Currently on Mars

14 4 6

Feb 5: Write a short story titled currently on Mars

I had to stop lying to him.

"Are you okay?" he asked me for the third time.

My head was pounding and I gritted my teeth from the pain but I endured it and looked up at him with a bright smile on my face.

"I'm fine, just a little tired."

He nodded and sent me up to rest.

I stood up shakily and walked away, though I didn't miss the weary look on his face.

When I reached my room, I fell on the bed and groaned.

My head was pounding worse than ever and I was getting scared.

It reminded me of the days when we first met.
We talked about the enemity between the humans and the aliens.

They've never been at peace. If one sees the other, they kill.

It was that bad.

Either life form would teach their children that the other was evil, repulsive and couldn't be trusted.

And if the two different forms somehow became friends, they were banned from seeing each other again.

If it was the aliens that found out that their kind was with the humans they'll do bad things to them. They could capture them and use them as slaves, kidnap them for a huge amount of precious gems or torture them till they died.

They could even harm the family members too.

And the unfair part was that when it was the humans' turn, they didn't do anything brutal or cruel. They just sent them back to their home.

My head kept pounding, harder and harder till I couldn't take it anymore.

I let out a muffled scream as my body morphed into its original state.

I became slimy and pink and little horns grew on my head. My eyes, which were the only things on my face, were completely black.

I heaved a huge sigh when I realized the pain in my head had stopped.

When would this be over...

I was sent to Earth to discover more about the humans.

My people, the aliens, despite their pride believed thay the humans were the more successful kind.

We believed they were wiser and overall better than us and it was the reason their planet was the better one.

My family discovered one day, that I was part human. They still don't know how but I have the power to transform into one when I wish but I could only remain that way for a limited amount of time.

Thus, the torturous headache.

Harry has known me for a while now. Even if it's just a couple of months, it feels like I've known him all my life.

He's a complete contrast to what my family made be believe humans were.

He was kind, and humble and smart. My folks told me that humans were evil creatures.

But I've been lying to him.
He thinks I'm just a normal human who gets sick easily.

I have been getting bits of information about humans in other areas, though.

I've been discovering secrets we aliens never knew about.

At the end of each day, I usually teleport back to my home to relay information on what I'd learnt and I'd be sent back before the next day began.

I've been doing it successfully for while now but I've suddenly become scared that I couldn't keep up the façade any longer.

It was already 9:00pm, human time.

This meant it was my bed time and Harry couldn't come into my room.

I was ready to go back.

I slid my bracelet off my wrist and placed it on the bed.

Then I stood in the middle of the room and concentrated, my head facing upward.

Suddenly, I felt the familiar sensation of being burnt up.

In a moment, I arrived at home.


I couldn't tell you much about it but one thing you had to know: it was cold and red.

Pretty contrasting, I know.

It wasn't the place to live for a human, but it was home.

I searched around.
My people weren't around so I decided to wander.

I hadn't been here most of the time since the whole undercover thing started so I had to savour the view while I was around.

Just as I took a step forward form where I stood, I heard some strange sounds.

I looked around me but there was no one nearby.

The sound came again and I realized it was coming from my head.

I heard a familiar voice and my heart suddenly stopped.

"Hey! Where did you go?! You left your bracelet on the bed!"

Shit, Harry.

Different thoughts began to swirl in my mind. I thought of a million things to do to get out of the situation.

But I just gave up and sighed.


"Is that you? Where are you?"
He sounded really confused and distressed.

"The bracelet, my voice is coming from the bracelet."

I knew it was going to be hard to comprehend.

Then I suddenly remembered: hologram.

I concentrated hard and a holographic image of me projected from the bracelet, right in the middle of the room, causing him to stumble.

Yes, I was still in Alien form.

"What the...?"

I shut my eyes.
"It's me. I–I'm not...I'm an alien!"

I braced my self for his reply.
"What...?" was all that came out.

I finally opened my eyes and stared at him with newly found confidence.

"I lied to you, I'm an alien. I'm not human. I was sent to Earth by my people to learn more about you guys. I'm sorry."

He tried to speak, but was having a hard time.

His eyes roamed over my slimy, disgusting body and he took a step back.

"Where...where are you?"
His voice shook.

I sighed, my voice quivering as well.
"I'm currently on Mars."

His brows peaked.

Doesn't really match with the title but I had no other ideas. I decided to end it with the phrase instead

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