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Disclaimer~ I am aware that these 2 events are not correlated and did not happen this way but I could not help myself~

It has been a couple of days since the 2 kids room shooting and things had generally gone back to how they usually were.

*Felix POV*

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face, after a long week of rehearsals it was our day off. The dorms were still quiet, everyone seems to sleep in until almost noon when we don't have any rehearsals of recording sessions. I check my phone and lazily start to wake up. Of course I have to scroll through tiktok and check instagram. I haven't posted in some time, but today is the perfect day to snap a picture! As I scroll through my feed a post from Hyunjin pops up. Man, remember this shoot we did for a dance practice. Hyunjin is a real charmer when it comes to the camera and taking pictures. I liked the picture and commented "how handsome" I felt my cheeks burning up remembering the photo shoot Hyunjin did with me when he called me baby and had that adorable voice he uses when speaking english to me. Ugh I always manage to lose my breath a little bit looking at him. My stomach started to rumble so I got up and walked over to the kitchen.

*Hyunjin POV*

I woke up a little bit past 10 and the sun was shining through the window. I stretched out some but did not want to leave my warm bed. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand next to the bed and started checking in on all of my socials. I posted a picture yesterday from the recent shoot so had a bunch of notifications. I started to blush seeing that Felix had commented on the picture that I was handsome. I was parched so I got up, put on some sweat pants, and made my way over to the kitchen.

When I walked out of the room and down the stairs I heard a very familiar sound, the low base voice that always gave me goosebumps. It was always strange hearing Felix's deep voice knowing what he is really like. I grin and softly made my way over Felix and quickly grabbed his waist to scare him. He let out a high pitched squeal and snaped his head back at me. I laughed so hard I got tears in my eyes. By the time I was able to get myself together, I was receiving that "don't test me" look while Felix was hunched over the table with his hand on his chest and breathing heavily trying to recover.

"I'm sorry baby I just had to, you looked so peaceful" I said teasing him with a smirk on my face

Felix tried to be mad at me but before long I could see that bright smile appear and see Felix's eyes roll before he stood back up and menacingly started walking toward me with a seductive look on his face.

I know what this means...

*Felix POV*

Time for revenge, I think to myself still having not fully recovered from the jump scare. With a smirk on my face I start to walk toward Hyunjin and the smile he had on his face became pressed as his turned around and attempted to escape. I was too fast though and wrapped my arms aroud him, starting to tickle him. Although Hyunjin is a lot taller than me I can hold my own and he was not able to escape my grasp while cackling with laughter. He grabbed my hands, I always forget how big his hands are compared to mine. Still holding on for dear life I suddenly lose my balance and drop to the floor, still holding Hyunjin tightly in my arms.

"Owww!" I exclaim with a pouty look on my face. On my way down I hit my elbow against the corner of the table. Hyunjin was catching his breath as I loosened my grip on him. He was not strong enough to move away completely so picked his head up and looked at me. His face was a cute mixture of angry and worried as he inspected my arm where I hit it.

"Aww did karma leave a bad impression?" He mimickly said with an adorable and playful pout. My eyes immediately wandered to his lips, which looked so attractive when he was pouting. I must have gotten lost in his lips a little too long for comfort since his playful expression turned more worrisome.

"Are you really hurt?" He asked more seriously.

"Yes I got hit right in the funny bone" I said pouting, exagerating but not lying, it really did hurt.

Hyunjin chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully.

"And you guys say I am the drama Llama" Hyunjin went down to my elbow and gave it a gentle kiss. We attempted to get up at the same time, causing Hyunjin to lose his grounding with his arms and fall back down on my chest. Both of us laughed for a second and he picked up his head. Our eyes met and it felt like a scene from a movie. Super cliche I know but those eyes of his. He gave me a gentle smile and before I knew it my eyes were once again wondering down to his lips..

*Hyunjin POV*

I was still kind of catching my breath when I felt Felix's body move up toward mine and he leaned on his elbows. He gave me such a gentle smile and it gave me chills. His cheeks were blushed from trying to hold me down and his hair was rugged from laying on the floor. I smiled back at him, there is no way to stay mad when Felix smiles, freaking ray of sunshine. Just as I was about to push myself up his eyes shifted. I felt my face burning up a bit realizing that he moved his gaze to my lips. Is this still just him being playful... that whole conversation we had in the 2 kids room had not left my brain since and I found myself smiling thinking back to it. What if he really did want to kiss me? What if I wouldn't mind kissing him? We were interrupted by Han rubbing his eyes walking into the kitchen. I heard his foot steps stop suddenly and looked up at him.

"Am I interrupting something?" He said very playfully but clearly not yet fully woken up. I push myself up off Felix and pat my sweats clean.

"N-no, Felix just tasted some sweet karma." I smiled but again felt my cheeks getting warmer. I cleared my throat and made my way to the kitchen to grab a glass and fill it with water, hiding my face and hoping the cold water would make me look normal. I finished my glass and look over to see Felix playing with Han's messy bed hair and laughing. I got upset at this. Where do I stand with him? What was that? I felt the anger bubbling up and went to my room to escape the sight of Felix with Han and got dressed for the day.

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