Bad idea right?

10 4 7

Pick your favourite album and write a short story with the same title as the 2nd song on it

I hadn't heard from Axel in a couple of months. I was doing well without him.

Or I thought I was.

I was at a bar with my friends and we were laughing and goofing off.

Someone accidentally pushed me as they walked past and the cup in my hand slipped and fell to the ground.

The crash that followed after made the room go quiet for a few seconds, but not long after, everyone went back to their normal business.

My friends resumed chatting but I scanned the room for the person who pushed me. My brows peaked when I noticed a brown haired guy smiling sympathetically in my direction and I gave him a small smile back before turning to face my friends.

A strange feeling ran through me. He reminded me so much of Axel. Brown, curly hair, tall, angular figure, that mischievous smile of his…

I snapped out of my daydream and fished out my ringing phone from my purse. An unknown number was calling.

I excused myself and walked to the bathroom before answering the call.



I froze. Millions of emotions washed over me in one second that I almost fell over.

“You there?”

“What do you want?” I snapped once I regained my composure.

He chuckled.
The sound made a chill run down my spine.

“Can you come over?” I sensed some undertone in his voice and I smiled to myself.

“Goodbye Axel.”

“Please…” the desperation in his voice was so thick. It was kinda hot.

I was playing it cool but deep down I knew I missed him. I wanted to come over.

“Where are you?” I was walking out of the bathroom now.

“I'll send you my address.”

I took my seat and hung up.

“Hey,” Miley called from the other side of the table and I looked up. “You okay?”

“Mmm?” I stuttered and picked up a glass of wine sitting on the table to take a sip.

“Are you alright? You don't seem fine.”


My phone vibrated in my lap and I glanced down for a second.

20 Cooper Square-------

I looked back up and made a long face.

“Actually, I'm not. I'm feeling a little under the weather. I should go home and have a good rest.”

I stood up abruptly and walked away after muttering a fairly audible goodbye.

As I walked home, I knew that what I was doing was wrong.

I had left Axel six months ago and it wasn't a very fond memory.

I cried for weeks but I eventually got myself back. I told myself I was done and I was starting afresh as a new person.

So what am I doing now?

If I went to Axel's tonight, we might start a new complicated relationship and the cycle of cheating and crying and arguing would begin once more.

But I missed him and I was feeling down like I sensed he was.

But seeing him tonight…

It's a bad idea right?

Fuck it, it's fine.

A few minutes later, I'm getting into my car, wrecking all my plans.

I know I should stop...but I can't.

I turn on the ignition and a second later, I'm on my way to his house.

As soon as I'm off, I begin to feel nervous and nauseous.

This was definitely a bad idea.

I closed my eyes for a second and the image of Axel flashed in my mind.

God, whenever I think of him my brain goes...blah blah blah.

I can't even hear my thoughts

I sigh.

Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend…

Biggest lie I ever said.

About ten tortuous minutes later, I pull up to his place on the second floor and he's standing, smiling at the door.

I smile slightly at him and in my head I'm trying to convince myself I've probably seen much hotter men….but I just can't remember when.

Each step I take, mind is yelling ‘I should probably, probably not.’

I don't know what exactly happens as soon as I meet him face to face, or afterwards.

All I know is that I'm sitting on his bed and were talking, laughing…

At some point, I started to feel guilty for lying to my friends.
Well, I told them I'll be asleep…but I never said where and in whose sheets.

“What do you say?” I'm dragged out my thoughts by his deep, smooth voice.


He's leaning closer….or is that my brain shutting down?

Okay so the album is GUTS✨ and it's by Olivia 💜 and if you've listened to bad idea'd know that the story is basically what the song it talking about:)

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