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Plot : Taeil comes home after an exhausting day at work but a surprise that would change his life awaits him at home.

Genre : fluff/ non - idol au

Word count : 791


You wanted to cry holding the results of the pregnancy test you took a few minutes back

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You wanted to cry holding the results of the pregnancy test you took a few minutes back. Two red lines. That meant that you were pregnant. Happy tears already made their way outside of your eyes as you held the stick close to you and thought about what reaction would your husband give you. You couldn't help but feel scared at the thought of being a mother and being pregnant because as far as you had heard, it was a very difficult and painful process. But all that was shadowed down by the excitement of having a little version of you and him running around the house.

You quickly made your way outside of the bathroom and went to call your mother to tell her the good news. Finally after 2 years of marriage you were having a baby. You shook your head as you chuckled thinking about the number of times both your parents had asked about you both having a baby.

Talking to her made you feel a lot more relived and you were grateful that she was willing to even come over with your father to stay at your place during the time of pregnant so that there would not be any problems or issues of household chores. You had a job but it was a stay at home one which came into favour in this situation.

You talked to your mother on the phone for hours and planned on how to surprise Taeil once he got back from his work which won't be soon since he was the manager of the department he worked at in the office. He had to work overtime at times but he always made sure to call you to inform and ask if it was okay.

You got up from the bed as you went to get dressed after the decision was made to go out and buy things to surprise your husband.

Time skip

8:03 pm

You glanced at the watch as you heard the door of the house open. You were glad he was back on time today. You had prepared his favourite dishes and then planned to give him the surprise.

"Hey love, how was your work?" You asked as you took his bag and overcoat in your hands, giving him a small peck.

"It was great. Not much happened but you know as the manager I had to stay back for a meeting of all the department heads." He said sighing and rolling his eyes at the thought of having to stay back.

"It's fine. You are the head for a reason. They go home quick because they don't really contribute to the company as much as you do."

He just nodded and went to wash up as you started to set up the dinner. He had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at the plethora of things you made.

"Wow, is there something today? Why did you make so much?"

"Nah I was just feeling like cooking a good dinner for you today."

He smiled as he dug in and gave you at least 10 different compliments on how good each dish was.

After dinner you both were sat on the living room couch, cuddled up watching a movie when you thought of giving him the surprise. You excused yourself to go to the 'restroom' and came back with the gift in your hands.

"What's that?" He asked when he noticed it.

"It's just a small gift I got for you when I went shopping with mom today." You said, the nerves finally lumping in your throat as you thought about his reaction.

"Oh that's sweet of you thank you love." He said as he took the box from your hands and opened it.

He looked confused at first on picking up the tiny sized shirt but as soon as he read the text, his eyes widened.

'Family's newest addition coming in 2024'

His eyes watering, hands shivering, he grabbed the test result which showed positive. He finally spoke, his voice shaking.

"Are you for real right now?"

You nodded , your own tears rolling down your cheeks as he immediately pulled you in a tight hug whispering his much he loves you and how thankful he is for you.

"I love you too baby. Thank you so much for this. We are finally going to be parents."


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