Bridging the Gap

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Smut warning

*Hyunjin POV*

I was the first one awake the following morning, looking up to see Lixie asleep but holding me on his lap. My heart just melted at the sight, especially his jawline looking more chisled with the angle in which he was laying. I don't want to wake him up but I need some time alone with him and this might be my only chance. I place my hand on his cheek and gently rub my thumb across his cheek. He opens his eyes and looks at me. I pause for a moment, just getting lost is his brown eyes. He smiles at me and squeezes my thigh.

"Good morning" he whispers softly, stroking my hair. I stand up and reach out for his hand. He takes it hesitantly and I lead him away from the group into his room.

I gently close the door behind us and give him a back-hug. "I needed my dose of Lix, I missed you so much" I say, burrowing my head in his neck. Felix runs his hand through my hair and smiles. He pulls away to face me and grabs my hands. "I could tell, you are going to get us in serious trouble with staff being that touchy" he chuckles wrapping his arms around my neck. I grab his waist and pull him closer, looking at his lips asking for permission to finally get my fix. Felix smiles at me and leans in closer, giving me a peck on the lips before turning and walking away.

"There you go. That should do it" he smirks at me, proudly walking away at the teasing he accomplished. I grab his hand and pull him back to me. I pout and say "please..?" Felix smiles and presses against me, making our lips touch into a real kiss this time. I take a deep breath in, just enjoying the warmth and letting my worries slip away. I lean further into the kiss, asking for permission to deepen it and get my tongue involved.

"Hm-mh" Felix says, not breaking the kiss and tightening the fortress of his mouth. "First you owe me a description of what I do to you remember?" He smirks, making me feel more desperate.

"You are so mean when you tease me you know?" I sigh, leading Felix to the wall and putting my hand on thigh and the other on the wall next to him.

"Your touch melts away my problems..." I say as I move my kisses down to his neck.

"Your eyes, I can get lost in when I need an escape" I can sense Felix's heart pounding through the veins in his neck.

"Your body makes me feel like I have not eaten in a thousand years and fills me with desperation." With this I suck harder on his collarbone, causing Felix to moan out softly and tilt his head further back.

"Your smile is my sunshine that can clear up the darkest days" I say, more gently than lustful.

"Your teasing, Lix, drives me wild and makes me want to do things to you" I bite his shoulder gently, making him pant. I use his move against him and trace the definition in his mustles, causing him to shake.

"Your beauty makes me weak in the knees, wondering if I am strong enough to handle the feelings it brings out" I meet his lips again, passionately taking it in and biting his lower lip causing him to let out a gentle squeel. I smile as I take the opportunity to gain entrance with my togue. I can feel Felix completely melt into me now tugging on my hair and pressing me tightly against him. I pull away from him, trailing my kisses down jawline to his neck and then his chest. I place my hands on the waistline of his jeans and look up at him.

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask him, maintaining eye contact and taking in the look of his face and body.

"Not one bit." he responds breathaly and praces his hands on my chest, unbottoning my shirt but struggling because he can't keep his hands from shaking.

While he works on my blouse I unbuckle his belt and slide it off, starting to work on his jeans. Felix removes my blouse and I leave a trail of wet kisses down his defined abs. Felix's skin gets covered with goosebumps making me smirk. I gaze up at him one more time for permission before dropping his pants. Felix is panting looking up and drags his hand through my hair. Thats the sign I needed, I kiss down his V line and wrap my mouth around his member, causing Felix to moan breathily, his breath shaking from the intensity. I gently rub both my hands down his thigh while taking him all in, making his breath shake more with each lenth.

"Holy sh...." is all Felix could manage to get out, I look up to see his eyes roll to the back of his head and him arching his back from pleasure.

"Hyunjin... don't....stop...." his voice getting higher with each word, sounding so sexy with his naturally deep voice. I take in more and move faster, causing Felix's back to seperate from the wall and his head to take its place. Felix clenched onto my shoulder with one hand while covering his mouth with the others, no longer being able to control his pleasure noises. I feel his member pulsating in my mouth as a gush of warmth runs down my throat. I suck gently causing Felix's body to spasm and catch his weak body from getting off balance.

Felix uses his last remaining strength to pull me back up and clash my mouth with his, tasting his own pleasure.

"Wow" I say, struggling to catch my breath. "Now I need to help you out" he says, his voice still trembling from the tension release. He goes to kneel down but I stop him.

"Seeing you do that.... was all the pleasure I needed" I say between breaths

"Besides, the others could wake up any minute now, last thing we need is to get caught with our pants down" I say with a chuckle.

"But thats not fair" he pouts. As irresistible as he is I am firm in my decision. I give him a loving kiss, turning his pout to a smile.

"Consider it saved for a rainy day" I say, starting to regain my breath again. "Come on lets get cleaned up before the others make (very correct) assumptions or gain suspicion. I grab ny clothes for the day and peek into the living room, checking to ensure that nobody else had woken up. Seeing that the coast is clear and grab Felix by the hand and drag him into the bathroom. I strip down and reach out my hand to invite him into the shower.

Felix remains frozen, only his eyes moving to explore my body and his mouth slightly parted. His devoted attention to detail of the aspects of my physique makes me blush and feel shy.

"Don't be shy, I am just taking it all in... my god I must be dreaming" He says, a true tone of bewilderment in his husky voice.

"Are you going to join me or stare at me all day" I joke holding out for him to join me in the shower.

"If only I could admire all day" he responds sheepishly but with true desperation in his voice.

We clean ourselves up, not being able to resist a couple of kisses and some more touching.

Right when we turned the water off and go to grab our towels we hear a knock on the door.

"Who is in there? Someone is missing..." a voice spoke frantically.

Felix and I look at eachother, we are close but have never been THIS close to shower together.. 


This is my first time writing smut so I hope it is decent! Thanks to those who have made it so far!!

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