Peter Pan - Wendy's Other Half

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A/n: Omg do you guys see that... it's actually a- a- chapter?!? *gasp*

ngl I came up with this on a whim lol, also totally not having a good laugh at my past chapter titles lol and also don't judge me, I got sick in the middle of writing and editing this. It might not be good lmao


Y/n's P.o.V


Usually, I don't take my sister's accusations to heart, as they were always so incredibly ignorant and downright stupid. This time, she took it too far. And I was about ready to throw hands with her, or engage in a screaming match.

"Y/N! ARE YOU LISTENING? I ASKED YOU A QUESTION." Her entitlement was at an all time high.

With nothing else to do but roll my eyes as Wendy came bursting through my tent room flap door, I scoffed a series of curses under my breath officially antagonized.

My younger sister came strolling up to my bedside and yanked the book I was reading from my hands at full force. Disrupting my peace, as she chucked it across the tent and stomped her foot into the dirt.

"HEY! I was reading that!" I scoffed.

"Well now you're not! See!" She pointed to the now muddy old book. The only source of entertainment Neverland had to offer aside from the random bonfire parties. Truth is, that book was the only thing keeping me sane, and she almost ruined it.

"Ugh Wendy what do you want?!"

I was grinding my teeth together, clenching my jaw in furry over how little knowledge Wendy had of me. All I wanted was some peace and quiet... for once!

"I want to know why you've told Felix that I called him scarface on multiple occasions! Even though it's not true!"

"Uh? First of all, I didn't tell Felix anything, you're just loud Wendy... Second, it's true either way. You've literally called him Pan's knockoff." I sat up in my cot and folded my arms, waiting for some ridiculous reply I knew was coming.

"You damn well did! If not, explain to me why he's over at my tent running his mouth about how angry he is with me!"

Why are we even arguing over Felix...?

"Aw?! Someone finally see past your nice girl facade?" That one touched a nerve.



Here's the truth incase you were wondering, actually you're going to need it. Pan and I don't talk, I don't talk to any of the lost boys. Personally, I'd rather keep to myself. It's easier to stay happy, if that's what we're going to call it.

The more walls you put up, the less likely you are to get hurt. Weakening the possibility for disappointment. Therefore... I spent majority of my days alone. Unless Pan had us do some training except (even then I don't say much), or if he sent me and some lost boys on a mission.

Yet, I'm still a closed book to them. So it's very unlikely that I'd be telling Felix such things. We were homies, but not even I'd go telling my sister's private conversations to him. Most of the time I hate her, but deep down she's the only family I have left. Even if she rarely talks with me.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now