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*Hyunjin POV*

Felix, Han and I go around the living room, gently waking up the others for breakfast. Well Felix being gentle like the angel he is, Han and I on the other hand being complete menaces. Han jumps on top of Lee Know, causing him to scream out and fall off the couch. With his scream I.N and Seungmin gasp and sit up. We laugh at Lee Know's very angry expression and Han wraps around him like a Koala to apologize, which works as Lee Know's expression softens to an annoyed one as he pulls Han off of him.

"Good morning to you too" he rolls his eyes as Han and I laugh. I shake Chan to wake him up.

"Daddy Chan come on wake up" I say in a child like voice. Suddenly feeling a piercing stare on my neck. I look over to find Felix giving me dagger eyes.

"Don't be jealous" I mouth to him and wink.

"You 2 are like a married couple" Chan says sleepily and groaning as he grabs the pillow and presses it on his face looking for darkness to return back to sleep. I snatch the pillow from him and smack it on his chest.

"Okay okay! I'm up" he shouts, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Ok come on guys its time for breakfast, Felix cooked so you guys are going to have to have to do the dishes" I say, crossing my arms and lifting my chin like a parent.

"You mean Felix doesn't have to clean up. What did you do?" Changbin responds.

"Cheer him on and make sure he didn't burn the kitchen down" I say confidently with a smile on my face.

"Mhmm." He responds with a sassy look, "ok I.N and I will do it, Seungmin did it the other day." He responds as he takes a seat at the table and works down his breakfast.

"Thank you angel" Changbin expresses, his mouth full of food.

I dart him a disgusted look and say "ew", causing all the others to break out laughing.

Everyone finishes up their food, thanking Felix as they bring their plates to the kitchen, I.N roughing up Felix's hair when he passes him. Of course Felix being Felix it falls back into near perfect position and Felix fixes it fully. I get up to put my plate away and a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me to the balcony. It was Han, dragging Felix in his other hand.

"Ok now I have both of you, spill" He says like a kid on christmas morning.

"You clearly already know what more is there to say?" I sassily respond and look to Felix, immediately calming my presence.

"Everything! How?! And for how long now?!" He continues, gently jumping up and down. His reaction causes Felix to laugh, turning to look at me. I take the lead.

"Fine, you remember that 2 kids room episode that we did a couple months back? It made me realize was the crush I thought I had out of pure admiration was more than that." I say, showing a softer side of myself that not many get to see often. Felix looks at me with those eyes that just scream love, making him look even more handsome knowing that I am the lucky receiver of that look.

"That day at the park, we kissed. It wasn't a wasp that caused Hyunjin to cut up his hand" Felix takes my hand gently and rubs the knuckles where the cuts used to be. "I was so overwhlemed with the thought that my feelings were mutual that I freaked out. Eventually I came to my senses and.... the rest is history" he shrugs his shoulders and gaves a soft smile. I squeeze his hand, the air being knocked out of me by Han crashing into both of us.

"Ooohhhh I'm so happy for you guys!! Finally you admitted what the rest of us already knew" he says, releasing us from his grasp.

"Huh?" We both say, puzzled by Han's response. He laughs in amazement.

"Oh come on guys, you 2 are inseperable and have always looked at eachother differently than you do with any of us. We just wanted you guys to come to the realization on your own" He responds, wearing a smug look on his face which I would normally be mad at but hearing that we have always been closer fills me with joy.

"Don't tell the others.. not yet" Felix states softly, his head down. I raise his head to look at me.

"Why the sad face love?" I add, worried that something is wrong.

"I want to figure out where this is going to go first before getting the others involved" I nod and bring him in for a hug, rubbing my hand on his back, he squeezes me tightly.

"How much further can it really go?" I hear Han mumble under his breath in a sing-song tone.

"Oh you want to find out?" I respond, quickly checking in with Felix who nods at me before taking off to chase Han around the balcony before grabbing him amd picking him up, carrying him back inside trying to escape my grasp "no im sorry! Let me go" he says laughing and I place him down.

"Up to your shenanigans this early in the morning already" Lee Know says, covering his ears at the noise. I laugh and make my way back over to the door of the balcony.

"You ok Lix?" I say, joining him back outside.

"Yeah just processing everything has happened.."he drops his head again. "I'm really scared to fall for you. I am further than the no return point and... it scares me..." a tear escapes his eyes and runs down his cheek.

"Hey, come here" I wipe his tears and pull him into a hug. "I am not going anywhere Yongbokkie, I have loved you for years and I'm not about to stop now" I say, felling my own heart skip a beat as the words escape my mouth. Is it too soon to say that? I feel myself get worried now.

"I love you too" he says quietly in between little sobs on my chest. I kiss his head and hold him tightly until the gentle sobs subside. He picks his head up to face me again. I take my sleeves to wipe the last of his tears and give him a warm smile, taking in the cuteness that is present in front of me.

"Ok, I'm good to go back in now" he hugs me tightly one more time before turning and walking toward the door, holding my hand until we get to the door and with a final squeeze letting go of it.

Everyone in the dorms gets quiet when we walk back in and Chan rushes over to Felix.

"Everything ok little bro? What's wrong?" He asks, cupping Felix's face with worry in his eyes.

"N-nothing." Felix says gently "I think I am just overtired from the busy week.." he says, giving Chan a reassuring smile.

"Well go lay down and the pick a movie, we can stay home today. Ill go make you a cup of hot cocoa and bring you the last remaining brownie" Chan says, signaling for me to take Felix to the couch before he walks into the kitchen to get a mug.

I sit down on the couch and put the cushion between my legs, laying him down and wrapping my arms around him, gently giving him a hug. I can feel his body relax a bit and he melts into my chest. Chan came over with the mug and brownie and covered Felix and I with a blanket, handing me the remote.

"Thanks Chan" I say sincerely, he is taken aback by the lack of playfulness in my response but smiles at us and leaves us be. I put on one of Felix's favorite feel good movies and gently rub his chest, leaving my chin on the top of his head. After finishing his cocoa and brownie he slowly falls asleep, softening me up with his cute and tiny nature. I let his warmth and presence take away all my worries and start to doze off myself.

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