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*Hyunjin POV*

As I was brushing my teeth I could hear the others gathering in the kitchen and laughing about I.N's dream that he had where he was in a dance battle with aliens in a spacesuit. "Man that kid has the weirdest mind" I let out a small chuckle.

"Hey Hyunjin, slowpoke, get out here!" I hear Chan say in his dad voice.

I walked out of the room to see them all sitting around the table, the wonderful smell of pancakes filled the air, making my stomach rumble. I go to join them at the table and lock eyes with Felix as he turns around at the stove. He really is the best cook, especially when it comes to brownies. I felt myself licking my lips which made Felix give me a small smile.

"Hello... earth to Hyunjin" Minho said.

"He is too busy fighting off the aliens in his daydream" said Han, the group broke out in laughter.

I snapped out of my daydream about Felix and his brownies.

"What?" I asked, realizing I had missed a whole conversation going on.

"We were talking about going to that park nearby, the weather is so nice today" Chan repeated "did you want to join us?"

"Yeah sure" I said, "but first pancakes" I said raising my eyebrows and licking my lips, on purpose this time. This made Felix give me a big smile as he turned around to focus his attention back on his pancakes.

The group continued to chat about weird dreams while we waited for our food and ate. I kept stealing small glances from Felix while he was in and out of the conversation.

"Ok the first batch is ready, who wants it" Felix said singingly

All eyes turned toward me "I think we all know who wants to eat most. Mr. Has not stopped googly eyeing the pancakes since he came out here" Seungmin stated with a smirk on his face.

"Y-yeah the pancakes, right" I said, recognizing that the others had noticed my not so discreet looks toward Felix. This made Felix smirk sheepishly as he placed some decorative blueberries on the pancakes and added whipped cream.

I playfully skip my way over there and put my arm around Felix.

"Aww you made these special for me?" I said mockingly as I crunched shoulders and pressed him into my chest.

"All for you baby" he responded back playfully as he stroked my hair with the biggest smirk on his face. The others laughed and I made my way back to the table. Continuing to steal glances at Felix from across the table, making sure to be more discreet this time. I felt myself getting flutters every time I locked eyes with him and he just continued to smile at me. After breakfast the others went into their rooms to get ready to head to the park while I cleaned up kitchen.

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