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*Hyunjin POV*

We have been walking around the mall for 2 hours, I like shopping just as much as the next guy. I wish I could just spend some time alone with Felix,  I still don't know exactly what -this thing- is but we can't tell anybody until we know.

I stop in my tracks and hang my head back. "Guys I am seriously wiped from practice this week, I think I am going to call it a day and head back home." I groan and pout.

"Ok but you can't go alone" Lee Know says, looking at the others for volunteers.

"I can do it" Felix raised his hand. "It's the least I could do for my knight in shining armor" he says mockingly while nudging me with his elbow.

"Alright then, we will see you guys later." Lee Know says, grabbing Han's arm and dragging him away.

"You ready?" I say to Felix, putting my arm around him.

Chan, Changbin, Seugmin and I.N were still at the studio working on some music. We had the dorms all to ourselves.

"Guess there is nobody home" I raise my eyebrows and smirk, taking Felix's hand and kissing it.

"So what do you want to do?" I say suggestively but playfully. Winking at Felix dropping on the couch

He turns bright red. "Well..." he looks super flustered. And suddenly his face lights up "brownies!" He squeels, waddling over to the kitchen to get his ingredients. My face was so tired from smiling at him and his cute ways.

I join him in the kitchen, "reporting for duty" while pulling up my sleeves and tying my hair back.

Felix kisses me on the cheek and hands me baking chocolate, a knife, and a cutting board. "You my love, can get the chocolate chunks ready" and he happily moves on to mixing his ingredients while I chop the chocolate, sneaking a couple of pieces while Felix is not looking.

"Hey! That's for the brownies" he states with a very sassy look on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I mumble back, my mouth full of chocolate.

"Mhmm." He snaps back, "now give me that before the brownies become just chocolate cake" he takes the chocolate pieces from me and mixes them into the batter, spreading on the baking sheet, and moving it to the oven.

I wrap my arms around his waist and may my chin on his shoulder, giving him my best pouty look.

Felix wipes his finger through the bowl with the reminents of batter and snickers, wiping it right on my nose.

"Aaahhh!" I gasp dramatically as I stumble backwards, Felix laughing at his mischievous actions. Before Felix could react I run over to the bowl and grab it, running away while getting some on my own finger for sweet revenge. Felix chases me around the table and eventually catches up to me. I wipe the batter all over his cheek.

Felix gasps "hey! Thats way more than I put on you!" He whines. "Get me a paper towel please to wipe this off." He gives me the puppy eyes, melting my heart just a little.

"I have a better idea" I pull him close to me and kiss the batter off his cheek, licking my lips after. "Hmm delicious" smacking my lips. Felix started to blush but tried to remain his composure. He takes some of the batter on his finger and this time places it on his lips.

"You want to get that too?" He says seductively.

"Dont have to ask me twice" I grab his face and lick the batter off of his lips, sucking them clean. I could feel his body tense up and pull away.

I lick my lips and grin at him, Felix still tense in front of me.

"You're cute when you try to be dominant" I chuckle, walking back toward the sink to clean the bowl.

Felix grabbed my wait and turned me around, leaning me up against the counter.

"Who said I was done?" He whispers in my ear. Sucking it before kissing my neck, my body shakes, both from the kisses Felix is giving me and his cold hand reaching under my shirt, caressing my abs and squeezing my waist. My breathing intensifies and I start to feel desperate for more. Felix brings his lips back to mine and I take the opportunith to pick him up and sit him on the counter, having my way now.

I can feel Felix shiver by the touch of my hand on his back and feeling of me exploring his body, both with my mouth and my hands. Felix places his hands on my chest and pulls away from the kiss, breathing heavily.

"We should stop, the others could be home any minute" he says, his forehead touching mine. He is clenching my shirt with his hands.

"Your body says different" I respond lustfully. I never want this end, he is so mesmerizing it drives me crazy and leaves me aching for more.

"Don't worry Hyunjinnie, to be continued" he whispers in my ear and kisses my earlobe and my cheek. He winks at me and pushes me away. Leaving me groaning and pouty.

I wrap my arms around his waist again and lay my head on the crook of his neck. "Such a tease" I say playfully, still pouting.

"I learned from the best" he says, proud of himself for turning me into a puddle of desperation.

We were able to pull the brownies out of the over right when Chan and the guys came back from the studio.

"Ooooh it smells amazing" changbin sings while lustfully following the smell to the kitchen.

"What the heck happened here" Seungmin says, pointing to the mess on the counter and batter on the table.

Lix and I look at eachother and break out laughing.

"I will never understand you two." He says, completely done with us.

"Aww come on Seungmin you know you love us" I tease while hanging onto Seungmin's back so he can't escape.

"I hope the brownies are worth it" he says rolling his eyes.

"They definitely were for me" I say coyly.

"Huh?" Says Seungmin, still with a disgusted look on his face trying to wrangle me off.

I finally let go "oh nothing" I say, chuckeling as I go back over to Lix and gladly accept a brownie piece and do my happy dance while I eat it.

"Thank you baby" I say playfully as I head toward the bathroom to take a shower and get the batter remnents off me. Of course taking some time to daydream about the makeout session, trying to get my heart to slow down.

Ok guys, still not sure if I want to include smut in this story as I have never written it but let me know if you do want it!

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