The Banacht

30 15 21

Jan 9: write a story set on a high school stairwell

I stood rigidly, staring out my room window wistfully, wondering when I'd be back home, far away from this madness.

I was given two weeks.

"If he doesn't discover his own path of magic within this period of time, then he leaves."

The guardian that walked me to the headmistress's office scoffed.
"No one has lived to the age of five without discovering their path. You're wasting your time on this kid."

Yeah, I don't wanna be welcome here either but you don't have to be mean about it.

"Tyler's father was a fire bringer. His mother, though I've never seen her, was rumoured to be a water bringer. An offspring of them both can't possibly not have a path."

The guardian pressed her lips into a thin line and after a moment of tense silence, nodded before walking me out of the office and taking me to my room.

It was a week ago, but it was still fresh in my mind like flowers opening up from their buds.

My mind was whirling. In my 18 years of existence, I've never heard of magic abilities or stuff like that. My father never told me about this stuff.

Heck, he didn't tell me he was a fire bringer.

And my mom?

"Tyler, the principal just announced that that there's a morning assembly in a few minutes and we're all supposed to be there before it starts. That's 10am," Kevin rambled as he burst into my room without knocking.

He was fond of that.

"I'll be there," I answered quietly without turning back from the window.

He chuckled.
"Well, if you're a second late, the doors close by themselves so hurry. And by the way it's 9:55."

Then he left, the door shutting with a click.

I sighed and turned away from the window, grabbing my phone to head out.

Kevin is the only person here that I talked to. He wasn't actually a friend.
Because we weren't so nice to each other.

But during my stay here, he's been helping me for some reason and telling me stuff I should know.

He was kinda mean and rude sometimes but he was the only person who bothered to talk to an outcast like me so I appreciated that.

It didn't take two days for the news of a guy who didn't have any ability to spread round the school like some epidemic.

Everyone whispered as I walked through the cafeteria and shifted away like I was the weird one.

And then the bullies.

The first encounter I had with them was during lunch three days ago.

They made me to spill my food all over the floor and just laughed at me and left me there.

The second time was yesterday.
I was walking past them with a book in my hand, my attention was on anything but the book.

I didn't see when the guys walked up to me and I bumped into them, my book slipping out of my hand and landing on the ground.

I crouched down to pick the book up but one of the guys kicked the book away from my grasp.

I looked up at them.

"Get lost," one of them said, motioning with his head to the side.

I scrambled up and ran out and stayed in my room for the rest of the day, sulking.

It had only happened twice but I was fed up.
I had patience the size of the fragment of an atom and my temper was quicker than the speed of light.

Okay, I'm a science nerd, kill me.

My point was, I would lose it if I was picked on again and I wasn't a pretty sight when I was livid.

I was walking down the stairs and other students were pushing past me in their quest to reach the assembly hall before ten.

Meanwhile, I slowed down and stood there.

I waited for the stairs to be practically empty and then I began to climb down.

That's when the bullies decided to show up.

Without a word, one of them shoved me and I stumbled, nearly falling over.

That was all it took for me to lose it.

But I was personally surprised by what happened next.

I screamed and a blast of fire shot out of my hand, knocking one of the bullies down.

I realized he was fire proof beacuse he didn't get burnt.

I wasn't done, though even if I wasn't the person in control of my body at the moment.

I thrust my hands through the air and a section of the wall broke off and flew to another of the bullies, causing him to fly out of the stairs.

The last one was retreating as I walked towards him, my chest puffing and teeth grinding against each other.

I had anger issues, yeah. But this.

With one swift movement of my hand, the faucet from a nearby water fountain broke off and water spilled out of it and drenched the three bullies and other students who had come out to watch the dramatic event.

After a moment, all noise died down and one man stepped out of the dense crowd.

He raised a trembling finger at me.
"The Banacht. You're the Banacht!"


There was murmuring in the crowd and everyone stared at me as if I was a monster or something.

"The chosen one!"

The crowd suddenly began to applaud and in a matter of seconds everyone rushed towards me.

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