Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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"The debate has begun," Sera's voice echoed, causing everyone to settle down into their seats. Olivia scanned the booths and every inch of the courtroom. High stakes had now been drilled around them.
She smoothed the skirt of gray Starfleet uniform before she sat down beside Callum and Leonard. Her eyes focused on the arguments about to begin. To watch her friend try and connect the dots to get the perfect agreement settled.
At least, that's what they'd gone over moments ago. They'd read over the rules of the council that may conflict with their ideas or a colony and protection for Recreations. But only they could only hold onto hope.
"This better go well," Alejandro smoothed his hair back, sitting in first of them all.
Ambassador clearly suited the star pilot with his calm and listening nature. Though it caused immense stress to weigh in on his shoulders. But he had faith that they could pull off a win, he'd helped many others before in court.
His wife sat beside him, smoothing her thumb over his knuckles. She was nervous as well, but she was clam with the idea of faith and hope. All that she could rely on was the outcome of this debate, slightly a trial underneath it all.
"It will," Callius offered reassurance, "With your help, they've probably got a fighting chance. Besides you of all people shouldn't be worried."
"Technically, I should," Alejandro retorted.
"Not really. I helped train both Elsa and Brystal. I'm not afraid of what's going to be thrown in their way. I know this time around, they can pull themselves together," Callius explained.
How odd to say after a heated argument with Elsa.
"How are you holding up?" Leonard whispered to Olivia, catching her attention.
Callum found himself anxiously tapping, too much stress being pressured. Jim couldn't even tell if Spock was nervous with how he stole glances of his father, Sarek. Maybe Uhura knew what was making the Vulcan hide his anxious state better than the Lieutenant Commander.
Her body and muscles were tight with trying to keep herself awake, even if Callum tried to help her with some coffee. She couldn't rest just yet, not without knowing the councils ruling. Despite, having her own doubts with how the trial would turn in their favor.
It was true that the Recreations needed a second chance. She'd watched her mother care and love for one years ago during her academy days. The only actual, man who'd ever felt like a father to her, Captain Lukas Bateson, who retired shortly from Starfleet when Amaya's betrayal happened.
And honestly, she knew everyone's fate couldn't be decided right away.
But she watched as Sera allowed the projection of Zach's brainwaves during his IQ questioning, worry spike in her body. Feeling like she was practically going off the rails. Maybe even worse than one of Callum's hyperventilating anxiety attacks.