Prisoners of mine II

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Feb 29: pick a story you wrote this month and do a sequel from a different pov

Asher's pov

My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight when I heard a loud bang followed by the sound of someone hissing in pain.

Another bang came and the jingling of keys was heard next. Light footsteps, then silence.

I was the only one who got woken up by the sound apparently but what was that? I sat quietly and patiently in the darkness until I heard someone move.

“Jason?” No reply.

“Jade, Tom, Melissa, Ashley?”

“My name is Tess,” I heard a male voice say and I froze. “I was kidnapped and found myself here. Going through the same eh?”

I nodded even though I knew the person couldn't see me and tried to catch my breath. “Yes, we all went through the same. You said you're Tess? As in a girl's name?”

“Yes, I did.”

Damn, the voice was unmistakably male.

“But you–”

“Sound male? I know. It's…one of my powers.”

'she' said it like ‘powers’ was a trigger word that will blow the place up.

I chuckled and relaxed a bit before I started explaining things to him.

“People like us are rare. Kids that have these powers. Yes, we all do and that's the reason we're here. The kidnapper and his men want to take advantage of our powers, use us as slaves, carry out experiments in us, make us fight an army!”

“Woah, slow down. How do you know this?”

“He said it right to our faces. What do you think he wants to do with us?”


“Whatever, he's not doing anything with me. I'm going to leave.”

I scoffed and slumped back to my uncomfortable position on the ground.


“And how do you plan on doing that? Our powers don't work in here.”

“I knew that the second I landed here. I have an idea. But I will not tell you.”

“Why not?”

“We're in here together but we're still alone. We come alone, we leave alone.”

“Come on, everyone here can try to help one another and we can all leave together at once!”

“You can all help yourselves. I'm fine doing my thing alone.”

I huffed and lay there in thought.

“Okay, I understand you. So, what's your power…I mean powers? I'd like to know.”

“The obvious one, voice manipulation. Um, I can fly if I concentrate really hard and I can create portals–”

“Hold up, portals?!”

“Yeah, I just picture where I want to go and a portal appears, I step through it, I'm there.”

I could hear the smile as he spoke.

“That's your plan!”

“What're you talking about?”

“It's the most reasonable plan! Just like mine…”

“What are you talking about?”

I sighed, “I can teleport. The plan we came up with was similar, though it didn't work…I know, I know ‘what're you talking about?’ but I won't tell you until you agree to form a plan with us. Using your power will be much easier! You're like… a blessing to us!”

I was too loud and I woke the others up as a result.

“Asher?” someone called.

It took a while before someone noticed Tess. Once they did, it was screaming for a minute.

“Guys!” I hushed them and they finally calmed down. “She was just brought in minutes ago. She's just like us. Her name's Tess and she has cool powers, she can create portals, fly and…what was the last one?”

“Vocal manipulation,” she said in her deep manly voice.

“Woah,” Jason blurted. “Did you say she?”

“Guys, listen, “ I continued. “Since she can create portals, we can try to escape again with her help!”

No one said a word, “come on! We failed the last time because I wasted too much time trying to teleport. Using a portal will be much faster.”

By now the room was a little brighter as a result of the little ray of light that streamed through the small window at the corner.

“I never agreed to this plan,” Tess said and folded her arms.

“Please!” This time everyone was begging her. Some people were even on their knees. Of course he couldn't withstand the pressure and he eventually gave in.

“Great!” Tom said and clapped enthusiastically. “What's the plan?” He looked around at us.

Ashley shrugged, “why don't we just do the same thing we did before? The only difference will be that instead of Asher's teleportation, it's Tess's portals.”

We all agreed to it. It was risky and stupid and we didn't think it through, yes. Well, who will think when they've been locked in a cage for weeks and were in possible danger of being sent to war with very slim chances of making it out alive?

Don't even think of mentioning anything.

Everything went accordingly. The remarkably dense assistant came in once again, the spare keys were stolen(wonder why he even keeps those) and we got out of the cage.

I don't know about the others but my heart was beating twice as fast in my chest because what we were doing was really really dangerous.

One, yes, it was risky but that wasn't just it. The last time we tried it and got caught, we were sent back to the cage. We were told that if we tried to escape one more time and got caught, then we'd actually get killed.

I was like, “don't you need us for your experiments?” And he was like, “the experiments could be carried out whether we were dead or alive.”

Well, it's either we die or we escape.

As soon as we got out, Tess started to create the portal.

A few seconds later, the portal appears and we all rush towards it. I'm the last person in the line and I wait for the others to go as my heart is thumping in my chest.

Tess is in front of me and there's someone in front of him who's already in the action of jumping through the portal when to my dismay the kidnapper appears.

My heart drops and I just want to cry.

“Hey!” he screamed just as Tess is about to jump through. The kidnapper looks back and forth between us before bringing his arm around my neck and dragging me violently towards him.

I struggled but he held on firmly as I heard the crackle of the device he was going to use to end me.

Tess stood with half of her body through the portal and gave me a sympathetic glance.

“Go,” I told her with my eyes and smiled. She smiled back at me and nodded before jumping through the portal and closing it. And as it closed, I felt hundreds of volts of electricity run through me before everything disappeared.

He's narrating from the afterlife btw

...I like this one 50%

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