we do?" I say frantically, becoming aggravated because Hyunjin is holding back laughter.

"You are so precious when you panic" he says, "just wrap a towel around yourself and open the door. Just act cool, you deserved an oscar remember, now is your chance to prove that it was not a fluke" he says snickering. "Ill hide here, they are less likely to freak out if I am the one that's missing instead of you. You know we all see you as too precious to lose" he smiles, nudging me out of the shower and tossing me a towel.

I open the door just a crack.

"Oh ok good, Felix you are still here. Did Hyunjin tell you he was-" Han stopped mid sentence, his eyes widening looking at my chest, I look down realizing I have some "souveneirs" that were left behind. I move my body behind the door, only sticking my head out and clear my throat hoping to snap Han out of it.

"Have you seen Hyunjin this morning? We can't find him" Han continues, the urgency in his voice having vanished.

"N-no sorry, maybe he went out for some air?" I responded, not really succeeding in maintaining my confidence.

"Okay, I guess I can check outside and find him before the others wake up" Han emphasized the word "before" and winked, turning around to walk toward the kitchen.

I close the door and turn toward Hyunjin, desperately trying to remain quiet while cracking up.

"Ughhhhh, I think Han is onto us..." I say, dropping my head down in embarrassment.

"No... you really think so?" The level of sarcasm in Hyunjin's voice honestly uncalled for. We look at eachother and both break out laughing. I smack him with the small towel.

"You couldn't have warned me about the souvenirs you left on me?!" I whisper scream at Hyunjin, him still trying to contain his laughter.

"Hey I had other things on my mind, my brain is not exactly at full capacity" he said suggestively, following it up with a wink.

"It will be fine. Lets just escape ASAP so we can get you a shirt and buy Han's silence before anybody else find out." Hyunjin says wrapping a towel around himself. "Oh I forgot a very important detail first" he continues, worrying me with the dramatic delivery.

"...what?!" I eventually ask, still panicking and red in the face. Hyunjin pulls me to him and kisses me lovingly. "Can't let you leave without that." I roll my eyes at him and his theatrics, not being able to hide the smile that came with it.

I exit first, trying to tiptoe to my room as stealthily as possible. I can't afford anyone else seeing the hickeys on my collarbone and chest. Freaking Hyunjin, now im gonna have to hide them for the next couple of days. I can't stay mad though, remembering the events that led to them, I couldn't help but bite my lip at the thought of it. I manage to make it into the room without anybody seeing. Thank god it didn't get any worse.


I jump around seeing Han sitting on my bed with the biggest grin on his face.

"You scared me man, what do you mean..?" I said, hoping that Han could have just missed it and be talking about something else.

"I'm talking about the giant hick----" I leap to cover his mouth before he can continue. "Are you trying to tell the whole neighborhood?!" I whisper scream.
"Sorry!" Han whispered back. "So... the hickeys" he continued, his grin turning into a smirk.
"Ok so I have a couple marks... your point?" Still trying to play it off, deep down knowing that Han is not stupid enough to miss piecing it together.

"My point is who gave them to you? Because I think I have a pretty good idea who it is... maybe the person who kissed you a couple of weeks ago that just happens to be missing this morning" he says, no longer amused in his facial expression.

"Ok fine! Yes, Jinnie and I have been... hanging out... you cannot tell a soul!" I threaten him, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"Man if I wanted to expose y'all I could have done it already. I just want to know everything!" His grin returning.

"Hey Lix? You mind putting on a shirt, the hickeys are very distracting" he jokes, but the request being serious.

I look in the closet and grab a shirt with a higher neckline, putting it on.

"If I am going to tell you, Jinnie needs to be here for it. We will find you, you mind heading out the room so I can change?" I say, shooing him out.

"You guys better, I need you to pinky promise!" He retorts.

"Not like you don't know how to find us Han!" I say opening the door and ushering him out. Right as Han left the room Hyunjin came out of the bathroom, locking eyes with Han, who just smirks back and chuckles to himself.

*Hyunjin POV*

Man we are in for a long day..

I head into my room and throw on some clothes, cleaning up the clothes we left earlier, secretly thanking the others for having fallen asleep in the living room. I head out of the room and into the living room. The others somehow still dead asleep, except for Han of course, who had moved on to listening to music and dancing around the dorms. I spot Lix in the kitchen, cracking some eggs into a bowl for breakfast.

"Hi sunshine" I say, making sure nobody is around and kiss him on the shoulder.

"We have a problem.." he responds back "Han wants us to tell him what's going in exactly.." Felix's previously happy exterior fell flat. "I'm sorry, he just already knew and I couldn't deny it" he drops his head in shame.

"Its ok Yongbokkie, we can handle Han. Besides I am kind of glad somebody knows, it has been killing me to not be able to touch you whenever and however I want." I lay my head on his shoulder, my spirits lifted his usual smile returning to his face.

"There's the sunshine I know and love" I say lovingly, playfully biting Felix's shoulder.

"Glad I went low enough on those hickeys" I whisper before turning away from him with a smirk and grabbing some plates to get the table ready. Basking in the sight of Felix with his flushed face so cutely making breakfast.

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