Forever and Always

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*Felix POV*

Everything was finally ok gain. I felt light. I felt protected, I was no longer afraid. I held onto Hyunjin's entire arm, I wanted as much skin contact as possible. He was so addicting.

We reached the door of the apartment and Hyunjin stopped me gently.

"Before we go in there and face the others who will surely demand my attention away from you" he raised my chin with his 2 fingers very softly "I love you Felix, I always have, I never stopped, and I always will" the way he looked at me with so much love brought tears in my eyes. "I love you too Hwang. More than you could ever know." He gave me a soft kiss before taking my hand again and unlocking the door. Opening it up to all of the members sitting around the table with a cake and the dorms decorated with hearts.

"Surprise!" They all screamed in unison, running up to us and enveloping both of us in a huge group hug. Even Seungmin and Minho were there, hugging tightest out of everyone.

"What?! When did you have time to prepare all of this, I just sent Minho the message 20 minutes ago??" Hyunjin asked, his eyes wide.

"Well... we may have.... planned.... for this?" Han said, his voice 3 octaves higher than usual causing the group to laugh.

"How could you have planned it?" I asked the group.

"Well... we pulled a parent trap on you guys. We could all tell that you guys were miserable, and we are so sorry that we did not do more to protect you. More to help you guys so that you could make it work. We decided it was finally time to bring you both happiness for a change. I had Changbin stop by the studio while we were recording. Sorry Felix but I knew that the only way you would hash it out and realize what you both wanted is if somebody confessed to the need to be with the other again. Felix the song you wrote is beautiful and it is everything that needed to be said for Hyunjin to know how deeply you were hurt and that the smiles had been masks. We are so sorry that we let you guys split and that it took us 6 months to push you back together. Can you forgive us?" Chan pleaded.

*Hyunjin POV*

All of the members had puppy dog eyes, seungmin most of all, especially since he looked like a puppy already.

I looked over at Felix who just smiled and me and squeezed my hand.

"Of course we do. Thank you guys" Felix said, he laid his head on my shoulder and the group came in for another hug.

I gave Felix a quick kiss before heading to talk to the 2 people that I needed to face.

I grabbed Changbin and Minho and brought them outside on the balcony.
Both looked at me scared.

"I'm sorry for tric-""I'm not mad, I wanted to thank you both. Changbin, thank you for putting your own feelings aside and volunteering to help me get my sunshine back. I hope it does not cause you pain." I pulled him into a hug and he nodded into my shoulder, a genuine smile appeared on his face as he pulled away.

"And you.. Felix told me what you said to him. I thought you were disgusted by us but time and time again you prove me wrong. I couldn't thank you enough for telling Felix what I should have had the courage to the day he wanted to split. I can't thank you enough." Against his attempts to stop it I pulled him into a tight hug. Eventually he caved and hugged me back.

"I'm still disgusted, but you guys are soulmates. Somebody had to push you guys. Besides, the sadness was really dragging us down" he said playfully. We all laughed but Minho had a look of pure admiration.

As soon as I got back inside I was hit with Felix, wrapping his arms around me and quietly saying "I missed you". My heart melted. I missed him so much. I missed his cuteness. I squeezed him tightly. Without letting go we both looked at the members and just smiled.

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