Prisoners of mine

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Feb 21: Write a story titled Prisoners of mine

Jason and Melissa sat at the opposite end of the cage, chatting while the rest of us sat or lay on the on the ground lazily.

I sat at the edge with my back to the iron bars, staring straight ahead.

“They think they have an army?” a muffled voice said from the other room and laughed. “yes, they might have a large number but a hundred of their people are no match for one of my children!”

I blinked and sat up.

What was he talking about?

“They will start training soon,” a different voice said.

Army? Who's fighting? us?

“Hey, Ashley!”

I raised my head up and saw Jason waving at me.

“What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost,” he said with a chuckle.

“Why should she be scared if she's seen one, I literally become invisible like a hundred times a day."

Everyone laughed at the comment and I gave a sarcastic one before shutting everyone up.

“What going on?!” Tom yelled impatiently.

I took a deep breath and began, “For once my ultra hearing came in handy and I overheard the kidnappeder say something about an army and how hundreds of people were no match for one of his ‘his children' and I don't know much about this…place” I gazed around wearily, “but I think by his children, he meant us.”

“So… we're going to fight a war?”  jade, the gothic one mummured from her spot in the ground.

“That was brilliant!” Asher said from his spot, “now we know we're gonna die! Good job!”

“Thank you!” I said and smiled, giving him exaggerated puppy dog eyes.

“I was being sarcastic,” he mumbled though I saw the faint smile on his face as he looked away.

I shook my head and sat up straight.

“Guys, we've been here for five days. We're all victims yes and we're angry but it would be great if we got to know each other better besides our names,” I said.

“You just want to know my power, Ashy,” Asher said with a cocky smirk.

My brows peaked in amusement, “umm, you're kinda right. But don't flatter yourself, I want to know everyone's power, thank you.”


“You know what, you can keep yours. I want to know everyone else's!” I said a little too aggressively and everyone stared at me awkwardly.

“Anyway, I have ultrasonic hearing. Tom, you next.”

“Telekinesis and invisibility.”

“Wow, that's so cool!”

“Thanks! Jade?”


“Damn,” Jason replied. “gets even scarier. I'm super strength.”

I nodded, impressed.

“Water,” Melissa chirped.

The entire room was silent, except for the occasional drip of water from the roof at the corner.

“Fine I have the power of teleportation!” Asher finally said.

“That…is honestly cool…but no one cares,” I said.

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